Part 14

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Yohan: Remember study date at 4.

Sohyul looked at him as they passed the gate of the college and shook her head.

Sohyul: I'm not going today...

Yohan nodded, not asking why. He slowly took his arm off of her shoulders and walked away, but Sohyul thought otherwise.

Sohyul: Aren't you supposed to ask why?!

Yohan turned around and smiled.

Yohan: Should I have?

Sohyul fiddled with her fingers and said "well no, but I thought it was normal to ask me why I can't come.." Yohan walked over to her and surprised her with a kiss on the cheek. Sohyul hit him lightly. "HEY!"

Yohan laughed and said "I don't really care. I trust you enough not to ask. I'll call you later." Sohyul made a little oh sound and he walked off again.

Sohyul just clenched her heart, feeling overwhelmed by the lingering emotions inside of her.
"A glass of your strongest wine please!"

Jin narrowed his eyes at Sohyul. "You do know you have to stay sober for the mission right?" Sohyul grinned at him. "I wouldn't be the leader if I didn't." Jin just shook his head as he watched Sohyul grab the glass and gulp it down, just to ask for 2 bottles of beer.

She handed Jin the other one. "Where's Perry?" Jin answered "Looking around the area. She'll come in once she's done." Sohyul hummed in response. "I already have the whole club surrounded anyways but I guess you can never be too sure." Sohyul and Jin agreed with each other and clicked their beers together.

"I'll go have a dance." Sohyul nodded at him and began to play with her phone, while watching for their target. Then she got signalled a red light from Perry, saying the target had come into the club so she quickly went to look for Jin.

"JIN!" Sohyul yelled out but it was too loud on the dance floor for him to hear her. She cursed when suddenly she was being dragged with her mouth covered.
They threw Sohyul outside in an abandoned area, and had her surrounded with no help. Sohyul cursed, her second time alone. She took out her gun and fixated her posture, giving out the most deadly glare she could but they only laughed.

"Where's your leader?!"

One of them answered her. "It was really easy to get you "leader" " They mocked her title and she got annoyed for that she shot him dead. The other's then pointed all their guns at her.

"You should think twice before shooting one of my men like that." A voice came out of the shadows. Sohyul looked to the person and it was their leader, holding Perry hostage by the neck and Jin came out, gasping for air. "Let them go!" Jin took out his gun and shot 4 of the men dead as a warning but the leader just laughed and more men showed up.

"I'm not as cowardly as the other gang you fought Sohyul." Sohyul hissed at the leader and then Sohyul shared a glance at Jin, reading each other's thoughts through their eyes.

Sohyul shot the leader's arms as she quickly grabbed Perry and Jin then screamed "RUN!" And they ran leaving Jin behind as he did his best to fight them off while he waited for his backup team to come, he was the skill of the team afterall.
Sohyul laid Perry down on the floor as she took off her sweater and wrapped it around Perry's shot leg. "Are you okay??!" Perry smiled at her. "I'm fine and backup is coming so we'll be fine." Sohyul looked at Perry worriedly. "I'm sorry! I didn't know this gang was going to play dirty and come to me in the middle of the club where everyone could see!" Perry just sighed."There's a first for everything. I  jus-" Perry was cut off when they heard a gunshot, they both looked to where it was and saw the gang leader and a bunch of men approach him quickly.

Perry began to push Sohyul. "Lena! Go! Leave me here and run!" Sohyul whined, shaking her head. "I don't want to!"

Sohyul was then grabbed by the hair and her head was pulled back. She groaned in pain and tried to fight her way out when she saw them grab her friend. "Let her go! It's me you want not her!" The leader smirked, looking down at her. The person tied a rope around Sohyuls neck and tightened it, making Sohyul let out a loud painful scream.

Perry began to cry. "Sohyul!" Perry grabbed her gun and tried to shoot the people holding her down but it was useless. Just then Jin came and tried to shoot them but he was soon overpowered because he was tired.

They heard Sohyul give out another harsh scream and Jin yelled "IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO HER I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!" He was angry.

Perry saw their backup team and sent Jin a signal with a single look, they were hiding, waiting for the perfect time to come out when all of a sudden more gang members came and took them hostage. She yelled "JUST STOP PLEASE!" Perry tried her best and shoot one of the people holding Jin, only to be threatened with a gun to the head and now Jin knew they were done for. His skill wasn't enough to save them and he was losing hope in winning this mission. Just then they stopped at the sound of a voice.

"You might want to stop now." The voice growled.

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