When You See Your Ex | Scenario

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@Artist_BLOCK17 Thank you for
the scenario idea! If you have any
ideas for scenarios, please comment!
I'd love to hear them!
    Enjoy! 💕
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•He'll get extra protective.

•He'll death stare the person down.

•He'll say nothing and pull you away.

"I should've burned him when I had the chance."

•He'll take you by the waist.

•He'll ask for permission to kill your ex, but will probably kill your ex regardless when you aren't looking.

•Will show affection in front of your ex.

"You lost your chance when you were with her. Now she's mine."

•He'll try to distract you.

•He's gonna try and take you away.

•He'll kiss your forehead after.

"Y/n, can I hurt that human for hurting you?"

•He'll try to distract you as well.

•He'll frown at your ex and act tough.

•He'll try to take you away, too.

"Y/n.. let's go. He's not worth your time."

•He's gonna stand protectively next to you.

•He'll death stare the person.

•He'll let you take his staff and whack your ex with it.

"Y/n, why did that human hurt a beautiful person like you?"

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