Chapter 4

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     I slowly opened my eyes, as they were trying to get used to the light I realized that am not in my room, this room was all black and white and it was so big, then then I remembered the events from yesterday, I placed my hands on my mouth and started to cry silently.

     I sat up and rested my head on the head board, I was still sobbing, then I heard footsteps coming towards the room I quickly wiped my eyes not wanting to show that monster that I am weak, I honestly was shaking of fear, the door slowly cracked open and it revealed the devil's face, I got off the bed and stood in front of him, I didn't know from where'd I got all this courage to do that " what the hell do you want from me, why did you bring me here!?" I yelled at him, then I felt a sting on my right cheek I couldn't hold my tears anymore tears started to stream down my cheeks, he grabbed a handful of my hair and brought me close to his face and then he said,"you don't ever get to talk to me like that again do you understand what I'm saying?!" I nodded in return, I was shaking," words, kitten" he said," y-yes" I don't know why I didn't disagree with him but at that moment I could only feel fear and pain.

    " Very good, now we need to get some things straight, you have to understand that from the moment I saw me you were mine you have to obey me in everything, second you may not raise your voice or talk back to me, lastly the most important thing is that you shall not talk any other guy if I don't give you permission don't lie or hide a thing from me, and keep in mind that I'm always watching you, so don't do anything stupid like trying to escape because I will find you and consequences will be so bad, understood?" He said still holding on my hair, I was trying to keep my tears from falling, I needed to be strong but I just couldn't all of this was so much to handle, he tightened his grip on my hair and yelled at me " Answer!! Do you understand what I am saying?!" "No! I don't and Im never gonna listen to you, I will do anything to get away from you, you are a monster, and you are nothing to me and you have no right to tell me what I can or can't do, you are nothing but a heartless creature, the word human doesn't fit for you!!" I have no idea how I managed to say that, but I was so angry, he is so cruel and heartless, I was staring at him I could see how his eyes darkened, at this moment I realized that I fucked up," I said you don't get to FUCKING raise your voice at me," he said in a low tone it was so dark and creepy, then he slapped me across the face, I started to hit, kick and yell at him he slapped me across the face again, I started to hit, kick and yell at him. I had nothing else to do I know it won't be a use because he is like five thousand times stronger than me, he looked so done with me, he threw me on the bed hovered over me and placed a hand over my neck it was getting hard to breath," you better get yourself together, and learn your place quickly or will do worse than just slap you, every time you disobey me you will get punished, and since I am in a good mood  today you will only be locked in here with no food for misbehaving, but I swear next time I will do much more than this" he said through gritted teeth, I was having a hard time breathing," p-please, I-I c-cant br-reath  " I said trying to get his arm off my neck,he removed his arm and stood up." Our wedding is tomorrow" he said looking over his shoulder and left the room. What he said made my hole body go numb, I stood up on my feet tears still falling I started to cry harder I couldn't hold it back anymore I dropped to the ground next to the bed I rested my back to the bed and brought my legs close to my body, I plac d my hands through my hair. I felt so weak I can't do nothing, I got sold by my dad I thought he would never do anything like that " WHY, Why, why do I have to go through all this, what did I do wrong to deserve all this, I miss you granny I want to see you where are you" I couldn't take it anymore, I was thinking to my self ' I need to stop crying I have to be strong' I have to get out of here as soon as possible.


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