Pierce and Noi x Reader 💙🧡| [PT. 1] | One-shot

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Request - @CherryblossomLv5

Note - I didn't know what to put as a title for this one-shot.. so~ if any of you have ideas, lmk! Oh and also, @CherryblossomLv5 sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted, but I tried my best! 💞


Statuses - Close friends/Crush
Setting - Sidewalk, afternoon.
Your P.O.V
Me, Noi and Pierce were out in the city to explore, since they wanted to see more of the outside world.

We got some food and decided to walk for a bit. While we were walking, I saw a homeless family. 2 children and one mother, they looked really hungry. As well as they were dressed in tattered clothing.

I decided to walk over to them, Pierce and Noi following behind me, confused.

"Hey.. are you guys hungry? I can help you guys out." I offered, flashing them a friendly smile.

"Please.." The mother begged. I give them my food, which was barely touched and about $100 dollars so they could get some proper clothing.

They thanked me profusely and I responded with a smile. Me, Pierce and Noi continued our walk.

"Y/n, why did you give those humans your food and green paper?" Noi asked, puzzled.

"Because, they were really hungry and they didn't have enough money to buy food and proper clothing. And I like to help people out, even if I don't get anything in return. All I ask from them is to share the kindness to those who are also in need." I explained, smiling.

Noi and Pierce nodded.

"You are a very kind and caring human, Y/n." Pierce said.

"Thank you, Pierce!" I beamed, flashing him a warm smile.

"Do you guys wanna do something?" I asked.

"What is there to do?" Noi said.

"Well, we could go to the park.. or something." I responded.

"Oh! That's where Ava took us last time!" Noi beamed.

I nodded and smiled.

-3rd person's P.O.V-
While they were walking to the park, Y/n spots a few teens playing tag along the side walk. She smiles.

But then one of the teens who was running from the other, suddenly ran across the street, without looking or paying attention. The teen's group of friends yelled his name, calling him to come back before he gets hurt.

There was a speeding truck headed towards the teen's way. Y/n quickly runs to the teen in full speed, attempting to save him.

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, atleast to Y/n.

Pierce and Noi widened their eyes in shock, and raced to Y/n, before she could do anything that would harm herself.

But it was too late, Y/n had already pushed the teen out of the way and took the hit instead.

After the truck passed, there laid Y/n's unconscious body, covered in blood. As well as teen, who was sitting on the other side of the side walk. In shock.

Pierce and Noi froze, their eyes widened as tears formed.

Pierce was the first to move, running quickly to Y/n, taking her upper body into his arms, followed behind him was Noi, who sat beside him.

Noi started crying silently, whimpering. While Pierce tried to remain calm, but failed. Pierce's tears ran down his cheeks as he caressed Y/n's cheeks.

The group of teens called in an ambulance, which arrived almost immediately.

They took in Y/n in the stretcher, followed by Pierce and Noi.

Noi sat in the ambulance, in front of Y/n, his hands intertwined with hers, while sobbing. Pierce was looking down at the ground, silently crying.

Pierce wasn't the one to cry, he controlled his emotions quite well. But on the other hand, Noi was probably the most emotional.

Pierce wiped his tears when they arrived in the hospital. They took Y/n away and made Pierce and Noi wait outside.

Ava and the other Daemos arrived. Ava looked horrified and upset, while the demons looked confused and afraid.

"W-Where's Y/n?! W-W-What happened?!" Ava stuttered, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"They took her away," Noi sobbed.

Ava sat down beside them.

"N-Noi, what happened to her?" Ava questioned, clutching Noi's shoulder.

After explaining to Ava what had happened, Ava silently gasped.

"Stupid Y/n... Why would you do that?" Ava asked herself, whimpering.

"A-Ava, is Y/n going to be alright?" Pierce questioned, his voice slightly cracking.

"I-I.. I dunno, Pierce." Ava replied.

The group all sat down, waiting impatiently for Y/n's doctor to come out and tell them the news about Y/n.

Okay, that is the first part done! I have to admit, it was kinda hard writing this. But anyway, hope you enjoyed! 💖

Next part will be out soon! 🌴

Hope you all have a good day/night! 💕

-Rose 🌹

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