Part 12

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Sohyul looked at Yohan and then the men. She decided to save herself and deal with him later. She was too far away to call for backup. Sohyul cracked her neck and breathed out before taking a pistol out of her bag. Yohan pretended to be shocked. She turned to look at him.

Sohyul: You can handle yourself right?

Yohan gulped and nodded hesitantly as an act. Sohyul then turned back to the leader, while the leader smirked at Yohan. "I see what's going on here, but let's see if you can keep it up when your near death." Sohyul breathed heavily, and loaded her gun to one shot kill him, but they all pointed their guns at her.

Leader: You might want to lower that gun.

Sohyul kept his glare on him and put her gun to her side.

Leader: Now you'll cooperate with me won't you?

Sohyul: Keep dreaming sir.

Leader: Your just a girl. You'll just end up like your parents...

The leader chuckled and took a quick glance at Yohan behind her, watching this unfold, Yohan gave him a deadly glare to which Sohyul didn't notice.

Sohyul: What do you know about my parents!?

Leader: Take hold of her.

Sohyul tried to fight them back but was then held down on her knees by the 2 men. They even took her gun. The leader then took out his gun and pointed it at her. Sohyul closed her eyes. "Did you kill them?" He shot his gun up to scare her, but she didn't flinch. "No, but I may know who did it." Sohyul opened her eyes and glared at him. The leader smirked and began to load his gun, but Yohan stepped in with his gun. Sohyul was shocked.

Yohan: I think it's about time you let her go.

Yohan raised an eyebrow at him and the man chuckled. The gun still pointed at Sohyul. She was starting to lose hope. "I didn't think you'd still have the courage to point that gun at me even on a date." Yohan curved the corners of his lips up in a mischievous grin. The man then grabbed Sohyul's chin digging his nails into her skin, torturing her, making her bleed. Yohan felt the stinging sensation, yet didn't show any signs of pain. Instead he threatened him.

Yohan: Hurt her again and I'll make sure you don't live to see tomorrow.

The leader sighed and said "Let her go."

The men let go of her and then he shot her stomach. Sohyul hunched back clenching her body. Both Yohan and her screamed in pain.

Yohan shot three of them, dead for hurting them and that's when the leader knew they were no match for him.

Leader: Run!

They began to run away from Sohyul and Yohan but Yohan was quicker shooting all of them dead. Sohyul gulped when he looked back at her, falling to the ground. Was he an enemy? Rival gang? Now she couldn't trust him. Yohan went to her side, quickly hiding his gun. The once busy streets, now looking empty. Sohyul had never been in a life or death situation since she was always with her friends or guarded.

Sohyul: H-help..

Sohyul took one hand off the place she'd been shot, and tears fell from her eyes as she shakily brought up her bloody hand to call Yohan for help. She began to close her eyes.


Yohan sighed, remembering the lines to say for the story he'd made up.

Yohan: Some criminals approached us, luckily I forgot to put my gun back in the training room today.

Jin nodded, believing Yohan's pretend story. Jin stood up to buy water and Perry sat next to him oblivious to what was going on with him.

Perry: Where were you? Did you call the police? Did you catch those criminals!?

Yohan feeling all of Sohyul's pain from the operating room was unable to answer there questions.

Perry: Hey! Yohan I'm talking to you!

Yohan clenched his stomach and yelled. Perry widened his eyes.

Perry: Did you get hurt?! Should you get checked up too?!

Yohan shook his head and Perry then realized. He was feeling Sohyul's pain.

Perry: Do you want me to buy painkillers?

Yohan shook his head, he knew those weren't going to help out much.

Yohan: The pain won't last long... hopefully.

Mark had told him before that if one of them were to die, the other would feel the pain but it wouldn't kill them. Perry just nodded because she didn't know much about the bond to say otherwise.
Perry and Jin ran into the room while Yohan followed behind.

Perry: Sohyul! Your awake! I thought you were gonna die!

Jin: Yeah! Next time don't engage in those things without us or backup!

Sohyul just gave her and Jin a sweet smile, to emphasize that she was okay, then she looked at who was behind them and her smile vanished.

Sohyul: Who are you?

Jin and Perry stared at her alarmed. Her head wasn't affected so why didn't she remember.

Yohan: Y-you don't know me?

Jin pulled Perry out of the room with him and left them alone. Yohan stepped closer to her bed, grabbing her hand. Sohyul shook his hand off.

Sohyul: I know who you are!

Yohan then furrowed his eyebrows.

Sohyul: I meant who are you besides Yohan graduating to be a prosecutor this year!

Yohan: I'm nothing else besides that.

Sohyul then glared at him, to be honest it kinda scared him. He wondered if that's the look she gave the gang leader and their members.

Sohyul: I know your lying.

Yohan laughed.

Yohan: You just woke up and your interrogating me? You trust me right?

Sohyul kept the glare on him but softened a little.

Sohyul: I don't know if I should trust you. But everything that happened in that date didn't seem ordinary and you seemed to be his target too! In fact he was afraid of you!

Yohan put a sly look on his face and an assuring smile.

Yohan: I admit I do have some connections, but I saved you. That should be enough for you to trust me.

Sohyul: I don't know Yohan...More so you shot down each one of them without looking! How could you have done that?!

Yohan raised an eyebrow at her. She could definitely do those things herself, why was it so hard to believe he could do it too?

Yohan: Surely, I practiced shooting before you.

Sohyul laughed. Of course, she was better than him at shooting she thought. She started learning how to use a gun with her brother when he was starting to train to become a police at the age of 9, but her brother ended up becoming a detective.

Sohyul: Fine... just leave me alone for now..

Yohan sighed, he was weakening from lack of touch. Yet, he walked out. Sohyul was too, but she didn't want anything to do with him at the moment, even if the bond wanted them too.

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