The Pianists (High School AU)

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It was morning, the students are scattered around the classroom in their own little groups.

The bell rang, eveyone took their seats fast as they could until their teacher had arrived.

U-1146 was sitting down at his table the whole time, reading a book entitled "Harry Potter" while listening to piano covers in his earphones.

The teacher arrived, bringing her books and a clipboard. She put her things in the table and greeted the class Good Morning.

"Good morning, Ms. Viel." The student's greeted lazily.

"Sit down everybody." she added. She sat down too and started to ruffle around her things.

"Now everybody, since the school festival is starting, I would like to assign the students now for the talent show." Ms. Viel added. She took a piece of a paper and grabbed a pen from her pocket.

"I'd like to know who would like to volunteer to perform at the talent show." she added.

Almost quarter of the class didn't want to volunteer, only the smart ones volunteered to perform, they were the ones who played violin and had good, warm voices.

U-1146 kept his head down and continued reading the book silently when he heard all of this. He didn't want to be a part of it, since he has tried to quit piano for 10 months now. He hasn't laid a finger on a key ever since.

He closed his book and put it inside his bag and sat up straight.

"Those willing to perform will sign up here, please write you name here and we will give further announcements." The teacher added.

The teacher's phone started ringing loudly, with the song of "Sunflower" by Post Malone. "I better take this class, please write your names here and I'll be right back." the teacher said as she took her phone and went outside.

About 4-5 students started lining up, including U-1146's friend, U-4989.

After about 2 minutes, all students have taken their seats as the teacher has came back after her phone call.

"Sorry kids, school stuff. Anyways, I'll be doing a roll call of people in here."
Ms. Viel said loudly.

"Ms. AZ-7848, Ms. GD-6893, Ms. RA-9765, Mr. U-3804 and Mr. U-1146."

U-1146 frooze, I didn't even sign up, he thought.

"If that's all, wait for the school's announcement and be ready. All performers can pick if they are soloists or a group." The teacher added. She took out her english textbook and started writing on the board.

-After Class-

The teacher went out along with her pets who were carrying her other things when U-1146 turned around and looked at U-4989.

"Oi U-4989, why did you do that?" U-1146 asked in a pissed tone.

"Why won't you just play? You play amazingly anyways." U-4989 replied while smiling.

"I don't like the piano." U-1146 replied in a serious voice.

"You used too." U-2626 added as he closed his textbook.

"C'mon, you haven't played for 10 months now. Your hand is itching to touch the piano, I know it." U-4989 added.

U-1146 looked down and thought, maybe just this time, I'll get extra credit anyways. He sighed and took out one textbook for his next class.

-5 classes later-

5 painful subjects had passed, one of the subjects was very brutal since the teacher was mad that almost half the class hasn't passed their essay and it was already the deadline. Now it was lunch time, when students gather around their own little groups in or out of school.

U-1146 planned on going to the cafeteria when he heard a familiar tune.

"Who could be playing it? It hasn't been touched for months." U-1146 mumbled to himself.

He turned around and walked towards the empty part of the building with unused classrooms and a music room with no one using it.

As he walked nearer and nearer to the room he could now recognize the music being played.

He was now looking at the front door,
listening to the piece being played at the other side of the wall. He opened it slowly, revealing a redheaded girl who was wearing the usual school uniform. She looked at U-1146, looking unbothered and continued on playing the music until she had finally finished.

"Hello, what brings you here?" The girl asks.

"I'm here to visit this room, I haven't played in a while." U-1146 replied.

"I'm AE-3803 by the way, I just transferred here 3 months ago." AE-3803 added, she stood up from the piano's bench and offered it to U-1146, "Why don't you play? I'd like to hear you." AE-3803 told him in a warm smile.

U-1146 sat down and looked at the keys, his hands were itching to play the piano, but his mind stops him. After a minute, he started playing;

"I see you're a man of culture as well." AE-3803 told hin as he finished playing.

"Man of culture?" U-1146 asked.

"Have you watched the anime or read the manga?" AE-3803 asked exitedly.

"Yeah, I watch anime a lot." U-1146 replied in a confused manner.

AE-3803 started jumping up and down
in delight, "I haven't meet anyone who is interested in anime before, I'm so happy!" AE-3803 added as she jumped higher.

"You could have just meet a few people in here who likes anime, right?" U-1146 asked.

"No, my classroom is one serious pack, they always study." AE-3803 replied. "I just found this music room and thought I could play in here to pass time, since I don't have any friends." AE-3803 added.

"Don't have any friends? But you're nice, how could you not have any friends?" U-1146 asked while scratching his head.

"I don't have the guts to talk to other people, if I talked to you I might me drunk from banana milk." AE-3803 chuckled.

"You play gracefully, U-1146. Why did you try to quit piano anyways?" AE-3803 asked as she walked towards the window to look outside.

"How did you know that I stopped playing?" U-1146 asked suspiciously, he narrowed his eyes.

"The whole school refers to you as the "Grand Pianist", don't you know?" AE-3803 replied.

"No, I'm not aware." U-1146 replied briefly, grand pianist? Why would they refer to me as that?

"Hey, since you don't have friends, would you like to be friends instead?" U-1146 asked.

"Sure! I'd love too!" AE-3803 replied as she eyes shined in happiness.

They continued chatting to get to know each other until Lunch ended. They both waved their goodbyes and left with happy faces.

This was a start of a thrilling friendship.

Author Cell-Chan: I like instruments and anime so why not ComBiNe? Anyway this story one shot is gonna be like 4 or 5 parts so I put a warning now lmao.

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