Not Again

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***SO THIS PART IS DRAMATIC just warning you that there may or may not be some self-harm coming up. I don't know if you want it? Anyways, 30 READS?!?!?! :) enjoy****

Tyler's P.O.V.

I would be worried about what I told him. But I'm too tired to do that. And for some odd reason I trust him. I can't let the walls fall down. I worked so hard to build them. I shut out everyone except Zoe. And she now happens to be in critical condition. It's my fault. Everything. Everyone I've touched has gotten hurt. EVERYONE. And if they haven't gotten hurt, they've gone on to hurt people. It must be me. I am a literal living gay Taylor Swift. I have to think about how much I'm going to tell Troye. Later. I'll do that later.


I woke up with a face in my face. "HYELLOH" the beautiful lips yell out. I can't help but laugh. "Ew morning breath" He says as he walks away. He looks back at my confused face and laughs. If I don't have abs by the end of the year because of laughing then I don't know what will get me abs. (***There was literally SO MUCH WRONG WITH THAT SENTENCE***) I get ready and we walk to the dining room. I have been in the same dorm my whole Michigan life, which means it's a freshmen dorm. Which means there's only about one other kid in the mess hall, because all of the others are doing something sport-related for the games. Troye and I go to the place with the food at the front of the room. I turn to him to see what he puts on his pancakes, which are cold by now. He gets this sad look on his face. "Are you okay?" I ask him. "They don't have Nutella here?" He's obviously new to the whole living with multiple people thing. "That shit is expensive." I respond.

He spreads something else on his pancakes. I'm too busy giggling to notice what he put on it. I can feel the abs forming. I tell him he can pick where we sit. We have almost the big ole' dining room to ourselves. Except for one other kid, who I assume is a freshman. Troye walks up to the poor kid and pops a squat next to him.

"Hi. My name's Troye." He says before violently shoving the pancake into his mouth. "I'm Connor." He says. "My name is Tyler." I say and he seems to notice me for the first time. "Yeah, I know. I've been here at Michigan for a couple years. I guess that admin decided this year would be my worst one yet." He says before smirking. "In what way?" I ask. This seems to send him on a rant.

"WEELLLL where do I start? At the beginning of the year, they assign me to a dorm in the freshie hall. No offence Troye, but really? WITH FRESHMEN? I assumed that meant I would be rooming with a freshman. Which isn't my first pick. But it's better than being in the infamous one-person dorms at the end of the halls. But NOOO administration decided that Connor is going to get his last choice in every element this year. So I am in one of the one-person dorms at the end of the hall." At this I shudder, and Troye looks confused. "Troye is new here isn't he?" Connor asks me. I nod, because my mouth is full. "Well, Troye. About 10 years ago, when this dorm building was built, there was a growth of the student body. So the big shots did what they could, and converted all but 1 of the 10 janitor closets into dorms. There's no A/C, it smells of a mixture of bleach and mold, which I didn't even know was possible. So that's that." Connor continues his story of his year which is, by the way, HORRIBLE.

At the end of his long rant, Troye leans over and whispers into my ear. God it's sexy. But what he said wasn't even cute at all. In fact, it would have cut my Troye-Boy time in half at least. But I agree. "Connor you can stay in our dorm for the semester."

Troye's P.O.V.

Connor gets his bags out of his dorm. He's right. The smell is putrid. I don't know how he lives in that. "Troye and Tyler. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GETTING ME OUT OF THE SHITHOLE." He says. We both laugh in response. "Sure!"

We get back and Connor notices there's only two beds. "Um. Are you two-" He questions. I feel like a deer in the headlights. "Dating?" Tyler asks while giggling. "No. But we'll figure something out later tonight. Go have fun at the games." He says with a genuine smile on his face. Or maybe it's not genuine. Tyler said he was going to explain the Jim situation to me. "Tyler?" I look around but hes gone.

Tyler's P.O.V.

How am I going to tell Troye? What am I going to tell him? Why do I trust him so much? I can't help but cry. And right on cue, warmth surrounds me. I look around, hoping to see Troye, but no one is there. Not this again. I have to tell him before I go through this again. Not again. Not ever again.

***SO that was dramatic at least. ThANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!!! And if you have any ideas go ahead and send me mail on tumblr:

GET THAT SELF PROMO GIRL! THanks again for reading.

Have a super fabulous night or day or whatever it is :)-----Tay

Why? A Troyler Fanfic (AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin