Hidden Identity

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// OMG thank you, thank you all for the 1K reads! It probably doesn't seem like a big deal for you guys, but this is my first story so it means a lot to me! Thank you so much. Also, happy Halloween! 

Honestly, though, I'm kinda pissed off because where I live in Canada, it rains EVERY SINGLE YEAR ON HALLOWEEN and the one time I can't celebrate because of covid, it's sunny. What is this? 

Remember to stay safe and keep social distancing so we can help flatten the curve and life can get back to normal soon! Thank you all for reading this story and have a great Halloween!

I looked up to see the Empire State Building looming above into the clouds, and buried my hand in Avalanche's fur, mentally preparing myself for the shit about to go down in the council meeting. I'd managed to leave camp on the pretense that Chiron had sent me on an errand, promising to bring back some chocolate for Ally, and now, here I was, with Artemis' magic backpack, about to head into the lobby of the building.

Sighing, I pushed open the doors and walked right up to the guard at the front desk. "Blue orangeade," I said calmly.

"Sorry, what?" the man said, looking up from his phone. He peered at me from behind his glasses. Just then, he noticed Avalanche, who had plopped down on her haunches and was giving him a wolfy smile.

"Ah, sorry, Miss Claire," the guard said, flustered. "Here." He slid the key card over the counter.

"Thanks," I replied, taking the card. Once I was in the elevator, I slid the card into the slot on the side and pressed the 600th-floor button.

After what felt like an eternity of listening to muzak, the doors finally slid open with a ding and I sighed in relief as I stepped out onto the stone walkway.

"Petition for a change in muzak," I muttered as I walked through the winding streets towards the shining palace at the top. "The elevator ride is always hell on earth."

Avalanche snorted in agreement.

"I'm here," I called out as I pushed open the door to the throne room.

I stopped in my tracks, dumbfounded. All the gods and goddesses were already present, plus my mother and a certain god of the Underworld who I'd not been expecting.

"Hades?" I said in surprise. "You're here?"

"Zeus requested for me to come," Hades replied.

"Oh-kay," I said, and bowed. "Lord Zeus. Mother. And everyone else."

Ares glared at me, annoyance pouring off him in waves. I smiled brightly back at him.

Apollo snorted, trying and failing to conceal his laughter, and even Dionysus' mouth twitched slightly.

"Alright, down to business," Artemis said. "First of all, we'd like to thank you for all you've done this past half-year."

"I know it hasn't been easy, but you did your best and it was successful, so congratulations are in order," my mother added.

I bowed again. "Thanks, but I didn't really do anything. It was Percy, Annabeth, and Grover who returned the bolt."

"Modest as always, Sinclair," Poseidon said, "but my son and his companions would not have succeeded without your help."

I bowed again. "Let's not rehash this, alright? Why did you call me here today?"

"Somethings never change, do they," Athena said, smiling faintly. "Alright. No beating around the bush. We're gathered here to decide our plans for the next year."

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