Awakening Pt. 2

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"Are you one hundred percent sure about your decision?" my mother asked as we walked down the hall.

After the decision to send me down was decided, the council had moved on to bigger issues, like the Winter Solstice and other stuff that I hadn't bothered to pay attention to, and had just stood there for the longest thirty minutes of my life. After the meeting was finally ended, Athena and Hades and Artemis had each come up to me to tell me to meet them at some point later on today. Feeling a bit overwhelmed from all the responsibility that was now resting on my shoulders, I had decided to go for a flight on Blackfire, when my mother finally caught up to me in the gardens.

And was now pestering me about my decision and spouting warnings to stay safe. At first, it was heartwarming to see her so concerned about me, but now it was just irritating.

"For the last time, I'm fine, mom," I grumbled. "I'll be okay. I'm seventeen now, not five!"

My mother flinched like I had slapped her. But seeing the expression on my face, her eyes softened and she sighed. "I know, I know. You've done all this training. You're beyond ready. But it doesn't stop me from worrying about you."

I sighed, my irritation vanishing like the morning mist in the sun. "I know you worry, but I'll be okay."

My mother looked at me, a deep, long, sorrowful look. "Be safe okay? I know you think you're ready, and you are, but this is the Lord of Time we're talking about. It's unlikely that he will come back, but finding out who he's playing with is a very dangerous game. Be careful." She hugged me tightly.

"I will mom, I promise. I have to go meet Lady Athena now," said, untangling myself from her embrace.

Hecate nodded once more and turned back towards the garden. I sighed and went on to Athena's quarters, where she was waiting for me.

"Athena?" I said as I cautiously cracked open her door. One can never be too careful when entering the goddess's private rooms, especially one of battle. To be honest, I was expecting hidden daggers to shoot out of the wall, ready to take my head off, so I kept a shield of shadows around me, ready to defend myself if anything happened.

A slight chuckle came from the edge of the room. I looked over to see Athena smiling at me. "You can relax your shadows," she said. "Nothing is going to attack you. I don't have any tripwires that you need to worry about. I fear that you are mistaking me for Hermes."

I gulped, reining my magic in. "I meant no offence, it's just-"

"Better to be prepared at all times," Athena finished, walking over to me. "I guess my lessons did go in that head, hmm?"

I nodded. "So, um, why did you ask me to meet you?"

Athena sighed. "I wanted to give you something, and to tell you that I'm sorry for shoving this burden on you."

I stared at Athena. It was so rare for the Olympians to apologize for things that just hearing those words from her stunned me. "I - I'm - it's okay," I got out. "I don't mind. And I know that this is the most logical approach to this issue. Besides, it's been eleven years of training, which will all go to waste unless I get out there. So really Lady Athena, I'm fine."

"Back to lady-ing me now, are you, Clari," Athena said, rubbing her grey eyes. "Well, anyway, I'm glad you don't mind, but be careful, alright?"

I nodded.

"Oh, and I wanted to give you this. I know you already have your daggers from your mom," she nodded at the silver circlets around my wrists, "but it's always a good thing to have more than one weapon in combat in case you lose anything. And, as you are skilled in many weapons, a range of them would also be ideal. So, I want to give you this." Athena handed me a silver necklace with a pendant of an aconite leaf, which was the sacred plant of my mother, Hecate. It's more common name is wolfsbane, or monkshood, and is highly poisonous. "It will turn into whatever weapon you wish it to and will return to you if you drop it in seconds unlike your daggers, which may take a few minutes. Just pull the pendant off the chain and it will turn into whatever you want."

"I-This-Thank you so much, Athena," I said gratefully. I took the necklace from her hand and fastened it around my neck. "It's so light! I can't even feel it," I said in wonder. I pulled off the pendant and willed it to turn into a bow. In a flash, a beautifully made ash wood bow appeared in my hand, along with a quiver of celestial bronze arrows. The aconite leaf was engraved above the sight window on the bow. "I'm calling the necklace Akonio and the bow Anemistiras," I murmured. (Akonio is greek for Akonite and Anemistiras is greek for Windblaster.)

Athena nodded appreciatively. "The engraving will show up on whatever weapon you want it to turn into," Athena informed me when she caught me studying the design. "And, the metal of the weapon can also be changed. It can be turned into celestial bronze, stygian iron, or seraphim silver like your daggers."

"Really? That's amazing. Thank you so much, Athena."

"You're welcome. And, I think you should leave now, as I can sense Artemis waiting for you. She will also brief you on the rest of your mission, as I must also leave due to other council matters. Remember, stay safe." Athena nodded to me and disappeared in a shining grey flash.

"Appreciate everything and all that," I grumbled to myself as I turned the bow and quiver back into my necklace and walked out of her rooms, "but it would have been very helpful if you also teleported me to Artemis' hall. It's on the other fricking side of Olympus!" I sighed and whistled for Avalanche. "I need a ride."

"Why don't you climb onto Blackfire?" she whined. "I may be a big wolf, but you're heavy!"

"Avalanche, you're the size of a hellhound! Besides, I really need that ride. And we're going to visit Artemis," I said.

"Oh fine, whatever," she grumbled.

I patted her soft white fur and jumped on. "Let's go."

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