Death's Love Pt. 1

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I walked through the courtyard, straight towards the steps of the palace. The courtyard here, strange as it was, with multicoloured mushrooms, poisonous shrubs, the biofluorescent plants that grew without light from the sun, and the jewels that substituted for the flowers, was beautiful, easily one of the most fascinating places in the Underworld, but I didn't have time today to stop and wander around it.

I ignored the tart scent of the pomegranate tree in the centre and its neon orange blooms and walked up the steps of the palace, through the black marble portico flanked by equally black marble columns, into the house of Hades.

When I reached the entry hall and its polished bronze floor, I unmasked myself. None of the skeletons guarding the hallway in military gear would be able to reveal who I was, so there was no need for secrecy. I nodded to the skeleton warriors as I passed, headed towards the doors at the opposite end.

Nodding to the two U.S. Marine skeletons guarding the doors, I flicked my wrist and my shadows swept through the hall in a gust of darkness, and the doors swung open.

I mentally braced myself and headed into the room, the door closing behind me.

I looked towards the throne and blinked in surprise. His throne, made up of fused human bones, was empty.

The door opened and I spun around just as the god said, "He's not here."

I watched Thanatos warily as he walked into the throne room, his dark wings shimmering in the torchlight.

I wasn't scared of him; everyone died eventually, and Thanatos was Hades' most loyal lieutenant. But he was rarely ever here, too busy reaping souls. If he showed up at the palace, then there was likely an issue.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

Thanatos tilted his head, his black hair sliding over one shoulder, and met my gaze with his honey-gold ones. "This is my home."

I sighed. "No, really. Why are you here?"

"Don't you think I deserve a break from reaping souls? Today's my break day."

I watched him coolly.

Thanatos sighed. "Fine, since you're just going to keep on pestering me until I tell you. I'm visiting a relative."

Oh? A relative? "Who?"

Thanatos glared at me and I fought the urge to gulp. "None of your business."

I raised my hands. "Okay, okay. Jeez."

Thanatos rustled his wings. "Why are you here?"

"I need to talk to Hades," I replied. "But he's not here."

"He has business to attend to," Thanatos informed me. "He'll be back soon. You can stay in your room until he arrives."

I sighed. "Today is still the nineteenth, right? My watch doesn't work in the Underworld."

Thanatos pulled out his black iPad. "Nope. It's the twentieth, two in the morning."

What? "Where the heck are they?" I muttered aloud. "There's only a few days left. How are they not here yet?" I ran my fingers through my tangled hair in frustration.

"Oh, you mean the demigods and the satyr?" Thanatos inquired.

"Y-you didn't . . . take their . . .souls, right?" I stammered, my brain immediately conjuring up the worst thing possible at the moment.

Thanatos snorted. "No. They're very much alive. However, unless Percy or Annabeth comes to their senses, they'll be stuck for a very, very long time."

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