The Arrest

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I woke up on the couch of my apartment with the TV still on. The little Netflix pop up read, "Are you still watching?" I clicked no and turned off the TV.

I got dressed and I ordered breakfast to come to my apartment. I sat down in a chair on the balcony, scrolling through my phone and found Sam Golbach on Instagram. I followed him, Colby, and Kat, then unfollowed Brennen on all my social media. For some reason I started crying and that made my head throb from the pain in my eye.

I imagined I'd miss him but not this much after what he did to me. Though, I did miss him that much. I wished to see him again, his smile, hear his laugh. But I can't... cause it's over. I lit a cigarette to ease off the stress. I took a couple of puffs from it until I hear knocking from the door and got up to go see who it is.

I opened the door to Sam Golbach. He looked a bit mad and angry at the same time. "Hey Sam, what's up?" I opened the door fully for him to walk in.
"Brennen told the cops" my eyes widened when he said that.

"About yesterday?" I asked closing the door behind him. Sam nodded in response and bit his lower lip.
"How do you know this?" I said sitting on the couch with him.

"Colby got a text from Brennen this morning saying to tell you and I he called the cops, have fun getting arrested."

"We aren't going to get arrested" I reassured him
"You won't, I will"
"I won't let that happen"
"There's nothing you can do"
"I've got a story, who are they going to believe? The guy who hit a girl twice or the girl who has a black eye and a split lip because of that piece of shit?"
"You, I guess"
"Right" I smiled and he returned with a small quick reassured smile.


Minutes later I got four loud, hard knocks on my door. I looked I've too Sam and paused the show Sam and I were watching. "Coming!" I yelled to the person or persons standing in the other side.
I walked to the door and Sam leaned on the doorframe of the hallway. Two cops stood in the hall outside of the door looking down at me.
"Good morning ma'am" one of them said
"We are here on behalf of the arrest of Sam Golbach and Y/N/L/N" the other one said.

"Good morning, we are them" I nodded and Sam and the two cops came in. I left the door open for them to exit from.

"Hands behind your backs."

Sam and I obeyed him and put our hands behind us. We were standing next to each other, looking straight into each other's eyes. Sam looked worried, "it's gonna be fine Sam. Who knows what that girl hitting son of a b*tch told them." I said
"Is that what the black eye is from?" The cop that was hand cuffing me said.

"Who did that?"
"Brennen Taylor"
"The guy who called this in?"
"Yes sir"
"Ok, we are going to take you in for questioning"
"That's fine" I nodded and Sam did too.

We were taken down to their cop car and put in the back with each other. The ride to the station was silent besides the sound of the dispatch calls on the radio. I whispered into Sam's ear, "when we went back to Brennen's, it was for my stuff. Then Brennen provoked you and said he was going to hit me again, so you hit him. Ok?"

He nodded and we sat looking out the windows for the rest of the time.

At the station Sam and I were separated into different questioning rooms. A nice girl cop named McKenna unlocked my hands and relocated then in front of me on the table. She smiled at me and I smiled at her, then as she was walking out the man that arrested me walked in.
"Y/N is it?" He said sitting down
"Yes sir"
"So tell me the story, what happened?"
"One day at ihop Sam and I had looked at each other and Brennen took it the wrong way, at this time Brennen and I were dating. He thought it was more than an eyes accidentally locked thing. That was all it was too. After Sam left for Australia with some of his friends. Brennen and I started a fight and I started sleeping at my apartment again and we didn't talk for a week.

"Yesterday I tried to talk things over with Brennen and he had told me that Sam was coming back today and I said I didn't care, because that was my least concern at the moment. He called me a dirty liar and punched me in the eye when I tried to protest. I told him that hitting women is a b*tch move and he hit me again.

"I swung at him and hit him in the nose and made it bleed then I told him it was over and I left. I drove to Sam's girlfriends before Sam got home to get cleaned up. Once I was leaving Sam walked in the door and saw my face. Kat told him everything and him and I went to Brennen's to get my clothes and stuff from there. I went to the bedroom while Sam stayed with Brennen. I heard Brennen and him yelling at each other then all of a sudden when I walked out Sam was on top of Brennen and punching him. I pulled Sam off and we left." I explained the story to the cop.

He just nodded then got up and left, shutting the door behind him.
Seconds later he walked back in, "well, your story and Sam's matches up. So we are going to let you go and get Brennen."
"Wait... why are you getting him?"
"Because, don't you want to press charges?"
"Oh... then I guess.... we don't have to get him then."

I nodded and he unlocked me. I whispered a thank you and walked out. Sam was sitting in a chair looking for me. I waved at him and he got up and hugged me. I smiled into his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his waist hugging him close to me.
"Let's get out of here?" He said pulled away
We had to take a bus back to my apartment building because his car wasn't here, considering we took a cop cruiser here.


I sat down on the chair I was in on my balcony before Sam got here and lit another cigarette.
Two in one day
I said to myself. Sam slid the door open and sat down in the chair next to me. "You good?" He asked.
He nodded and looked out in front of him at the city. I blinked and a tear rolled down my cheek, I started crying at the thought of it again. Sam placed his hand on mine that was lying on arm of the chair.
I didn't move it, again it felt right.

I passed him the cigarette and he took a puff and looked at it.
"I really need to stop smoking" he said
"Me too"
"We could do it together?"
"Sure, why not" I smiled and he returned it
"To no smoking!" He said holding up the cigarette "To no smoking!" I said
He stuck the hot side of it in the ash tray and twisted it till it was no long lit.
"Thanks" he said
"Saving my ass"
He flipped my hand over under his and laced his fingers with mine and held it tight. I curled my fingers over his split knuckles.

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