Stay with me.. | Asch x Reader ❤️ | PT. 2

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Relationship - Strangers?
Setting - Earth, Ava's apt.
Current P.O.V - Your P.O.V

Note - This part two idea was requested by @CherryBlossomLv5 since a few people seemed to like the pt. 1 I made a pt. 2 😊

"Y/n, what did I say about having your horns in the apartment?" Ava said, crossing her arms.

"Oh come on, Ava! That's ridiculous. Why can't I have my horns out? It's the only part of daemos me left.. And this necklace. And plus, it uses my magic! Yes, I do have powerful magic, but it's not infinite." I whined.

"Fine! But if anyone sees you like that, I'm not gonna make up a lie for you, sis." Ava said.

"Alright. Plus, ever since I came to earth, Lying became one of my specialties." I winked with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Ava rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna go take out the trash. Wanna come with?" Ava offered.

"Ava, are you really asking me if I want to take out the trash with you? What do you think the answer is?" I facepalmed.

"I'll take that as no." Ava chuckled.

"Duh," I snickered.

"I'll wait here."

"Okay, byee!" Ava waved, before leaving.

I was planning on going back to Daemos.. to restore my magic, since I don't have much left.

But enough to last me a couple of more years here on earth.

And.. If I do go back..

I would get to meet Asch again..

Each day, I keep asking myself on how he's doing.. if he's alright.. If he's okay.

I shrugged off the thought and turned on the phone Ava and her dads bought me for my birthday..

I've been staying with them ever since I arrived here on earth. They 'adopted' me.. And I'm very thankful for them, because if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be having the earth life I'm having right now.

I scrolled on the app called 'instagram' reading all the nice and sweet comments that were left on my 'selfie' post.

'Omg! She's so pretty! What's your skin care, Y/n?!' A comment read.

'Thank you! I don't really have a skin care.. I was just born like this. But thank you for the kind comment! 💕' I replied.

'You're kinda cute. Do you have a boyfriend?' Another comment read.

'Thank you..? And no, I don't have a partner. Not at the moment.' I replied.

Well, I sort of did? It wasn't much of a relationship.

Turns out the guy that liked me only liked me because I was pretty. And because of my dads.

So, I broke it off with him the day after I got with him.

I heard him blurting it out to his friends while me and Ava were walking to the ice cream shop.

I heard the front door open. It must be Ava.

"Hey, Ava— do you wanna go out for ice
cream—" I trailed off when I saw 5 other Daemos, one was carrying an unconscious Ava.

My eyes fell into another Daemos.


I looked away from him, looking at Ava.

"Another Daemos?" A pink haired daemos asked.

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