Chapter 6

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Emily was acting a bit too wierd these days. She used to barge into the CEO's office as usual, but the thing which seemed weird was that she was being very clingy to Yibo. I don't know if he was uncomfortable or not, but I was. I was really feeling very irritated.

She used to just walk in and drag him out of the office saying that she was either bored or hungry. She used to pout or sulk when he rejected causing a ruckus. She acted like kid who needs attention. He would think that he had no other choice but to give in and would follow her. I didn't like him doing that. He had a choice. He could have chided and ignored her. He would give me a side glance everytime he followed her.

The same thing happened this morning too. I seriously don't know what's gotten into her. But she's really very irritating. I was deep in thought and was staring at my laptop when I heard someone clear their throat.

"What are you thinking about? "
There stood Yang.

"It's nothing Mr. Yang. Was going through some documents. "

"You need not be soo formal when he's not around. Call me like you usually do. "

"Shut up! Someone might hear you. "
I gritted my teeth.

"Where did he go? "

"As usual. "

He laughed at my statement.

"Well, I came here to ask you about something. "
His tone was serious this time.

"What's it? "

"Did you go to the mansion with him? "

"Which mansion? "

"Stop fooling around. Will you? "
He was annoyed.
But what did I do? Why was he annoyed.
I stayed in my seat without uttering a word.

"Why did you go there? "

"I didn't go there on purpose. He said he wanted to visit someone and he didn't even mention where we were going until we reached there. "

"Wasn't your brain working? Didn't you notice the route you were traveling? "

I need to control his anger and bring back the situation to normal before someone could hear him.

"Stop shouting at me, Yang. "
I had to raise my voice.
He calmed down for a bit.

"Did you meet him? "

"Hmm. "

His face turned pale.

"Wh-What happened? Did he tell anything? "

"He did--- "

I had to stop when I heard someone turning the knob to open the door.
It was Yibo and Emily.
Yibo saw us, and stood where he was. He looked confused. Yang clenched his hand into a fist. He was trying to control his rage.
Emily read the air and walked forward. Towards my direction.

"What are you guys doing? Were you slacking off because the CEO wasn't present. You- Who do you think you are? I think the company is wasting money by keeping someone so useless like you here. " She glared at me. "And Yang... What are you doing here?
That was enough to trigger Yang. He was waiting for a situation like this to take out his anger on someone.

"Who do you think YOU are Ms. Emily Qi? Do you think you are in a position were you can question me? Remember, you are just a mere secretary and also I think you don't have the authority to question him. Let me just remind you. The company is paying you too. So, remember not to slack off during work hours and stop dragging Yibo out. He isn't a jobless idiot to be hanging out with you during work hours. "

Who is she kidding? I guess people have to remind her that the person she was speaking with was Xue Yang.

"Bo, look how rude your friend is towards me. He's offending me just to defend this mere PA---"

"Just stop it Emily. Just stop it. I have had enough. Why do you hate him soo much? Can't you be nice to him at least for once in a while. " Yibo defended me this time.

Emily stood there without being able to utter a word.

"Woah! I'm really very impressed Wang Yibo. Two friends teaming up against a girl just to protect another boy. What a great definition of a gentleman. "

She walked out closing the door with a loud bang.

It was very awkward as neither of us spoke. Yibo wanted to ask something but he restrained himself as that would make the situation worse.

"I'm sorry, Bo. I didn't intend to shout at her but she really got onto my nerves. " Yang spoke out.

"That's fine, Yang. You know what she's like. She'll be alright in a while.
I'm sorry, Zhan."

Huh? Why's he being sorry?

"For what? "

"For everything. "

You have to stop this Yibo. Please stop confusing me like this.

I stayed silent not knowing what to speak.

"I gotta go, Bo. See ya. "
Yang said. He glanced at me once before leaving.

"Ah, I.... I actually... I---"
I wanted to escape. To ease my mind.

"Go and come back soon. "
What? Did he just read my mind?
I looked at him and he smiled and nodded.


Not knowing where to go, I decided to go to the rooftop. Trust me, it's one of the best places to go when you need to relax your mind. Seoul looked pretty good from there. I was busy organizing the thoughts in my mind that I failed in noticing the person who stood beside me.

"I feel like pushing you off this building. "

"Stop kidding me, Emily. "

"Do you think I can't do that? "

"Why do you hate me soo much? "

"Why did you come back? "

"I don't think it's necessary for me to report each and everything to you. "
This lady is really frustrating.
There's no point in arguing with someone like her so let me just walk away. I started walking towards the door.

"What are you planning this time, Special Agent Mr. Xiao Zhan? "
Her words were powerful enough to stop me.

"What? "

"So, who's your target this time? Are you here to kill or to trap? "

"What the fuck are you blabbering about? "

She walked close to me.

"Don't you ever try to hurt my Bo. I will definitely kill you even if you lay a finger on him. You are such a ruthless, evil bastard. I'm ready to give up my everything to protect my love from you. Remember, Bo is mine. Bo always belongs to his Emily. I'll protect him. "

I just stared at her. She gave me a smirk indicating my defeat. I was at loss of words. I didn't want her to win. I have to tell something. I took a deep breath.

"Do you think that you can beat me? Well, if you think so, then all the best because this is not gonna be soo easy. And yeah! Yibo does not belong to you. He's not a property under sale. Try winning his heart instead of blabbering shit against me all the time. Well, you can never win his heart, not in this lifetime at the least. "
I glared at her and left before she could reply.

Yes, he doesn't belong to her. He belongs to none. Because no one's worth having him.

I'll not fail this time. I promise that I'll protect you.

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