4 « The Blue Devil »

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The power surge Sonic's outburst had caused ended up being much larger than just Green Hills. In fact, it caused a massive blackout in all of Pacific Northwest. Because of this, the government immediately called upon an emergency meeting. A group of government officials were soon trying to decide how to act upon the unprecedented situation.

The meeting was led by commander Walters and quickly came to the realization that they had no clue as to what could have caused the blackout. To hopefully find the cause as quickly as possible, Walters suggested sending a technological genius named Dr. Ivo Robotnik to try and figure everything out. The group's opinions on this were mixed as the Doctor had a tendency to be somewhat... weird, but Walters committed to his decision and gave him the order despite protests from the others.

The following day the baseball field of Green Hills was covered with military personnel and other government workers. Dozens of tents had been set up on the field and in the middle of it all was a large black truck. White egg-shaped drones were flying both in the field and the areas surrounding it as the search for the cause of the blackout was being tracked. It was clear that the man in charge of the search knew what they were doing as the search units were quickly pinpointing one very specific location in the woods of Green Hills. That specific area being right by where a certain blue hedgehog lived.

"Okay, okay, everything is fine," Sonic said as he spied the search units from behind a large rock, "You played some baseball, got a little upset, lightning shot out of your butt, and now they're coming for you." He took off and ran back to his cave, "All right, all right. Earth isn't safe anymore. Time for plan B. Mushroomville. But I gotta take my stuff. Okay, essential items only," he said as grabbed his backpack and began to frantically run around the room while picking up stuff, "Okay, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair gel, night-light. Funny hat. This half-eaten cantaloupe." He threw the items he had picked into his backpack and continued looking for more essential items to take with him, "Oh, and my scented candle. My entire comic book collection. Bean bag chair. Can a bean bag chair fit in a backpack? No, no, no. Of course not. That's stupid. Okay, what else? The rings! The rings, yes, of course."

He took the rings and wore the backpack ready to throw the ring, "Here we go. Ring time. Mushroom planet, here I come." Voices came right outside the cave and he knew that now would be the perfect time to throw the ring and escape as no one could ever be able to tell that he had been there. But there was one problem: he didn't want to leave. "Oh, no. They're right outside. I gotta go somewhere else," he said and ran to the exit of the cave. Before leaving he sadly turned to look at what he had called his home for the last ten years and sadly sighed, "Goodbye, cave."

Tom's morning that day hadn't been too exciting as all he had really done was packing more moving boxes. To him however that was no problem as even that was more exciting than waiting for cars alongside the road. As he was drawing on a map planning his drive from Green Hills to San Francisco his phone rang and he quickly picked it up, "Hi."

"Hey," Maddie replied back.

"Whatcha doing?" Tom asked.

"Just coloring with Jojo and Rachel," Maddie answered.

"Ah, that sounds... half-fun," Tom said referring to Maddie's sister Rachel who had never really liked him that much. He walked away from his map and to the kitchen. "Hey, exciting stuff here. We had a power outage. The whole town went dark. It was like a sign telling me to get out of Dodge."

"Wade must've lost his mind."

"Yeah. And he does not have much to lose," Tom replied. "How's your sister? Did she convince you to leave me yet?"

"No, but she did tell me to check your phone for dating apps," Maddie answered.

"The only apps on my phone are the ones that came with it," Tom said and then added, "And the Olive Garden."

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