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Rachel huffed as she was waiting for someone to answer her call. She was standing in front of her house between a tow truck and her own car which's windscreen was full off parking tickets. "Pick up, pick up, pick up!"

"Hello? Green Hills Police Department," Wade answered while munching his donut.

"Hi! I need to speak to Tom, right now!" Rachel replied impatiently.

"I'm sorry ma'am, Tom is actually on vacation getting some much-needed R&R."

"On vacation, my ass!" Rachel practically screamed.

"He is on vacation I'm following his Instagram feed."

"Hell have no fury like a divorced woman who had her car stolen and wrecked!"

Wade thought for a moment thinking about what his friend was being accused of. "Well that does not sound like something Tom would do," he said and laughed, "I tell this to a lot of people, but I've been ice fishing with Tom—"

"He's an idiot!" Rachel yelled cutting his story off.

"This may be inappropriate," Wade said and laughed, "Are you feeling a connection right now? Over the phone? 'Cause your voice is just kind of... uh, calming me down."

Rachel stared in front of her not knowing how to react. She laughed, "Stop."

"I would love to continue this police interview in person. Are you fre— Are you free tomorrow by any chance?"

"I am, I... My kid and I are having... dinner, it's lasagna-Wednesday," Rachel laughed.

"Ah, that sounds great, I'll tag along," Wade said laughing. "No, I'm just kidding. I'm, I'm kidding, unless you're uh, inviting me. Are you inviting me? 'Cause lasagna is my favorite!"

"Okay! Yeah! 7-o'clock, my place," Rachel said surprised how this had turned out.

Wade took out a piece of paper and began writing on it as he asked, "What is that address again?"

"Find me," Rachel said and hung up the call as she smiled to herself.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Everyone just hangs up on me," Wade huffed and placed the phone back on its place.

The following couple days went by peacefully as the Wachowskis did their best to fix up the house after the drone incident. They had also done certain other things, such as picked up Ozzy back from San Francisco using Sonic's rings and gotten Y/N a new camera. Tom's warrant had also been taken out and he was given vacation following the rather surprising incidents.

On a certain Wednesday afternoon Tom and Maddie were repainting the house following the damage the drone incident had caused. "You got enough there?" Tom asked as Maddie was dipping her brush in the paint.

"Yes, Mr. Manager," she jokingly answered as Tom hold his paint roller close to her face.

"Need any more?" he joked as Maddie ducked from the roller.

"You get that away."

The two continued on with painting before a knock interrupted them and they turned their heads before looking at each other.

Y/N who had just walked by the door partially opened it to reveal a man dressed in a uniform that had badges of several kinds on it. It didn't take a genius to realize the guy was some sort of government official. On the man's jacket was a name plate reading "Walters" which Y/N assumed was the man's name. Even though several days had passed since the incidence she was pretty sure this had something to do with it. "Hello? Can I help you?" she asked warily while still holding onto to the doorknob just so she could immediately close it if she needed to.

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