Hurt | Noi x Reader 🧡| One-shot

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Relationship - Dating
Setting - Daemos, forest
Current P.O.V - 3rd person's P.O.V

@CherryblossomLv5 here's Noi 💞

You, Noi, Leif, Rhys, and Pierce were out to get the last soul to get to earth.

You and Noi decided to go together, to find the soul.

You were following after it, Noi was right behind your tracks when he was abruptly tackled by a monster.

The monster had pinned him down to the ground, trying to bite his head off.

Noi yelped, trying to get to his daggers, that had fallen out of his grasp and onto the ground.

You had a choice. Which was either help Noi, or go after the soul.

Of course, you went to help Noi.

You pushed the monster off Noi, who didn't pay attention to you, but only paid attention to Noi.

The monster got back to its feet and leaped at Noi.

"AHH!" Noi screamed, trying his best to push away the monster.

"Hold on, Noi!" I called, rushing over to stab the monster.

The monster saw you coming, and punched you on the stomach, which blew the wind out of you.

The impact made you crash into a tree.

Your vision became blurry. You tried to keep consciousness, but you knew you were about to pass out.

Noi weakly kicked at the monster, which however, was pointless.

The monster growled at him, and tried to bite at him, but Noi rolled over to the side.

"Noi..!" You weakly called.

Noi turned his attention to you for a second, but then quickly turned back to the monster, who was about to stab him.

Unfortunately, Noi wasn't fast enough and the monster had landed his own dagger into his shoulder.

Noi let out an ear piercing scream, loud enough to make you snap.

You rushed to the monster, kicking it from behind.

The monster flew face first into a tree, and groaned. Falling into unconsciousness.

You darted towards Noi, kneeling to his side that got stabbed.

Noi tried to keep himself from crying, as he winced when he made the slightest move.

"Noi, I'm sorry. I wasn't fast enough." You apologized.

"I-It's okay, Y/n. I'm okay. You.. you still saved me!" Noi flashed you a sad smile, but faded away when he felt another wave of pain rush through him.

"Okay, Noi. I'm going to take the dagger out and patch you up.. okay? Just.. hold still." You huffed.

Noi nodded continuously, looking away while closing his eyes, ready for the pain.

You took the handle of the dagger and clutched it tightly, starting to pull it out.

Noi started screaming, as you continued to pull it out.

When it was finally out, the dagger was dripping of Noi's blood.

You quickly wrapped Noi's wounded shoulder in bandages that you had on your satchel.

Noi started crying softly. You softened at that.

You quickly wipe his tears away and kissed his cheek, which made him whimper.

"You're okay, Noi. It's done. Don't worry, you're fine. Once we get back to the group, I'll have Leif heal you, okay?" You assured, giving him a sweet smile.

He gave you a small smile, but it faded when he came into a realization.

"The s-soul! It got away! You shouldn't have saved me! You should've gone for the soul!" Noi huffed.

"Noi, if I had gone after the soul, who knows what would've happened to you? I didn't have to think twice when coming to aid you." You replied.

Noi nodded.

You got up and helped Noi up, by taking his arms and lifting him up.

"T-Thank you," Noi said.

"Yeah.. You're welcome." You replied, smiling.

Hope you enjoyed this one-shot!

Which MID character should I do next?

Update on the long one-shot! I've got about 2000+ words in.

I'm planning to make it into a book, since I feel like it might make a good book.

Anyway, if you didn't know yet, the book is gonna be about Leif! 💚

ANDDD, this book is ranked as 5th place on Pierce! 😆💖

Anyway, that's all guys! Thanks for reading my cringy stories! 😂

Have a good day/night! 🧸

-Rose 🌹

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