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The early rays of the sun filtered through the window, gently illuminating a worn leather sheath, the hilt of a knife peeking out, on the bedside table of a girl with honey blond hair. Though it was not yet time for the wake-up call, she stirred restlessly, caught in the moment between consciousness and slumber.

The girl's eyelids fluttered as her consciousness returned, and her grey eyes immediately fell upon the weapon lying on her nightstand. She sat up, her golden tresses falling around her shoulders, and delicately picked it up.

She unsheathed it, a beautifully carved knife sliding out like silk, the celestial bronze glowing with an inner light in the warm sunlight. The girl deftly flipped it in her hand, the soft leather grip fitting her hand perfectly.

The knife wasn't hers. The girl knew that much and had a sinking feeling about who had left it there.

Sure enough, the note attached to the hilt was secured with a white rope made of the Mist, and, looking at the gleam of the bronze blade, the girl knew that this weapon was sharper than anything a mortal could make.

She smiled sadly at the knife before gently pulling the note off, the rope vanishing into the air as if it had never been, and slid the knife back into the sheath before tucking it safely into her belt.

The girl unfolded the note, her breath caught in her throat in worrying anticipation, and the elegant scrawl of the sender greeted her eyes, with only a short message on the paper.

This weapon is yours to wield until the day we meet again, on the same side of the battlefield. When this day passes, I will be but a shadow, a cursed memory for this camp, but you know the truth. Remember your oath to Athena and me. When you need my help, spill your blood upon this blade and help will be sent. Trust me that I will do all in my power to save this world. Protect Percy, protect the camp, and, most of all, believe in yourself. We will meet again when the dust has settled and the world has calmed. Stay strong, Annabeth.



I crumpled up the form letter that I'd found beside my bedside table and tossed it across the room, collapsing back onto my bunk with a sigh. I was the only one left in the Hermes cabin, as everyone had already left, and the people who were staying year-round were up and about seeing their friends and family off.

Avalanche whined in sympathy and licked my fingers, and I felt a smile tug at my lips. I sat up, ruffling her fun affectionately. "You're right. No point in moping. We've got work to do," I said, hauling myself up and grabbing my black duffel bag, the supplies I'd packed from Olympus all present, which was a miracle since this was the Hermes cabin. I guess Luke had given his siblings a scolding after the incident with my hoodie last time. I sighed and walked out the door without a backward glance, vanishing into the shadow-world the moment I was out the door.

I reappeared in the clearing next to Zephyros Creek, where Luke had designated as our rendezvous point. I knew that Ally wouldn't arrive for a while, since she was saying goodbye to her brothers and would need time to get here, even on Neraida, so I put my duffel bag down next to a bush and disappeared back into the forest, Avalanche on my heels.

It was almost eleven, and I knew that Luke was running out of time, as we were scheduled to depart at noon, so I picked up my pace, an increased sense of urgency running through me.

Avalanche led the way, her nose pressed to the ground, as we moved deeper into the forest along the creek.

Nearly half-an-hour later, Avalanche froze, her ears twitching as she scanned the undergrowth with her sharp eyes.

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