Chapter 10

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    "but I never want to see your face again in my whole entire life, understand?" for a moment I sounded like Yoongi, " I am afraid you might get hurt or harmed, you still mean something to me even after what you did, you were one of the little happy things that happened in my life and I had to many nice days with you, and thank you for that, I just hope you never show up in my life again because I have no idea what coming for me or what is going to happen but I am sure its not going to be safe for you to be around me, so please leave" I said quietly with a face filled with pain, it's true she really was a reason I wanted to stay alive along with many small things that gave me hope in this world.

I walked to her and gave her a bone crushing hug and whispered in her ear, " it's alright, I will be okay don't worry, thank you for all the good things you did to me, hope you don't come back," at first she was astonished than she quickly hugged me back and whispered sorry again and again, I brock from the hug and looked over at yoongi he had an expression on his face but I couldn't quit figure out what it was, anger? love? care? confusion? maybe all four? "could you please do one thing for me?" I asked him, he nodded his head. "could you please take her away, and please don't harm her and in return I will marry you willingly," I said through tears, I didn't want to marry him at all, I hate him, but I had to do it to be able to keep her safe, I knew even if I haven't said that he will force me anyway so what's the difference, except the fact that I was able to save someone's life? What he said made me feel scared.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, baby that's not how you treat people who betrayed you," I watched him in horror as he pulled out his gun, I quickly ran to him and held his hand, "please, please don't do this I forgive her, please," I begged.

Two shots were heard followed by a blood curling scream, I looked at the seen I front of me jinnie on the floor covered in blood, he shot her one in her shoulder and another in her thigh, I quickly ran back to her  panicking I didn't know what to do, my white dress was all covered in blood I looked at her she was lying on the floor screaming in agony, "please, please save her, no no jinnie please, please call the ambulance anything just save her please" I pleaded through sobs, he looked at me with that same fucking cold stare, "come here," he stated, I ignored him and kept trying to stop the blood.

"Min Y/n you know that I don't like to repeat myself, unless you want her to die," he said slowly, I shook me head and stood up, shaking I walked to him while looking at my hands that were covered in blood, my knees were shaking badly I was about to fall, but he held me between his arms, then he brought up his hand and placed it on my cheeks, "see baby, that's what you do to people who betray you, you never forgive them they need to be punished, because if you forgive them so easily they'll do it again, this way I'm sure she learned her lesson and she will never repeat this mistake again," he explained while making me forcefully look at her dieing form, "stop, please save her she's dieing," I pleaded again, he looked at me and called for his members from outside, and told them to take her, "y/n, please forgive me" were her last words before she was carried outside the room.

"Aww, baby look what happened to your dress it's all ruined. That's why I don't like white." He spoke so normally as if he was looking at a coffee stain instead of blood, "where are you taking her!" I said panicking, he leaned in and kissed my forehead "it is okay baby don't worry they will treat her wounds." He said reassuring me, then he called for the someone and they brought a black wedding dress, it was matching the blackness of his suit.

" He said reassuring me, then he called for the someone and they brought a black wedding dress, it was matching the blackness of his suit

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"Come honey, you need to get changed, the wedding is about to start" I was unable to move still shocked by the previous event I didn't even pay much attention to the dress, "listen kitten, you either get dressed or in gonna have to do it" his word...

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"Come honey, you need to get changed, the wedding is about to start" I was unable to move still shocked by the previous event I didn't even pay much attention to the dress, "listen kitten, you either get dressed or in gonna have to do it" his words snapped me out of my thoughts I quietly took the dress and with the help of the maids I was ready in less that an hour.

Things moved so fast and it felt if I wasn't there at all, I was lost in the image of yoongi shooting jinnie, the look on my Father face the last time I saw him, the day I looked at nana and she didn't recognize me her words still ringing in my ear 'who are you?' this sentence never left my mind, all my thoughts were gone when the priest asked me if was to agree on marrying him, I finally looked around me I was standing in front of yoongi, and the wedding hall was filled with so many unfimilear faces, everything looked so expensive it looked like palace, " park Y/n I'm asking you again do you agree to marry min yoongi" the priest asked again, I looked back at Yoongi, and his eyes were angry probably because I didn't respond.

"I do...."


You don't want.

Say no.

Don't fear him.


Thank you guys for reading this book, you guys motivate me 💜 If you are confused about her grandma I'll explain what happened in the next chapter thanks again for the support and have a wonderful morning, afternoon or night.

p.s this jinnie has nothing to do with any real life person and doesn't look like them.

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