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I looked at the boy standing before me. Well, not really boy, seeing that he looked about nineteen years of age, but you get the point. He had sandy blond hair and brilliant blue eyes, with a vicious looking scar that stretched from below his right eye to his jaw. He was muscular and tanned, and the casual way he had gripped his sword when I first arrived marked him as a talented swordsman. He was pretty good-looking, I gotta admit. This is going to become interesting, I thought.

I shook the hand he extended towards me. "Hi, Luke," I said. "I'm Rianna."

"Thank the gods you're safe," Ally said again, letting me go. "I thought that the hellhounds would have...you know."

I smirked. "They can't kill me that easily."

Luke was regarding me with an appreciating look in his eyes. "What?" I snapped at him.

A smile tugged at his lips, and he shook his head. "Nothing. You just remind me of someone."

"Okay, Rianna," Chiron said. "You two," he nodded at me and Ally, "Can stay here for the night. We'll get you settled tomorrow. Luke, you can go back to your cabin. I have to go check on Percy and Annabeth." He turned around and wheeled himself back into the sick room.

Luke bowed. "Dare I ask if I can have the honour of giving you the tour of camp tomorrow?".

I blinked in surprise. "Sure?"

Luke grinned. "Great. Good night, Rianna, Ally."

He walked out the door.

I stared after him. What. Was. That. Did he do this with all the girls? I mean, he just met me. Inside, I smirked. Luke, you're making this way too easy for me.

Ally grinned pointedly.

I shot her a glare.

"What?" she asked innocently.

"Let's go," I said, stalking down the hall. Ally followed, and I could hear her smirking at me.

The second we were in the spare guest room, the attack started.

"I ship it," Ally said.

"We just met!" I cried out, exasperated.


I huffed in exasperation. "He just asked to give a tour of camp!"

Ally nodded, her face completely serious. "Okay. But I'm gonna be waiting to tell you 'I told you so'."

I climbed into the top bunk and collapsed into the mattress. "We are not talking about this," I said, my voice muffled by the pillow. "Good night."

Ally chuckled. "Good night, Anna."


"Over here is the volleyball court," Luke said, waving his hand towards the group of campers. He glanced at me. "Though I'm sure you know that already."

I nodded. "Why don't we just go around the entire camp?"

He looked at me. "That's what I'm doing."

"And just show me the sights instead of explaining each one," I amended.

Luke looked miffed. "What, you don't want my fantastic commentary?"

I shot him a look.

He smirked. "Fine."

Ugh. It was so not fair that Ally had gone off with Grover, while I got stuck with Mr. I'm-so-hot-and-all-the-girls-like-me Castellan.

We had already past the stables, armoury, and arena, where I'd gone to visit Blackfire (who demanded another apple, which I gave), checked out the weapons (Luke had asked me to pick one, to which I said I already had, and he'd given me a scrutinizing look from head to toe - that was uncomfortable - but not seeing any weapons, so I'd transformed the ring Artemis gave me into a celestial bronze sword), and the arena, where he'd promised to take me to after the tour to see how good I was (I smirked at him when he said that, and we'd bet on who would win).

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