Well...that's over

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HIIIIII it me. This chapter is short and nothing really happens but I had to somehow make the thing after this happen, and this was the only way. Which means something big is coming...SOON. Enjoy :)

Troye's POV

"Tylah?" God my accent is annoying sometimes. "Troye. Please...just.." He starts to say. No no no. No this can't happen. I can't lose him. No. He's the only anchor I have. And without him, I don't know what would happen. But....his eyes. He looks gone. That glimmer that I've become addicted to. The paleish-blue color that just makes the world a better place. If that were to vanish, what would I do? The world would lose that stunning yet subtle shade of grayish-blue, and it would all be my fault. I can't do this. So I take the obvious approach. I run. And I run. And run. I leave it all behind, forget it all. And go the only place I know.

I walk in, immediately feeling relieved. I love the atmosphere. Usually it's busy, then of course it's suffocating. So many guys and girls and with lots of people comes sadness and I am not here for that. The green of the grass and the soft color of the leaves just help. This park is nothing compared to the one near my home in Australia, but it's better than the shitty dorm room.

It's all my fault. He's fucking depressed and angry and at least crying because of me. I know I know it's not my fault and all but I could just use someone to hold me while I cry. But I can't have the one person I need. Before long, I guess I fall asleep.

I am awaken by a shaking. I apologize to the yelling man, who I presume is homeless, and move from what I guess is his home? And I have to go back.

The walk back is lonely.

I finally get back to my Hell. I get to the ever-so-familiar dorm, 504, and notice something that warms my heart. The heart I drew for Tyler on the first day I was here is still there. I remember on the way out of the room yesterday, in my fit of rage, I erased the heart. That little heart that I drew before I even knew Tyler. We had already been through so so much. And the heart had gone through it all with us. Until yesterday. The heart died, because of me. Again, it was my fault. And that stupid fucking heart just got to go. Leave. But that little tiny heart that, as of yesterday was broken in half, is back. And I know who did it. Does this mean he forgives me?

I open the door and my heart breaks. It's Tyler. And he's on the ground. Just laying, on the ground. Just there. He's alive but he's not feeling. I get the number I called the first day we were together. I call. The men are back. Tyler is gone. I was alone now, and I couldn't hear anything except for one high pitched noise. my cheeks felt wet and hurt. it wasn't until moments later that I noticed that the noise was my screaming, the wet on my cheeks blood from the fingernails I had dug into them. he was gone. I had lost him. I screamed louder than before "I CANT HANDLE THIS. I DONT WANT TO FUCKING FIGHT IT. I WANT IT ALL TO BE GONE" and before I knew it, my whole world was laced with blackness and emptiness.

I woke up once again to the feeling that I was being shaken. "Hey. Man. Troye! Wake up!" Then there's a sharp stinging pain on my cheek. Followed by a "Hey. Sorry man I didn't mean to slap you I didn't see that your cheeks were all scratched up." I open my mouth, yet still keeping my eyes closed. Who the fuck is waking me up.

"Wa-a-te-r-r" I say, and the guy gets it. He knows my name. So I obviously know him. Maybe I don't. Maybe someone knows me that I don't know back. No. Probably no one though, because I'm irrelevant. I feel a cold bottle being pressed in my hand, and I raise it to my lips. The freezing beverage soothes my cracked lips, and with an "Ahhhh thanks." I put the bottle down. I don't want to open my eyes, but I'm forced to as someone's plump lips touch my dry, cracked ones. "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?" I say and I finally open my eyes. He smirks, revealing his oddly white teeth. I would expect them not to be white because he is constantly drinking coffee. I push him off of me. "I see. Someone's sassy today. Well lets see if I can fix that." And he rushes towards me, grabbing my waist and pinning me up against the wall. Tilly did this to me once. It was exhilarating, but right now, I'm freaking out. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HIM YOU FILTHY BASTARD." The voice yells. Connor rolls his eyes, and forcibly pushes his lips against mine. "Kiss me back you bitch." He whispers in my ear and slaps me. "I SAID GET YOUR FILTHY LITTLE HANDS OFF OF MY TIM TAM AND YOU KNOW I WILL FUCKING CUT YOU IF YOU DON'T" The voice says. Connor begins to calmly speak, "Tyler." Wait. That's Ty? My innocent little munchkin? The cotton-candy haired guy whose touch is so tender and loving and caring. The one who feels betrayed.

"Ty...." I look around Connor's big frame, and see him. He's not in the best of shape, with a swollen, red and black and blue face. "Tilly I am so so sorry." Connor barks. "You stupid fucking assholes." Walks out, and slams the door. Well that's over.

So...yay or nay? Anyways THIS THIS NOW HAS LIKE 250 READS WHATTTT. Thanks for reading :) here's where I spend most of my time:

tumblr: hyelloh-there-troyler.tumblr.com

twitter: hyellohtroyler

that's about it. So have a good day or night or whatever it is and DUBAIII--Tay

Why? A Troyler Fanfic (AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin