I'm Sorry.. (Sad / A bit of Fluff)

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U-1146 was doing his usual, walking aroud and patrolling the area when his receptor went off.

He quickly ran to the scene where he saw AE-3803 cornered by the bacteria.

"Sekkekkyū, calm down, I'll kill the bacteria."

U-1146 quickly took his knife and slashed the bacteria. He ran to AE-3803 who was injured.

"Sekkekkyū, are you alright?" U-1146 asked while panting.

"I slipped while running and fell headfirst, there's blood dripping down my forehead." She replied while pointing at the bloody wound she had at her forehead.

U-1146 quickly carried AE-3803, bridal style and ran to the Macrophages. He arrived 10 minutes later, seeing Dendritic Cell and Macrophage having tea and biscuits.

"Hello there Hakkekkyū, what's happened to Sekkekkyū?" Macrophage questioned while walking towards both of them.

"She was attacked by bacteria earlier and she tripped and hit her forehead."
U-1146 replied hastily.

"Oh dear, oh dear, bring her inside."
murmured Macrophage while opening the door.

She took out the first aid kit and quickly opened it to get the gauze and cotton , Dendritic cell took the tweezers and took the ointment and brought a tub of water with a towlette.

"I'll clean the injury first before applying the ointment."

Macrophage took the towlette and dabbed it on AE-3803's wound to make it clean.

"Don't you have work to do Hakkekkyū?" Macrophage asked while taking the tweezers.

"I'm on break." he replied.

They finished patching up her wound and she was lied down since she had lost her consciousness.

"She'll regain her consciousness later on, you can stay her if you like." giggled Macrophage, Dendritic cell took a quick photo before leaving with Macrophage. He showed Macrophage the photo that showed U-1146 staring at AE-3803, looking worried.

"They look pretty sweet, I'll add this to my recent scrapbook of them." Dendritic Cell added.

U-1146 stared at AE-3803, looking worried and thought, "Why did I lie about being in break? I'm supposed to be patrolling right now. Am I doing this cause I want to be with her?"

He stayed there for 15 minutes, patiently waiting for AE-3803 to wake up until she woke up.

"Huh? Where am I? What am I doing? Where's the basket of nutrients I was holding?" AE-3803 asked.

U-1146 calmed her down and replied

"NT-4201 took them instead, since she saw you go unconscious earlier while I was carrying you."

AE-3803 touched her forehead and noticed the gauge covering the wound.

"Ah, you brought me here. Thank you very much, how could I ever repay you?" replied AE-3803 while smiling.

"I was just doing my job, to protect cells." U-1146 replied.

"I must need to know how to defend myself, I can't just keep on coming back here." AE-3803 sighed while pointing at the logbook.

U-1146 stood up and went to the table to see the logbook that AE-3803 has pointed.


Day 1 of month 3
Wound at knee due to bacteria
Day 3 of month 3
Wound at elbow due to bacteria
Day 7 of month 3
Lost consciousness due to bacteria

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