Stakeout Pt. 2

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Five hours. It's been five gods damned hours of stifling boredom and just me myself and I, sitting on top of the pillar right above the door. Yes, I started on top of the pillar behind Zeus' throne, but five hours of nothing will do things to people so I had been periodically switching from pillar to pillar, creeping across the precarious ledges that connected them. My only moment of reprieve was when Apollo had come in at around two-thirty, humming to himself, with a platter of chocolate and strawberry puff pastries. After he'd locked the door, I'd climbed down and we'd eaten them together in near silence. They were about the best pastries that I'd ever eaten. I had water in my backpack and some lunch, so I wasn't thirsty or hungry, but dessert was dessert. What can you do? After I was satisfied, Apollo left, claiming that he'd be back with more after dinner, and I climbed back up to my boring post.

That was about two hours ago, and the dreadful silence was starting to get to me. Plus, I could feel my arm becoming numb. I was about to switch my position from above the door to the pillar behind Hermes' throne when I felt my shadow alarm, which was five metres from the entrance to the room, triggered. Damn. It wasn't usual for Apollo to come early.

Something wasn't right, I thought. I couldn't feel an aura around the person. Shit. shit, shit. It's a demigod. I stilled, watching the room from above, while also doing a mental count of the demigods missing from the mess hall through my screen. There were five of them missing, so four were likely exploring the courtyards and gardens while one was right below me. Unless he had an accomplice, but my shadows only picked up on one person. I heard footsteps approaching and the door creaking open and tensed, but no one came into view. Probably hiding behind the very pillar I'm on, I thought. The only things worth stealing, I reflected, was Zeus' bolt, Hades' helm, or Poseidon's trident. I hope the demigod is just taking a look, I thought fervently. Because if he or she isn't, we're in trouble. Not that they would get away with it though.

Then, the door closed and the footsteps walked away, stopping just past my invisible shadow alarm. Just then, another presence triggered my alarm and I stilled even more but upon recognizing Hermes presence, relaxed. I exhaled, relief sweeping through me like a tidal wave. Then, I heard faint murmurs coming from outside. I strained to listen, but the heavy doors were shut and I couldn't hear anything. A sound abruptly cut through the air, and I heard the demigod saying something.

Flicking my wrist, I ordered a tendril of shadow to creep behind a patch of daffodils, and only caught a boy saying "There is nothing that needs explaining. Nothing that can be explained." The sound of footsteps faded away, likely heading back to the mess hall. I felt the ripple of power that was Hermes teleporting away and stared at the screen to see who was coming back to the mess hall.

I saw two boys going back, both of them with brown hair. Connor and Travis Stoll, I think. I dismissed them, as they were together, and those two were more likely pranking some nymphs instead of trying to steal something of that much power. A movement in the upper corner of my screen caught my eye, and I flicked my eyes over to see another boy with blond hair talking to a girl, who was waving her hands around animatedly, clearly excited about something. I sighed. I wasn't getting anywhere. Five minutes later, I saw a lone figure walking down the main road and I sat forward, almost falling off the ledge. Then, I realized that it was a girl, and sat back down with a resigned sigh. A long time passed without anything happening. Then, a familiar aura triggered the alarm and the doors creaked open.

"So, what's up?" Apollo said, closing the doors and locking them.

"It's six already?" I exclaimed, pushing my stuff away and flipping down.

"Was that necessary?" Apollo said, watching me with amused golden eyes. "Or are you just really bored? And yeah. What time did you think it was?"

"Five," I admitted.

Apollo wordlessly handed me my dinner (it was a sandwich) and dessert, which had two apple turnovers. "So, what's up? Anything interesting?"

I set my food aside and sighed. "About an hour ago, a demigod came into the room, but I couldn't see who It was because he didn't go into the room. He just stopped right behind the pillar next to the door and then left after a moment. Then, I heard Hermes come and talk to someone and the boy just yelled some angry stuff and left. Later, when I checked the cameras, the only person who returned to the mess hall by themselves was a girl." I threw my hands up exasperated. "So, I have nothing."

"It was probably just a curious dude who got lost," Apollo shrugged. "I wouldn't worry too much." He jerked his chin at my untouched food. "Eat. Hecate's coming at eight to pick you up. You only have two hours left; you'll be done soon."

"Good job." He clapped me on the shoulder and left, leaving me to grumble some unflattering things about him. I grabbed my food and climbed back up the pillar. I ate my food in silence, all the while staring at my screen.

Time passed excruciatingly slow, and after what seemed like an eon, I felt my mother coming and started to pack my stuff back into my backpack. The door creaked open and I grabbed my backpack, flipping off the ledge. I hit the ground, rolling, and came up to my feet just as my mother closed the door.

"So," Hecate said, surveying me. "How boring was the day on a scale of one to ten?"

I grinned. "Four thousand."

My mother smiled. "Let's get you out of here. alright?"

I glanced at the door, my smile fading. "Did Apollo tell you what I told him, about the demigod?"

My mother nodded. "Don't worry though. I don't think anyone would be so foolish to steal anything from those boys."

"Boys?" Did my mother just refer to the Big Three as 'boys'???????

"I'm a Titan, aren't I?" Hecate said, walking towards the door.

I hurried after her, wrapping my shadows around me. I guess you could say it was kind of like shadow-travelling, except I didn't travel through the shadows. The shadows were me in a way, and I merely transported myself through myself until I arrived at another part of the world. It didn't tire me out the way it would tire out a child of Hades, or so he said to me. I wouldn't know, as I've never met a child of Hades. My power would be almost utterly useless in a desert, but it wasn't like I was going to one anytime soon.

I started to trail Hecate towards my rooms, but something told me that I shouldn't just leave the throne room after I'd spent an entire day making sure no one came in. It seemed like a waste. Quickly, I set a shadow alarm around the perimeter, designed to alert me to the presence of a demigod. This way, I would know if anyone did try to take something. After I finished, I silently went off to my room with my mother, unable to shake the feeling that something really, really bad, was about to happen tonight.

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