Main MID Characters As BTS members 😌✌🏼

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this is for the ppl who are BTS stans :D (this is just mah opinion 💜)

Okay, Rhys is like the mother and the smartass of the group. And he seems to like cooking and has the interest in it. Sooooo I feel like he'd be Namjoon or Jin. ☺️

mmm for Asch, imma say jiminnnnnn? he honestly is the asshole and self absorbed type soo. (don't take me calling him an asshole an insult, i love this bby more than i love myself) i dunno honestlyyyy

Okay, she's kinda obvious. SHE'D DEFINITELY BE SUGA. LIKE BRO, THEY BOTH JUST WANT SLEEP. andddd Suga just represents Ava alot to me. and they both be lazy af. he's like the genderbent version of Ava, lol

aaaaa Pierce is a tall ass and who else is tall? mhm that's right NAMJOON. he'd be namjoon or tae tbh. i dunno why tae, but yes. and Pierce is like the second smartass of the group soooooo

ummmmm jimin for sure. they both are dirty minded af— even tho Leif maybe from another world he's like the womanizer type to me— jimin just had a dirty mind so— AND i'm also gonna say jungkook. why? because he has them looks and will captivate any female or male like our bby jungkook.

OKAY even tho Noi doesn't really seem like hobi, butttt i feel like if they were to meet they'd really hit it off. I feel like Noi is the ray of sunshine in the group. ANDDDD he'd be jungkook because they're both innocent and the youngest of their group. (i dunno if Noi is the youngest, i'm just assuming he is because he looks like it 🥰)

aaaaaaaaaa i love bts! 🥰💜

if you are a bts stan, who is ur bias? 💜

mine is bby boi jungkookie! 🥺❤️

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