Clingy | Leif x Reader 💚| One-shot

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note: ever since Leif has been on earth, he's been more.. perverted. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Keyword - Caress = Kiss

Relationship - Dating
Setting - Your house
Current P.O.V - Your P.O.V

P.S: Please read note after you read the one-shot! thank youu! 😊✌🏼

"Hey Ava! I was wondering if you want to hang out?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure! I have nothing to do right now, so yeah!" She agreed.

"Alright! I'll see you—" I got cut off when a pair hands snaked around my waist.

I yelped and turned my head, seeing Leif nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Y/n? You okay?" Ava asked, concerned.

"Y-Yeah, I— I'm fine! I'll talk to you later, alright?" I said.

"Alright, bye!" She said, before I hung up.

"What's up with you being clingy the past few days?" I chuckled, turning around to hug him.

"What? Can I not give you affection?" Leif said.

"No, I love affection. You've just been more flirty and clingy than usual." I replied.

Leif said nothing and began to give me butterfly kisses on my neck.

I blushed profusely and chuckled.

But then he started sucking on it, making me flinch and push him away slightly.

"wOAH, Leif. Don't go there yet. I'm too young to get offspring." I said.

"You're 24," Leif complained.

"yeah! And we aren't even married yet. We can.. do it when we get married. Until then, don't pull any stunts." I said.

"Why not?" He whined.

"I just told you— didn't you listen?"


"Of course you didn't." I scoffed.

Leif snickered and pulled me closer.

"Okay, Leif, you gotta let me go. I need to get ready to hang out with Ava." I said, trying to push him off when he wasn't letting go.

"Ava can wait!" Leif scowled, carrying me to the bed.

"Leif, no— I gotta go get ready." I said, trying to push him.

But he hovered above me.

"Leif, I swear to god. If you don't let me go, I'm going to forbid you from kissing me for a week." I threatened.

"You wouldn't dare." He scowled.

"Oh I would." I hissed back.

"Now, get off me before I smack you with my slipper!"

He grumbled, but obliged.

I grabbed clothes from my closet when I was about to change when I realized Leif was still in the room.

"Do you mind?" I said, pointing to the door.

"No, not at all." Leif responded, a smug look on his face.

"No, I'm gonna change. Can you leave?"

"Nope." He popped.

"Leif, don't make me drag you out of here." I grumbled.

"You can't drag me!" Leif grinned.

"Fine, if you won't leave, then I will! I'll just dress in the bathroom!" I grinned and took my clothes.

Leif phased in front of the door, blocking it.

"What is with you being all perverted? What have you been watching?" I said, trying to push him away from the door.

"What does perverted mean?"

"It means that you're being weird and you wanna see.. certain things or do/say." I explained.

"No I'm not!"

"Okay, well then get out if the way!" I hissed.

Leif grumbled and got out of the way.

I grinned and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you,"

"Can I have a caress on the lips?"

I rolled my eyes and gave him a quick peck.

"That wasn't a kiss!" Leif complained.

"No, it wasn't. That, my love, is called a peck."

"Well, give me a kiss! I want a kiss!" Leif said.

"Later," I said, walking to the bathroom.

-A Few Minutes Later-
"Hey, Ava. You ready to go?" I asked on the phone.

"Actually, I think you and Leif should spend time together. I heard what two have been doing earlier. So continue! I'd love to be a godmother! Byeee!~" Ava said, before she hung up.

"AVA! I—"

I grumbled and looked at Leif, who was on the bed smirking.

"What Ava said." Leif grinned.

I rolled my eyes.

Sooooooo as I was writing this, I realized we hit 3k reads!


THANK YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCHH. I honestly cannot keep up with ya'll. 3 days ago we were only at like, 2k+ reads and now suddenly we're at 3k?!

i seriously cannot keep up ya'll. i've been trying to write 1000-2000 words a day and it's been total hell for me since I also have to online school work.

but imma still try to write 1000-2000 words a day for the special, since you guys really deserve it 💖

anywaaay that's all! thanks for reading my stories! I appreciate it sO much.


Have a good day/night! 💖

-Rose 🌹

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