the bar (c.h.)

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an- thank you guys so much for the feedback. i really appreciate it!!! it makes me so happy that my work is actually good. i thought it was shitty tbh.... but im seriously ectsatic about all this.


You sit down on one of the stools at the bar waiting for your boyfriend, Calum. You order a glass of Whiskey as youre waiting.

You look up everytime the door opens up. you begin to get a bad feeling that somethings happened to him, but he then walks into the door after about 20 minuets of waiting. the expression on his face is very uneasy.

"babe, whats wrong?" you ask him.


"you sure?"

"yes, y/n, Im fine." Calum snaps."Just get me a drink, i have to use the bathroom."

You do as he says. the uneasy feeling washes over you too. calum is usually a sweet, caring, and easy-going guy. its not like him to be acting like this.

you sit in silence with your head resting on your hands.

Calum comes back from the bathroom minuets later with the same attitude.

"We need to talk," he says as he sits down. you dont say anything. you just look up at him, nervous about what hes going to say.

"i think we should break up." he says softly. your head begins to spin and your eyes begin to water and you feel a knot tighten in your stomach.

a pathetic, choked up "why?" comes out of your mouth. "but we love each other"

"and thats why im breaking it off." he says. he looks down and plays with his fingers. "i love you." with that, he walks right out of the bar. the tears are coming down fast and hard.

*1 month later*

you get a phone call from mrs.hood, calums mom.

"Hi, Mrs.Hood. whats going on?"

you can hear her sobs coming from the other line.

"mrs. hood, is everything okay?"

"no, hes dead."

"who?" the panic rises up inside of you.

"cal-calum. the cancer killed him" she said in between heaving sobs.

slowly, you drop to the floor. you cant breathe and the tears stream out of you like a river. youre still in love with him. he never even told you about his cancer...

she shakily tells you "he says to tell you that he loves you and that he never wanted you to see him like this and thats why he left you." the sobs kept getting heavier.

"i love him too."

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