The Pianists (Final)

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That performance changed a lot.

They were known as the "Mysterious Pianists" since they only talked mostly to each other.

They became the musical duo, they had 2 more people join in their group. Their names were AA-5100 and U-2626.

The 4 of them had been friends through their Junior years and Senior years, although the original two was always the one who stands out in their group. But all things come to an end they say, as well as Highschool.


"Guys, where do you all want to study?" U-1146 asks them as he grabbed a potato chip and shoved it at his mouth.

"Hm.. I'm taking medicine, so maybe I'm going to go at this local collage since we don't have enough money." AA-5100 replied. "How 'bout you 26?" AA-5100 added as she sipped her juice. "I'm thinking of taking law school, but I'm still thinking." U-2626 replied. "I'm taking music school, or art school, I'm still thinking as we." U-1146 added. AE-3803 sat there, silent and was looking down the whole conversation.

"G-guys, I want to leave." AE-3803 stuttered.

"We'll come with you-" U-1146 replied, but then gets cut off.

"No. It's fine." AE-3803 said, she gritted her teeth and walked off and farther away from the group.

"What's her problem?" AA-5100 asked.
"She passed her exams tho, why is she mad?" U-1146 scratched his head.

"I'll go talk to her, hold on." U-1146 said.

He stood up and went to where AE-3803 will be. He went inside the buildings and first checked her classroom, which she isn't there. Music room, she isn't there either. He goes up the stairs and reached the rooftop where he saw AE-3803 standing near the edge of the building, she was looking down, her hair and skirt waving like the wind.

"If you gonna what I think you would do I'd rather kill you first." U-1146 mumbled to himself. He walked towards AE-3803, "Oi! What are you doing?" he asked.

She looked back, her face was rather sad than cheery like always. She turned around and looked at him, "What do you want, '46?" AE-3803 asked as she crossed her arms.

"Why'd you storm out earlier?" U-1146 asked. "We were only talking about our collage desicions when you-"

"That's my problem!" she exclaimed. She looked away and continued, "I wanted to stay here, at this place. I'm moving to America." AE-3803 added.

U-1146 widen his eyes, she's going to move?

AE-3803 started tearing up, she wiped it off as if nothing had happened and went towards U-1146. She hugged him and mumbled something in his ear. "Thank you for making my final 2 years of highschool.. fun." she added.

U-1146 felt awkward that she hugged him, although despite the awkwardness, he hugged back.

"It's okay.. Why did you storm out anyways?" U-1146 asked as he got out of the hug.

"00' gonna be mad since I told her I'd buy her new manga." AE-3803 replied.

"You could just buy her when summer vacation starts. No biggie-" he replied.

"I'm leaving before summer vacation, I'm leaving in 2 weeks." she replied.

2 weeks? Summer is like, a month away.

"Why are you leaving so early?" U-1146 asked.

AE-3803 sat down at the bench and turned around to look at U-1146.

"Mom and Dad got promoted to a branch at America, and we already booked the flight." she replied.

"So, why don't you just tell the 2?" U-1146 asked again.

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