5 « Robotnik »

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In the attic of the Wachowski residence was Tom who placed Sonic down on the floor. "All right, stay here. And be quiet," he said and started climbing down the ladder

"Good plan. Great plan! We're already working so well together. Practically finishing each other's sentences," Sonic said excited to finally talk to someone. Tom glanced at him before leaving the attic as Sonic said, "Okay, bye."

Back downstairs, Y/N was looking out the window by the front door. After Tom had left with the Blue Devil up to the attic, a man had appeared on the driveway of their house and began searching around it. The man was dressed in an almost completely black outfit, consisting of a long coat with some red lining on the inside, as well as a pair of black trousers. He crouched down on the driveway his attention glued to something and brought his hand over whatever it was. Red lasers that originated from the man's glove flashed against the ground as he was seemingly scanning it.

Who exactly was this man? Had he been sent here by the government or was this one of those UFO nuts that you can read about online. The large truck he had arrived with definitely confirmed he had money for whatever he was doing, so at least he had funding. Or maybe he simply happened to be a rich UFO nut.

Despite the appearance of the odd man in her front yard and all the question's he was raising, an even more set of pressing questions was bouncing around in Y/N's mind. That man had come here for the blue creature, but what on Earth was that then? The Blue Devil was definitely more than a normal animal. Just by a quick glance you could just assume it maybe was a stuffed toy, because it didn't look natural at all. What kind of animal has blue fur? Maybe a mutation. Crazy Carl had thrown that theory to Y/N at least once, and now seeing the creature, it would make sense. Only where would a mutation like that get it's start? Some sketchy chemical factory probably. Or maybe the creature was manmade. It had escaped its creator, the man now exploring their front yard, and hid itself here. There was one thing in its speech however that would indicate differently: It had asked why it was still on Earth. That indicated it was trying to leave which probably meant it wasn't from here to begin with. But then again, it did talk pretty perfect English.

Just what was today turning into?

Tom returned downstairs and Y/N glanced at him as he took a look to see the man outside. "What's he been doing?" he asked her.

"Just staring the ground very intensely. He just arrived a moment ago," Y/N said. "What do you think he wants from the Blue Devil?"

"Well if it's an alien of course the government is interested in it," Tom said and then pulled the curtain back over the window. "Let me handle this and stay quiet, okay? I don't want anything happening to you."

"Got it," Y/N said and left to the kitchen.

Tom took a deep breath and opened the door. "Hello there!" he shouted to the man who quickly turned to look at him. "Can I help you?"

The man got up from the ground in a quick motion and began making his way to him. As he got closer Tom noticed the odd moustache the man was sporting. "Good morning, my rural chum. I'm... from the power company, investigating the blackout," he said and walked up to Tom's porch, "If you don't mind, I'd like to take a few readings inside your house?"

Tom knew immediately that something was off but decided to still play along for a moment. "No kidding? You're from the power company?" he asked, and the man quickly nodded. "Oh, you must know my buddy Spencer. We play softball together."

"Ah! Spence," the man laughed glancing away from Tom, "He's a good man."

"Yeah, yeah," Tom said as this confirmed his suspicions. This man most definitely was not from the power company. "Oh, jus— Come on in!" Tom said waving for the man to come inside.

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