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Everything had started ten years ago, when a wise owl named Longclaw was taking care of Sonic. She was the last of her kind and one day had come across a blue hedgehog whom she had taken under her wing. Ever since meeting the small hedgehog, she knew that there was something special about him.

Not long after the two had met, Longclaw would also discover the power Sonic held within him. This power confirmed her suspicions, as she deeply believed that no power wouldn't be given without a reason. The hedgehog truly was something special and it was up to her to help him reach his true potential. As time passed and Sonic's power grew, Longclaw came to find that there were others who were interested in the small hedgehog. However, the others weren't interested in training the hedgehog. They were only interested in him for his power and wanted it for themselves.

Longclaw quickly realized this and knew that the only way to keep Sonic safe was by hiding him. Luckily for her, she knew the perfect location for an energetic little hedgehog to grow up in. Way before the two had met, she had discovered an island that had been abandoned for dozens of years. She took Sonic to that very island, and ever since then the two never left.

The island itself was rather special. Its landscape did not only feature tall hills and ever flowing waterfalls, but its terrain was generated in a way were certain parts of it generated loops. The island's greenery also seemed planted, as it was always in almost perfect squares. Whether this had something to do with the island's previous inhabitants or it was all natural, Longclaw could never figure it out.

On one faithful day that Sonic could never forget, he was once again running across the island, what else could you expect from him? This time he had explored the entire far side of the island and had found the perfect gift for Longclaw. He spun up into a ball and bounced his way up the suspended bridges to the hut on top of a steep hill.

As Sonic rolled in through the open door, he bumped into the large owl, waking her up from her meditation. He landed down on the floor on his back while giggling, as Longclaw sighed, "Sonic! Someone could've seen you."

"No one saw me," he brushed it off as he got up from the floor. "I'm too fast! And I wanted to bring you this," he said as he presented a bright yellow sunflower with pointy petals to her.

Longclaw smiled seeing the flower and was about to take it from him. However, a sudden thump outside the hut made her turn to the doorway, and what she saw behind Sonic made her eyes widen. A tribe of echidnas was right outside the hut and their weapons were pointed right at the two of them.

"Get down!" she yelled, and immediately threw herself over Sonic to protect him. With her legs she slammed the door shut before the echidnas' arrows could hit them.

The echidnas were not about to give up so easily as they had soon surrounded the hut and begun climbing in through the windows. Longclaw grabbed Sonic in her talons and leaped towards a window. The glass shattered as she blasted through it and took off to the sky.

Arrows were raining behind the owl as the echidnas began shooting after her. She flew higher and higher as she tried to escape from the vicious creatures. As the arrows continued miss them, the rain subsided. For a second Longclaw allowed herself to believe that they might have gotten away, but just then, a lone arrow was shot by one of the warriors and it landed right onto the owl's side. She winced in agony as the arrowhead pierced through her and at that moment, she lost her ability to fly. As she begun to fall from the sky, her wings instinctively wrapped around Sonic and kept him close to her as they plummeted down onto the ground.

Groaning she let go off the young hedgehog and got up. She helped him up from the ground, "Listen carefully, Sonic. You have a power unlike anything I've ever seen. And that means someone will always want it. The only way to stay safe is to stay hidden. And right now, I cannot come with you."

"No!" Sonic cried, "I... I'll do something about them! I'll shock them and they'll never come for us again!"

She coughed, "There's no time for that. And besides, you don't want to live only to destroy. You were meant for more than chaos. Even though I don't know why you have this power, I know it's for something bigger." Sonic listened to her words and tried to remember them the best he could. "Right now, you have to travel to another planet —one whose inhabitants are ignorant of the larger universal order."

 She reached into a pouch hanging on her side and took a small golden ring out of it. She had explained how they work countless times, but Sonic had never considered he would actually have to use them. The rings were capable of opening up portals to wherever its holder desired, but the power was finite: As the portal disappeared, so did the ring. That's why the rings were so valued, and they only had a few dozen left. The rings also allowed their users to see glimpses of other worlds if the holder so wished, but the power was hard to master, and Sonic hadn't learned it yet.

Longclaw threw the ring. For a second it glistened in the air, before growing and revealing a circular portal. The location it showed was an empty, dark forest. The trees in the forest were completely different from the ones Sonic had come to known during his life and despite only seeing a glimpse of the new planet from where he was standing, he knew it would be totally different from the one he currently was on.

"This world is on the farthest side of the universe. You should be safe there," the owl explained to the hedgehog who turned to her sadly.

"I don't wanna go without you!" Sonic cried out.

"You must!" Longclaw said and took yet another ring from the pouch. "For now, you can live on this planet called Earth but if its inhabitants, humans, ever discover you, travel here," she said and held a ring in front of Sonic's face. The ring spun between her feathers as golden dust flew out of it. Sonic looked through the small ring and on the other end he could see a planet filled with massive mushrooms. The valleys of the planet were painted yellow by the sun, but in terms of anything other than mushrooms, there was nothing. Longclaw threw the ring back into the pouch which she then handed to Sonic, "These rings will be your most important possession."

"But what if I tried to talk to them? Someone I could trust!" Sonic suggested. "There must be someone who can help!"

An angry huff made Longclaw raise her head to see the clan closing in on them. "Trust no one!" she said. "Promise me!"

"I..." Sonic hesitantly said. A promise like that was a big one, and it would be hard to keep, but knowing Longclaw, she most likely was right and there really was no one there who could help. "I promise."

"Never. Stop. Running. Now go!" the owl instructed him.

Sonic jumped though the portal running further into the new world. He glanced back to see Longclaw spreading her wings to prevent the echidnas from getting to him. The pouch he had been holding on fell to the ground as he realized what she was about to do. Running back toward the portal he cried out, "Longclaw!"

"Goodbye, Sonic," the owl said with tears in her eyes as the portal began to close. She didn't want to leave him, but she knew this was the only way to make sure he was safe.

"No!" Sonic cried and leaped into where the portal had just been, only to realize he hadn't made it. He panted as he watched the last golden particles dissipate leaving him in the mercy of the darkness. For the first time in his life since Longclaw had found him, he was in an unknown place and all alone.

 For the first time in his life since Longclaw had found him, he was in an unknown place and all alone

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AN: Hello everyone! I'm ʞsnᗡıso⅄ and this is Levitating. This prologue doesn't really reflect the rest of the story, but I felt that I should still include it as it is important story wise. I love reading comments so feel free to comment and most importantly, I hope you enjoy the story!

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