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"You did what?"

My heart was hammering with shock, and I stared at Luke in disbelief.

"How could you just . . . Percy's only twelve!"

"And?" Luke asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "It's for him. I had to put that aside."

I shook my head. "I can't believe you. Even if it's for his cause, you shouldn't have to drag Percy into god's damned Tartarus for it."

"Ri, you have to understand that I didn't have a choice!" Luke said in frustration. "I had to."

My dagger was in my hand in a blink of an eye, and I threw it right at Luke's feet. The blade sank up to the hilt in the dirt. Luke flinched.

"Of course you did," I replied frostily. "That's the problem."

"I thought you said that it would be for the better. How could it, when the very first thing you want me to do is to sit by and watch as a twelve-year-old is dragged into the pit? And for what? Just so he can rise? I can't see any situation when something like this could be for the greater good."

"Rianna-" Luke started.

I shook my head, turned around, and walked away, the different emotions in my crashing like a wave. Tears threatened to spill. How could Luke do something like this? Percy was only twelve. If this was his plan, I wasn't so sure that I'd be able to handle my mission without breaking into tears every time I saw Percy.

I couldn't believe that I'd kissed him, even if it was a lie. If he could give Percy something that would bring him to Tartarus, what couldn't he do? Just then, a thought crossed my mind. What if Kronos had ordered Luke to make me fall in love with him? That would be mighty ironic, I thought sardonically.

Luke didn't call after me.

I needed to get out of here and I needed time to think through my next action.

Just go after them, the voice called common sense said.

But then my ruse would be ruined, and everything would come apart. I had to save Percy, but I couldn't do it now. Besides, they were still quite far from the Underworld. I needed to come up with something before they got there. The tiny fit I just threw would show Luke that I wouldn't follow blindly and I had some lines that I wouldn't cross, but I still needed to do something that would prove myself.

I sighed and put my head in my hands. My life was a nightmare. "Mother, now would be a really good time for some advice."

An owl hooted in the woods.

Hecate didn't appear.

I rubbed my eyes. Think, think, think, I muttered to myself.

Wait. I sat up and looked towards the woods. Owls were nocturnal. Why would one be hooting during broad daylight? It was a summon, I was sure of it.

Checking to make sure that all my weapons were on me - well, except for that dagger - I crept into the woods cautiously.

The shadows cast by the trees instantly swallowed me, and I fought the urge to summon Avalanche. My wolf was with Artemis today, and I didn't need to disturb her hunt. I could handle myself.

You're just being paranoid, I told myself. The woods do not look more sinister, darker, and creepier today. It's just paranoia.

Unfortunately, I didn't believe myself.

I still couldn't believe what Luke had done. This morning, I'd gone to him to ask him about the shoes that he'd mentioned yesterday when Percy had IM'd us.

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