for jessica (@niallsimaginationx)

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hope you like this, Jessica (and all my other readers !!! <3 ) sorry I took forever with this. These past two weeks have been so dramatic and I was sooooo sick omg.


"911, my fiancé has completely passed out. I can't find his pulse and his body is cold" you scream into the phone as you're feeling around Michaels body to find a heartbeat.

As you're giving the operator your address, you start crying and overthinking about the possibilities of what could be wrong with your future husband. You fear the worst and you just sit and sob into his body.

After about 7 minuets, an ambulance finally comes. Paramedics came rushing into the house you two share and they put Michael into the car. You sat in the seat and held Michaels hand as they drove you down to the closet hospital.

The nurses made you sit in the waiting room for what felt like days. You were not allowed in the back with Michael. You just wanted to know what was going on with your fiancé.

A nurse came out to greet you after waiting for a while.

"given Michaels circumstances, we may definitely not let him go. He has very little time left on this earth. He's not doing very well."

"what circumstances?" you say.

"you don't know?"

Tears fill your eyes as you shake your head.

"Michael has cancer."

You burst into sobs. You began to shake. And you just break down.

"You can go see him now. He has gained consciousness."

You get up and follow the doctor.

Michael was laying on his bed. He was so pale. It hurt you so much to see him like this. As you approach Michael, you look back at the doctor and give her a look that lets her know that she should leave.

"Jessica." Michael hoarsely says.

"Cancer, Michael?" You sniffle and wipe your eyes. "You never told me. Why?"

"I'm sorry, Jess. I should've told you. I thought id have more time." You lay down on his chest and begin to softly cry on his chest. You know that his time is almost up deep down, but you don't want to admit it.

"that's not good enough, baby"

"I love you, Jessica."

"I love you, Michael." You sniffle.


4 days later, he passed. Your future husband, gone. You loved him so much. And now he's gone.

Sad Imagines and Preferences // 5SOS (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now