The Pianists (Part 3)

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The day before the performance, they had already practiced a ton and now they are just hanging around U-1146's house.

"Sekkekkyū? Don't you feel nervous for playing the first time?" U-1146 asked.

"I feel like that but, I'm not that nervous since I'm playing with you." she replied with a smile.

U-1146 looked at her, how could she say that with no hesitance?

He started getting red and replied, "Y-you're comfortable with me?.." he asked.

"Yeah, you were the first friend I had in this school. I'm so thankful I met you." she replied.

She tightly hugged him unexpectedly as she mumbled "Thank you."

"Your.. Welcome. I guess.."

He couldn't move a muscle, he liked the hug anyways.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I just felt like hugging you, I should have asked first-"

"No- NO, it's okayyy-" U-1146 replied hastily.

They both looked at each other in the eyes, they both gone red and AE-3803 turned away.

U-1146 and AE-3803 went silent for a moment, U-1146 tried to bring up a conversation;

"So how come your parents allowed you to sleepover at my place?" U-1146 asked. "Aren't they worried since I'm a boy?" he added.

"No, and they trust you already, and I trust you as well." AE-3803 replied.

She smiled at him warmly and added;

"We can practice anytime as well, since were in one roof. How 'bout we practice this one more time?" AE-3803 added, she walked towards the piano and moved over to the left side, she patted the remaining space of the bench while saying "C'mon Hakkekkyū! I promise I'll do great this time hihi~"

Being her partner, he walked toward the piano and sat down, he closed the music book and looked at her.

"No cheating." U-1146 told her.

"Aww c'mon!" he scoffed.

They started playing, although AE-3803 may have some faults, it was barely noticable.

**I cannot show you what they played or how they played it since ya'll gonna be spoiled.**

"You're getting good, Sekkekkyū. Although it's better if you don't make any mistakes." U-1146 added.

"I'll do my best at the final performance!" AE-3803 replied as she fisted the air.

"That's the spirit!" U-1146 chuckled.

They laughed as someone was knocking on the door.

The door opened;

"Hey, you both, ya'll hungry?" Ms. Macrophage asked.

(Don't mind that that Ms. Macrophage ehe)

"Kinda." U-1146 replied, although his stomach was already growling.

"Didn't you just say you were hungry earlier?" AE-3803 asked him.

"Well then!" Ms. Macrophage clapped her hands, "Come downstairs, the food is ready." she added. She closed the door and went down.

"Don't you think you should eat now?" AE-3803 asked.

"I don't feel that well, I feel like barfing." U-1146 replied.

AE-3803 put her hand on his shoulder.

"If it's about the performance tomorrow, I promise you will do great!" AE-3803 smiled.

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