His Jacket (Fluff)

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Hi guys, it's me from the future🙏 i still am physically cringing as I read through this again, so for new readers! Be warned, this is like.. 6th grader writing.


AE-3803 had finished delivering the oxygen to the cell and is now planning to meet up with AA-5100 when she bumped into a Neutrophil.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you."

The Neutrophil looked back, it was U-1146.

"Oh, Sekkekkyū, how are you doing?"

"Oh hi Hakkekkyū-san! It's nice to meet you again. I'm doing pretty well, I just finished delivering oxygen and I memorized some of the routes already. How was your day?"

"My day was pretty normal, just fighting bacteria, but you always seem to make my day even brighter."

U-1146 had a slight tinge of pink on his cheeks. AE-3803 smiled and said
"Do you want to get some tea?"


They both walked to the cafeteria, red blood cells that walked by kept on staring at them.

"Isn't that the Red Blood Cell who was always clumsy?"

"Why is a Red Blood Cell with a White Blood Cell? He could have killed her by now!"

"Why isn't she scared of that White blood Cell? He's so scary!"

Bypassers kept on pointing and whispering at each other, U-1146 narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth, "How could they be so mean?"
He looked at AE-3803, who was forcing a smile on her face.

They arrived at the cafeteria where they met AA-5100 and U-2626 having tea.

"Hi senpai! Hi U-2626! It's nice to see you both." AE-3803 said while waving her hand.

"Oh, Hi AE-3803, and I see you're with U-1146 again." Replied AA-5100.

"Yes, we bump into each other very often, it's sometimes our routine now." replied U-1146 while pulling his hat down to cover his face.

"The both of you hang out really often. Now I think, are you two dating?" U-2626 chuckled.

"It's not like that! It's just coincidental." AE-3803 muttered. She started getting red as her hair.

"You two don't even have feelings for each other? Not even one of you?" AA-5100 asked.

"Uhm.." U-1146 thought, does he have feelings for AE-3803? He does hang out with her a lot and in his opinion, AE-3803 is really nice. He looked at AE-3803, who is now frozen of embarrassment.

"Sekkekkyū? Are you okay?" U-1146 asked while putting his hand on AE-3803's shoulder.

"Oh, I'm fine Hakkekkyū-san. Should we get our tea now?"

They both said goodbye to AA-5100 and U-2626 and went to get some tea.

They sat at a nearby bench.

"Sekkekkyū, how come you bought glucose instead?" Asked U-1146 while sipping his tea.

"I might as well gather energy for my next delivery. I feel rather sleepy." Replied AE-3803 while licking her glucose.

AE-3803 continued eating her glucose while U-1146 stared at her, U-1146 thought, isn't she the cutest?

AE-3803 noticed him staring and asked, "Why are you staring like that Hakkekkyū-san?"

"No reason." U-1146 replied as his cheeks turned into a slight tinge of pink.

AE-3803 chuckled, "You know what Hakkekkyū-san, you're probably the nicest Neutrophil I have ever met."

U-1146 turned his head slightly to AE-3803, now fully listening to her.

"I mean, whenever I get lost, you showed me the way. Remember the first time we met? When we were heading to the lungs, and I still went to the wrong ways even if you showed me."

U-1146 chuckled, he did remember that day. That day when both of them were stuck in the net the bacteria stuck them in and he dragged AE-3803 while running.

"And when there was bacteria who would target me in some times, you were always there to save me. I really hope one day I could repay you." AE-3803 smiled and continued licking her glucose.

"I was only doing my job, to protect cells, and by that means is to protect you too Sekkekkyū. You're really important to me." U-1146 replied and sipped his tea.

AE-3803 blushed at what U-1146 said.
"I'm important? Gosh, I've never heard that. I was always this clumsy and forgetful cell, so almost everyone thinks of me as useless."

AE-3803 sighed and continued.

"Since I was a little girl, I was very clumsy indeed. There was this one incident that happened when I was still little. Macrophage and a White Blood Cell was doing a drill to help us practice to save ourselves from attacking bacteria."

"I bet the Bacteria they used was a puppet." replied U-1146.

"Yes it was! So I ran and ran and I ended up at an unfamilliar corridor, I hid behind boxes when a bacteria spotted me there, I thought before it was Mr. White Blood Cell who was puppeting the bacteria, but it was a real one! So I kept on running until there was a White Blood Cell who went infront of me and tried to block the bacteria from attacking me. His knife was disarmed by the bacteria so we started running, until Macrophage and Mr. White Blood Cell found us and killed the bacteria. Sometimes I'd think, how is the White Blood Cell doing right now? I wonder if he became really successful."

U-1146 thought this story was quite similar to an incident that happend when he was a child. Could it have been a coincidence that he meet her before?

"You had a quite of an adventure when you were a child." U-1146 replied while sipping the last of his tea.

"Yes, I did, although it frightend me a little." Replied AE-3803 while licking the last of her glucose.

"Sekkekkyū, you are the nicest Erythrocyte I've met." U-1146 hastily replied, he didn't think of what he said, it just came out of the blue.

"That's.. really nice of you to say that, thanks Hakkekkyū-san." AE-3803 replied while smiling.

"I feel a bit sleepy, I might as well take a nap." murmured AE-3803, who was starting to close her eyes.

"Get some sleep, Sekkekkyū." replied U-1146.

He took off his jacket and put in on to her like a blanket. His receptor went on so he kissed her forehead and said goodbye.

U-1146 went to the scene where he saw his colleagues that has finish fighting of the bacteria.

"Where were you? You're a bit late." 4989 asked while picking us the remains of the bacterium. "Also where is your jacket?"

"I lost it." U-1146 lied.

"You're not the type of loosing things, I know you pretty well, now tell us, who did you give it too?" 2048 asked.

"Uhmm.." U-1146 blushed.

"He gave it to his Red Blood Cell of course." Exclaimed 2626, who just arrived.

"And you're late too." 4989 added.

"He was also with his Red Blood Cell."
2048 added while chuckling.

While that happend, AE-3803 woke up from her nap. She noticed that U-1146's jacket was her blanket.

"It smells just like him, there's blood but I'm used to it." she murmured.

"He's such a gentleman."

She wore his jacket and continued her work.

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