Chapter 13

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"What's wrong!! Su su!"
"Zhao Lusi's parents are dead....they had a car crash...they were using my car!" Yang Mi said without if she was speechless...then she screamed,"If they had to kill someone...that should have been me!! Why them?? Why must they be killed just because they used my car!!!"
"Su su...calm down...we'll figure it's already clear that someone is trying to kill you, and he or she mistook Zhao Lusi's parents to be you...

Tears came dropping down her cheeks...she felt guilty...she felt like the reason behind their death...
"Su su...don't blame have nothing to do with the entire matter"
Yang Mi cried in his arms for about an entire hour...
She finally said...
"What about you...About the 18th were the one who helped Yifei to find me right?"
".....H-o-w d-i-d you...know?"
"I was right!!!"
"Mark, Yifei said that she found me after she saw a shadow going up to the 18th floor...first, It was clear...that the mastermind won't be there on the crime scene when his follower is committing the crime....second, it was all well planned...that implies, the person who did it is enough to check wether someone is following him or not...that means, someone deliberately made Yifei follow him...that person wants to protect me, not harm me...he/she already knows a lot more than I know...Right Mark? Well..these were just assumptions...until you admitted it yourself...unfortunately, Yifei didn't get his intentions, and she thought of him to be the enemy..."
"Ok ok...I admit, my girlfriend is smart..." Mark said proudly

"Now...there are two possibilities, either you're trying to plot everything and kill me...or you're trying to protect me...I choose to believe the latter...because I believe in you...although I was hesitant at the beggining, now I'm sure...I'll believe in you, no matter what"
Mark smiled and hugged her...

I'll believe in you, no matter what"Mark smiled and hugged her

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"Please don't talk about her...god, her only job all along is to misunderstand me"
Yang Mi laughed..."But hey...Why does she hate it...."
"Yes, she's my ex"
Yang Mi spranged up from her seat...
"Calm down girl...I only love you...I did date her...but we just dated for just one day ok?"
"Whatt??" Yang Mi laughed...
"Nd you call her your ex? But why does she hate you?"
"You won't get it....even if I make you understand...for Yifei...she'll tell you..till what she knows, then I'll tell you the rest...but you must believe me"
"Woah...this story is getting more interesting..."
Yang Mi went to meet Yifei...

"Yes, you're right, he's my ex"
"Woah....Yifei-a...why didn't you tell me earlier...did he break your heart or something?? If so..I'll go right now and break his head..."
" tell me your tragic one-day love story"
"So it began like this...We used to be child actors the age of 10...we were good friends...until one day...his dad transferred to America...and he decided to follow him, since he was a kid, he needed his was all fine...until one day...5 years later, he returned, we were 15...that was the time, when I started falling for him...I was deeply in love...After years of having an unrequited love...I finally confessed my love to him on my 18th birthday...That was the best day of my least, I had thought it to be so....he said he liked me too, and will always protect me...I believed him...believed that his words were to be trusted...but I was wrong, for that was the last time I saw him...from the next day, he went missing..."
"And he returned ten years later to date your bff??!"
"No...he returned an year ago"
Yang Mi's heart stopped...The word,"an year ago" gave her chills...
" year ago, I still remember that day, when I suddenly got a call from an unknown just said the name of a hospital and the ward number...the voice was Mark's...I rushed to the hospital...just to see you gravely injured..."
"You recovered, but your memories didn' went forgot everything and grew more distant from me...and, you constantly kept calling yourself some Bai..."
"Bai Qian!!???"
"Yess! You remember?"
"No...I dreamed it"
"Anyway...back to the point...You forgot all about this if you came from ancient times!!"
"The story doesn't end there...One day...I went to find you...but what I saw was unbelievable...You were with Mark, in his arms..."
"Whhhhatttttt??? Yifeiiii.....Are you crazy!!! You mean...I got to know entire year ago!!!"
"I wasn't ready to leave you...with him, but I had to because of Mulan's shooting...A few months later, you had a car accident...your memories came back...but you forgot all about the one year when you went's the current you...who started having a fake relationship with Mark..."
"Yifei-aa....don't blame me...but you were right...I did end up falling for Mark...."
"I'm sorry"
"Don't say sorry....I thought about were right...maybe Mark isn't that bad...maybe he's just trying to protect you...maybe I was just afraid, afraid that he'll break your heart just the way he did to me...but maybe he truly loves you, more than how much he loved me... no, he never loved me...he only loves you...and if so, I'm ready to support both of you unconditionally"
Yang Mi hugged Yifei tightly...
"Thank you...and sorry....I didn't knew that you had a past with him"
Liu wiped the tear on Mi's cheeks...

I didn't knew that you had a past with him"Liu wiped the tear on Mi's cheeks

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"Silly girl...don't feel bad...earlier I thought that he's unreliable...but my inspections have already proved that he was one who helped me to find you...I don't know why he protected you secretly...but he still don't love him any longer...maybe it has faded throughout the years...but if he loves you...I'll hand you to him"
"Yifei...Earlier...I didn't understand your point of I do...thank you...for everything"
"But if.......he hurts you...he'll get to see a real life Mulan....even before the Disney version is released"
Both of them laughed....
"Yifei!! Don't worry...I'll definitely beat him to death for breaking your heart"
They laughed again...

================================Yang Mi walked home thinking about the newly known facts about Mark and Yifei

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Yang Mi walked home thinking about the newly known facts about Mark and Yifei...she thought to herself, " Yifei said that she too found out that Mark was the one who secretly helped her to find me....both of our inspections can't be false...."
She was anxious to know about what new secrets Mark is going to share with her now....
Author's note: So...finally Yifei's secrets are exposed...Are y'll excited to know the rest? Btw...I wasn't able to add many pics here....Sorry for that

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