Could We Rewrite Our Fates? (Part 2)

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U-1146 was walking around with NT-4201 when AE-3803 walked past both of them.

"Oh, Sekkekyu, how are you doing?"
U-1146 asked.

"Oh Hakkekkyu, I'm doing very well.
I must continue my delivery.. I'll see you both later."

AE-3803 quickly waved goodbye to NT-4201 and U-1146 and went on to continue her work.

U-1146 stared at her until she gradually went farther and farther until AE-3803 was not seen.

NT-4201 noticed and nudged his broad shoulder.

"What are you staring at?" NT-4201 asked to U-1146 in a bitter tone.

"I'm just tired, that's all." U-1146 replied and he sighed after.

"Tired? You haven't even slayed at least 1 germ today! How can you be tired?" NT-4201 asked in a much more bitter tone than her past question.

U-1146 sighed. Ever since they dated about a month ago, she's always had control of him. She'd always be mad when he was late for their dates, even if he was killing bacteria beforehand.

U-1146 looked at NT-4201, whick was now clinging in his hand. He thought;

"Did I make the right decision of dating her?"

He inhaled deeply and exhaled, his face suddenly made a gloomy expression. He felt that something was missing, something happy was missing.

"I already have a girlfriend, how could I be not happy?" U-1146 thought. "Is she not the one?"

"NT-4201, do you want to go to the meadows?


They walked past by Dendritic Cell and Macrophage who was both having tea.

Macrophage takes Dendritic's camera and looks at the pictures he's took.

"Dendritic, why haven't you got atleast a hundred photos here since the past month?" Macrophage asked as she clicked away to view the photos.

"I haven't had my motivation recently." Dendritic replied as he sighed and sipped his hot tea.

"By inspiration you mean AE-3803 and U-1146?" Macrophage replied as she giggled and put the camera down to drink her tea. "Oh, my tea has gone cold." Macrophage added.

"I haven't seen them together recently, U-1146 is always with AE-3803's kouhai, NT-4201 and AE-3803 has been lonely during breaktimes." Dendritic cell replied as he took a deep breath and added "I'd talk with her if she felt alright, she'd always say yes, since she is that happy cell, bur I can feel that she's pretty hurt."

Macrophage put her teacup down, which was now empty. "I can feel what you feel." She replied. "They'll get together sooner, it's their destiny anyways." she added and grinned.

U-1146 and NT-4201 arrived at the meadow. NT-4201 quickly sat down at the grass, "Ah, it's so peaceful here, isn't it?-"

She looked at U-1146, who was looking down.

"U-1146, are you alright? Sit down for-"

"NT-4201." U-1146 cut her off.

"I don't think we're meant to be together." U-1146 added as he looked toward her, straight in the eyes.

"What do you mean by that?-" NT-4201 asked in a suprised tone.
"You're not breaking up with me, aren't you?"

"I am." U-1146 added.

"How could you do this?" NT-4201 asked while gritting her teeth. "I did everything-"

"We did everything with your choices! You don't even listen to me!" U-1146 exclaimed, now looking scary.

"Is.. Is this because of AE-3803?" She asked. "JUST TELL ME WHY, I CAN UNDERSTAND." She exclaimed.

"Yes, it's AE-3803.." he gulped.

"Go to her then! I don't give a f*ck anymore! Go ahead!" NT-4201 exclaimed.

NT-4201 started sobbing as U-1146 turned back and walked away, he stopped for a moment and looked back.

"Thank you for being my girlfriend, NT-3803. But it seems we were not meant for each other."

He saluted her and left.

Now he needed to plan on how to get AE-3803.


AE-3803 was done with her deliveries and has come to visit Dendritic Cell and Macrophage.

"Hello Dendritic! Hi Macrophage! How were you 2 today?"

Dendritic Cell stopped talking to Macrophage and looked towards AE-3803. He grinned and replied;

"Oh, Sekkekkyu-chan! Come sit down and have a cup of tea."

AE-3803 walked towards Dendritic and Macrophage and sat down at the unoccupied chair.

"Would you like some tea? Biscuits?"
Macrophage asked while putting a teacup infront of her and taking the plate of biscuits and puts it at the middle of the table.

"Thank you very much." AE-3803 said while taking the teapot.

"So, how are you feeling?" Macrophage asked in a soft tone.

"I'm feeling alright, although rather lonely." AE-3803 replied as she looked down half flustered.

"You don't need to be embarrassed, you can tell us." Dendritic said in a concerned way.

AE-3803 took a deep breath and started to vent;

"Something has been bothering me. For the past month, I've felt rather lonely, I didn't show much energy like before. I'd feel uneasy when I see.."

AE-3803 stopped talking, she felt her insides hurl and she continued.

"W-when I see U-1146 with NT-4201."

Macrophage was curling her hair strand with her dainty finger and she replied;

"Why not try to get him?" she giggled.

"I can't just take him, he already has a girlfriend." AE-3803 sighed as she sipped her tea.

"What she meant is, just be you. You're very nice and cheery and that's what you are. You can just lighten up someones day with that happy smile of yours." Dendritic cell added.

"So, I should just be myself?" AE-3803 asked, taking a biscuit and taking a bite of it.

"Exactly Sekkekkyu, just be who you are. You don't need to change yourself. Just take it slow, alrighty?" Macrophage added as she grinned.

"Don't rush things." Killer T added.

"Oh, Killer T, what brings you here today?" Dendritic cell asked.

"Oh, I'm just going to leave this package here." Killer T replied as he placed the package at the floor near the flowerpots.

"So what's the advice for? Who is she trying to get?" Killer T asked while crossing his arms.

"She has eyes for a particular Neutrophil." Dendritic Cell replied.

"Ah, I see." Killer T replied as he went off. He stopped for a moment and looked back.

"You, Red Blood Cell, remember to just take it slow." Killer T added as he continued to walk away.

"Take it slow" AE-3803 murmured.

Author Cell-Chan: I'll be continuing this on the next chapter which is gonna be the last chapter.

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