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Luke's POV

I stared up at the depthless sky and the stars twinkling far above. I sighed. It was past midnight, but I couldn't sleep. I climbed down from the roof of the Hermes cabin and was preparing to go back in when I saw movement up on the hill.

I stared. It was a white wolf the size of a hellhound. I opened my mouth, prepared to raise the alarm, then shut it when I saw a girl slide off the back of the wolf.

What the blazing Tartarus, I thought. I immediately ran towards the top of the hill. Screw the harpies, I thought.

I reached the hill, right at the edge of the boundary, and stopped.

"Who are you?" the girl asked warily.

"Luke," I replied absently. "Is that your wolf?"

She shook her head. "My friend's." She suddenly lunged forwards, gripping my wrists. "Did they arrive yet?"

I shook my head. "We didn't get anyone. . ." I stopped when she sat down on the grass. "Please, no," she whispered.

The wolf padded forward and licked her. It growled softly, and the girl shrugged.

"Who's your friend?" I asked curiously.

"Rianna. My name is Ally."

I nodded. "Okay, Ally, we'll make sure to watch out for your friend. First, let's get you down to the big house, where you can explain everything to Chiron."

She stood up wordlessly and turned to the wolf. "Avalanche," she whispered, "can you go find Rianna?"

The wolf grunted. Ally looked at it, confused. "I don't speak Wolf. What does that mean?"

The wolf grunted again and promptly sat down. "You're saying no? But she's-"

The wolf huffed at her.

"Uh, "I interrupted. "It seems that your friend isn't dead yet. We'll sort this out. Let's go."

Ally nodded and followed me down the hill. I looked behind. The wolf was still sitting at the top of the hill, probably waiting for Ally's friend. I shook my head. Whatever.

Reaching the Big House, I knocked on the door. Chiron opened it.

"Luke!" he said, surprised. "what are you doing here at this ungodly hour?"

"Demigods," I said. I stepped back, revealing Ally.

Chiron's eyes widened. "You must be Allison," he said.

"How do you know her?" I asked.

"Rianna told me," Chiron responded. "Come, my girl. Where is everyone else?"

Ally shrugged.

"Ah," Chiron nodded. "Come in. You can tell me." He nodded at me, a clear dismissal. I left, thoughts whirling around my head.

Who was this Rianna? Another demigod, but she already knew Chiron. Who could she be? Was it possible that she was the one the Lord told me of? No, I reminded myself. He said it was a male demigod. Interesting, I mused. I hope she's not dead. Maybe she could be turned to our cause. She sounds powerful, with a giant wolf and such. The girl, Ally, as well. In the brief time I'd talked to her, I'd already sensed the power behind her eyes.

Ten minutes later, I heard movement up the hill. Annabeth ran out of the big house. "Luke? I thought you went back to your cabin."

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

Annabeth fidgeted uncomfortably. "I was talking to Chiron."

As if saying his name summoned him, Chiron emerged from the door as well. "Ally's resting. Exhausted from the day's events, poor thing."

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