Special Chapter 3

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My peaceful sleep was disturbed by the discordant sound of my alarm clock. I grabbed my cell phone which was on the night stand and stopped the unmelodic tune. How I wish I get to hear something melodious in the morning. Want to know what sounds melodious to my ears? Well, it is his... Wait! Why should I tell you that?

I threw my phone on the bed, as I rubbed my eyes with my palm. I sat up straight on the bed and streched my body.

But... Why did he look disturbed yesterday. That's the first thought that striked my mind as soon as I woke up.

Well, I don't think it'll be that hard for me to find the reason. Let me take a hot shower first. My body feels numb because of work. I headed towards the bathroom to ease my body with hot water.

I got out from the shower and got ready. Yang was sitting peacefully on the living room couch, scrolling through his social media accounts as usual.

"Let's go. " I said as I walked past him.

"Yes, Sir! " He chuckled as he stood up and followed me.

We soon drove to the company. Our car entered the parking lot and that's when I observed that agent standing there waiting for someone. Well, I know who he is waiting for. But, he looks cheerful today. Why? Did he realize that whatever it was was a fake info and that I'm innocent? He ignored me yesterday yet he looks soo normal today.

He walked towards where the car was being parked. I got off the car. He smiled at me. I wanted to look cold and didn't want to respond, but I don't really know why I smiled back.

"Good morning, Mr. Wang. " He greeted me.

"Good morning. " I said.

He walked closer towards the car and leaned against it.

"You look great today. " He complimented me.

"I look great everyday. "
Well, I was just speaking the truth, but he looked kinda surprised by my answer. Yang who walked towards us chuckled at his surprised expression.

"Yes, you do. That's what makes my heart flutter. "

God! How can he flirt like this?
I'm speechless. I just looked at him and shook my head with a smile.

We soon entered the elevator and I could feel his gaze on me.

"Why are you staring at me like that? " I asked without looking at his face.

"Are you a bank loan? " He asked me.

"Why? " I asked him and I was quite sure that he would come up with a pick up line this time too.

"Because you got all my interest. "

I couldn't help, but to look at his face and smirk.

His eyes widened and he looked like a surprised bunny on seeing my smirk.

"Can you guys please stop doing this to me? " Yang spoke.

"What happened, Yang? " I asked him.

"You guys are acting all lovey-dovey. I feel like a third-wheel. " Yang whined.

'That you are' I wanted to say and tease him but I refrained myself from doing so.

Xiao Zhan started laughing and even I couldn't control my laughter. Xiao Zhan stepped out of the elevator as soon as we reached the 5th floor, he turned back once before the door closed, we smiled at him and he smiled back.

I and Yang then proceeded to my office. I don't know why, but I feel a very rare comfort whenever that agent is around. All the stress and tensions disappears whenever I listen to his careless flirtings, cute laughter and melodious voice.

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