The Pianists (Part 2)

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They both hang out often when breaks in the music room, which where they enjoyed playing a few unused instruments in there, like the violin and the guitar. People started to talk to AE-3803 and she had made a few more friends. Almost 3 weeks had passed, U-1146 totally forgot about his performance in the school's festival.

"U-1146, could we talk outside?" the Math teacher asked him after class.

"Yeah, sure Ma'am."

U-1146 stood up and walked out of the classroom with the teacher, his classmates looked at him as they started whispering at each other.

"Bet he is in trouble." One student whispered to his friend.

They were now outside, the teacher took out her phone and opened it, she showed a picture of a list entitled "The Performances".

"I've told the others about this, you were the last one since I couldn't find you during break times." The teacher added.

U-1146 squinted his eyes, he was the last performer. I can't back out now, he thought.

"You can do a duet if you want, but you'll have to tell us who you would do it with before the day of the performance. Although I suppose you don't need a partner since you play really well, am I right"

U-1146 nodded casually, looking worried as he hasn't prepared anything, and he hasn't thought if he wanted to play with someone or not.

"Be ready in a week, do your best." the teacher said before walking away to her next class.

"What am I supposed to play?"

-After Classes-

"What are you planning to play, Hakkekkyū?" AE-3803 asked him while munching on popcorn on her bed.

"Not sure yet, why are you eating in your bed? And are your parents going to be okay with me in your room?-"
U-1146 replied.

"Yeah, they are chill, although I gotta leave my door open for reasons." AE-3803 replied, she looked again on the TV that was showing a K-Drama.

(sorry can't find a scene with subtitles)

"What are you watching?" U-1146 asked as he sat beside AE-3803.

"Crash Landing on You." AE-3803 replied. She went quiet and continued on watching.

"That's cool, I should check it out." U-1146 replied. AE-3803 didn't say a single word and just continued watching. U-1146 went on and watched aswell.

He saw that the girl started playing, until the boy was the one who played.

He thought. this sounds familar.

"I just started watching this 2 days ago, I'd actually like to play that song."
AE-3803 added.

She stood up and went to her grand piano in the corner of her room, she sat down at the piano bench. "If I made a mistake, I'm sorry, I don't have perfect pitch ehe." She added.

She started playing the chorus, which was full of mistakes, she kept saying "Sorry!" every time she hit a note wrong.

U-1146 walked towards her and sat beside her in the bench, he started playing the piece;

He ended the piece and looked at his friend, who was suprised.

"When did you learn this,
Hakkekkyū?" She asked.

"I've seen the music sheet of it before, my classmates were showing it to me last week." U-1146 replied.

AE-3803 crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, "If you play that good, why can't you pick a piece to play?"
AE-3803 asked.

"I can't choose. I'm not good at choosing. Got any tips?" U-1146 replied, he smiled in embarrassment.

"Try a common piece, for example, Für Elise but make it exquisite to wow the audience." AE-3803 replied as she waved her hands infront of him.

"Did you do that in your other competitions?" U-1146 chuckled.

"Unfortunately no, I haven't done a performance, not even once." She replied as she scratched the back of her head.

"You've got talent, why haven't you done a perfomance yet?" U-1146 asked.

She stood up from the bench and sat down at the couch.

"This is more comfortable, anyways, I haven't since I'm scared of playing infront of people." She replied.

U-1146 stared at her and started thinking, his eyes widen and he smiles as he tells her his idea;

"Why don't you play with me?" U-1146 recomended.

"Play? Please note that I do not know Violin and you're literally the star of the performance so you cannot be a accompanist." she added.

"No, I meant, like, what you said. Get a common piece and make it exquisite." U-1146 added.

"And do you have a suggestion on the piece?" she asked, she raised her eyebrow.

"Actually I have one, and it's actually perfect for four hand duets. It's a common song but it's a bit extra." U-1146 replied.

"What's the name of the piece?" AE-3803 asked as she stood up and stood beside him.

"Canon in D"


"Miss Viel."

U-1146 called his teacher from the hallway, waving his hand.

"Oh, U-1146, do you have a question?" Ms. Viel asked as he walked towards her.

"About the performance, I'm playing with AE-3803." U-1146 replied.

"Isn't she the newcomer in our school? I'm glad that you made friends with her. What instrument is she playing?" Ms. Viel asked as she pushed her glasses upwards.

"It's a secret." U-1146 replied briefly.
He bowed and said thank you and went back to his classroom.

"Hm, I get him." she chuckled.

She went towards the next class while U-1146 was excited to tell her the news.

-Skip to Lunch-

U-1146 stood up from his seat and walked towards the door. His friends, U-2626 and U-4989 blocked him and asked;

"Where are you going this time?" U-4989 asked.

"No where."

"Oh really." U-2626 chuckled.

"Guys this is important." U-1146 replied. He walked in between them and went to AE-3803's class, U-2626 followed him, as well as U-4989.

He opened the door and asked;

"Is AE-3803 here?" U-1146 asked.

Students stared whispering, "Is that her boyfriend?" , "Woah, she's got good taste."

"Hakkekkyū-san! What's with you suddenly going in my classroom?" she asked.

"I got you in." U-1146 replied.

"I'm doing a performance?!?" She exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, I'm happy that you're gonna be performing now." U-1146 smiled.

"Yeah, now c'mon let's practice for today!" AE-3803 replied.

She grabbed his hand and ran towards the side of the building where the music room is, he enjoyed being with her, performing with her wouldn't be that hard, right?


Okay, only 3 parts since this is a ONE SHOT book, I cannot make 5 since ya'll will get bored, anyways I'm doing the last part tomorrow so bai.

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