The Beach Part Two

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Troye’s POV

When I got back in the car and saw Tyler’s tear stained face it broke my heart. He probably won’t tell me but it’s worth a try.

“Tilly what’s wrong?” I ask him, moving my hand to wipe the tears. My hand strokes his soft cheek, and it cups his cheek.

“Troye I can’t tell you. It might ruin the night. I just wanna go have fun, go to the beach. Cuddle, kiss, I just want to be around you for right now.” He says, looking at me. I’m hesitant in my reply.

“Ok.” BUt then I remember… SNACKS. “WAIT WHAT SNACKS DID YOU GET?” I sound like an excited 5-year-old but I don’t care because FOOD.

“Umm. Got some water, some Fireball, some Chex Mix, and of course some Cool Ranch Doritos because duh.” He says, and I giggle. What a Tyler thing to do. I mean Doritos and Fireball. BUt you can’t forget the water.

I look away from Tyler so I can pull out of the gas station, when suddenly he starts yelling.

“AHH TROYE STOP TROYE TROYE STOP STOP!” He yells, then starts laughing. I look back to see the gas pump still attached to the car. What an idiot, I think to myself as I back the car up and get out to remove the pump. I get back in the car and Tyler is still laughing. I can’t help but join in, both of us just laughing at my stupidity. This time around, I manage to get out of the gas station without crashing or breaking anything.

Tyler and I sing along to songs through the whole car ride. He grabs my hand that’s not on the wheel and uses it as a microphone, just screaming at it.

We are both in tears laughing and screaming out our favorite songs. It was just us alone and it felt great.

We get to the beach right as I Wanna Get Better ends. Tyler unplugs his phone and grabs the bag, walking around to meet me at the back of the car where I have the trunk open. There’s blankets in there. Hey, you never know.

“Troye why the fuck do you have blankets in your trunk?” He asks looking at me like I just said pancakes were better than waffles. Which they are but that’s irrelevant.

“Well you never know. Sometimes I just come out here and sit. It clears the mind. You can tell stories and stuff. Ya know?” I turn to him, making eye contact. He shakes his head, subtlely.

We grab the blankets and head down to the beach, Tyler carrying the food and drinks and me carrying the blankets.

We walk all the way down the beach, passing the few people we see. It’s cold by the beach, seeing as its winter and, well, lakes are cold. As we walk, Tyler leans into me and I wrap my empty arm around him, pulling him in. We walk like that for a while.

“Oh shoot I probably should have brought my phone.” I say, forgetting it when I look down at Tyler, who is still wrapped in my arms.

“It’s ok. We aren’t gonna need it for anything. And anyways, I have mine. We can play music on it too.” Tyler tells me, going on his tip toes to peck my cheeks.

“Ok. How about we go here? The closest human is like a mile away.” I say, setting down the blankets and letting go of Tyler. Together, we flatten the blanket and lay on it, throwing one more over us. Tyler puts music on. I immediately notice the opening chords.

Tyler hums along at first, then starts clapping. I clap along too. I stand up, even though it was quite comfortable on the blanket. Tyler gives me a look.

“What the fuck are you doing?” He says, jokingly.

“Dancing, of course.” I respond, before singing the first words of the song.

Why? A Troyler Fanfic (AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin