The Small Envelope

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Troye's POV

I wake up, the sunlight from the window streaming into my eyes. I'm hugging one of the uncomfortable dorm pillows and the room is stuffy. I try to sit up, an immediate headache rushing to my brain.

"Oh fuck." I mumble to myself, looking over at the nightstand. I see a bottle of water next to two pills and a note. I roll over, closing the blinds in what I thought would be a swift movement. I knock over the water bottle over with the looseness of my shirt. I bend down to pick it up, the headache flooding back.

After picking up the bottle and taking the pills, I read the note.

"Good morning. I hope you took the pills, because that hangover is going to hurt. I'm off to Starbucks. Be back soon. xx :)" His writing is so adorable. I hope he knows what to get me. Because I will not hesitate to cut a bitch if it's not right. Especially with this whole hangover thing going on.

I lay down in the bed, letting the warmth of the cheap, rough blankets envelope me back into a nice doze.

Tyler's POV

I stare him in the eyes, my head tilting slightly up because of how tall he is. His eyes are pleading. I don't want to fall for it, but I don't know to believe him. I've never been in this situation. He's only ever been mad at or in love with me. Huh. What a funny thing.

"Jim." I say, clenching my jaw and holding myself back. The word comes out breathy, from the sprinting. He doesn't break our eye contact, instead speaking up.

"Tyler. I just I just-" He stutters, finally breaking the intense eye contact and looking down.

"Just fucking talk Jim." I say bitterly.

"Ok Tyler. Is it that hard to see? I miss you. I mean I understand I wasn't nice to you and all-" He says, and I explode.


"You know, at first? It was so unbelievably fucking difficult. Sometimes it still is. I remember thinking that I don't need you. In fact, I still think that. I don't need you. I need someone and I don't think it'll ever be you again. I'm learning how to stand again, how to walk. How to go the nights without picking up the phone. And it's hard. It's so fucking hard not to scream at my empty inbox, at the blank screen, at everywhere you aren't. So yeah, you are not the one I need. Troye is. He's there for me. He's there for me even when alcohol or puppies aren't. Jim I don't think you understand how much you fucking destroyed me."

After I finish my speech, he looks back up, with tears in his eyes.

"Do you really mean that?" He asks, the tears about to flow over. I want to tell him that it wasn't, to break his heart like he broke mine. I don't care about being nice right now, I just want him to feel the same emotional pain I did. But I can't. Because I spoke pure truth.

"Jim. I meant it. You fucking destroyed my life. You took something that was just so precious and you slapped it. Quite literally actually." At this point I lift up my shirt, exposing the scars. "See for yourself Jim."

He gasps, but I'm expecting it. The next thing he says makes my jaw physically drop open in shock, and my shirt falls out of my hand, covering the bare skin.

"Tyler. Please, just remember that you are more beautiful than those damn scars on your body and that you're more beautiful than those ugly thoughts in your head. You need to understand that. And please, just give this to Troye. Nothing I can say will help this." He hands me a small envelope, walking away, into the forrest. (**KARLI LOOK WHAT I DID I'M NOT TAKING IT BACK**) The small, white envelope has a letter in it, with "TROY" written on the front. I giggle, the name now looking so weird to me. I stick the letter in my coat, and head back to Starbucks.

***YAY? NAY? Ok so um basically that's all I could write because finals and all that jazz. But I figured it was something? Sorry for the update schedule that's been absolute shit, but school and stuff like that. I might not update for a week or so, because finals, but then it'll be break and I'm doing NOTHING so lots of chapters.

SOOOO I HAVEN'T DONE THIS BEFORE BUT look a recommendation:

You guys should go read "First Position- (TROYLER AU) by shoot I don't know ok I can't remember but it's a very unique fanfic and you should definitely go check it out and leave some votes or comments. :)

Ok that's it. And guess what's coming soon (I hope) ;) some FUN TIMES HAHAHA ok I'm going to sleep I hope you liked it thank you so so so so much for reading and have a good day or night or whatever it is---TAY (SORRY FOR THE CAPS BUT WHY NOT)

Why? A Troyler Fanfic (AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin