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We made it to Hollywood and parked the cars by the curb next to the beach.
"Where do you guys want to eat?" Devyn asked looking up and down the street at the stores and restaurants.
"Tender Greens?" I pitched out the idea.
"Yeah!" Cassie said smiling at me, everyone else agreed and we walked to the restaurant and walked it. Once we got our table, a circle booth, we ordered drinks.
"I'll be right back with those" said the waiter writing down our drink choices on a note pad and then walking away.
"What stores are we going to hit after this?" I asked
"Dollskill!" Xepher said with excitement
"I love dollskill!" I said back
"Hottopic?" Cassie asked
We nodded and some of the girls pitched out more ideas for stores.
"Did anyone bring their bathing suits?" Tara asked
"No" all the other girls said, including me.
"We can buy some and go to the beach!?" Tara said
We agreed to the idea and our drinks came out.
We ordered food and shortly after it came out and we ate laughing and talking.
Tara paid for the meal and we thanked her on our way out.
We walked to, and through, some stores. I bought a couple new outfits and jewelry. I got a bathing suit for the beach later like Tara had said.
Xepher and I ended up wanting to get tattoos for no reason so we all wandered into a tattoo shop and Xepher got an "L" on her finger. I got (tattoo of your choice) on my forearm. It turned out exactly how I wanted it to.
"I need another piercing" Tara said
"Then get one! I'll do it too" I said back
"Yeah why not" I said with a slight smirk
While we were still in the tattoo shop I asked for a piercing and the guy said he had a couple minutes to spare and would do both Tara's and my piercings.
Tara got another one on her ear and I got an industrial piercing.
"I love it!" Devyn said admiring my new piercing.
"Thank you!" I replied looking at it in the mirror and agreeing with her statement.
We exited the tattoo shop and were back on the sidewalk. We made our way back to the car and put all our stuff in the cars. We each got our bathing suits that we bought earlier and went into the bathrooms next to the beach and changed. Mine was a bikini, the top was white and cross wrapped around the back. The bottoms were a white base with tropical palm trees on them. Over all it was a cute bathing suit.
I met the girls outside on the sand and all of their bathing suits were even more cute then mine.
"Let's go swimming!" Cassie yelled a little to enthusiast, but all of us agreed and walked down the the water.
Before getting in, the girls and I had a bit of a photo shoot and group pictures.
Tara invited us to do a TikTok with her so we all learned the dance and joined in.
We laughed as we watched our attempts to dance and she posted it.
We put our phones in our bags by our stuff and got in the water.
We swam, laid in the sun, and walked the beach.
The sunset was starting and we packed our stuff up and changed back into our clothes. We hopped in the cars and started out drive home.
I posted a couple of the pictures to my Instagram and some of the other girls did the same.
On the car ride back to the trap house we blasted music and sang along to it like none of the other cars could hear us, but we knew they could.
I got a lot of laughs out of the day and truly see these girls as my friends.
I got a notification from Instagram and it said "samgolbach liked your post" that took a little grin out of me and a couple seconds later I got a text from Sam.

Looks like your having fun with the girls?

There some of the most fun people I've ever met.  Also, I got a tattoo and piercing today with Xepher and Tara 😬

Oh god 😂

I think you'll like them!

I'm absolutely sure I will. See you when you get here.

See ya

We pulled into the trap house driveway and got out and went inside. All the boys were in the living room sitting on the couch.
They saw us and got up. Sam came over and kissed me.
"Look" I pointed at my ear with the industrial bar in it.
"It's pretty" he said with a smile.
I also showed him the tattoo on my forearm also and he loved it.
"Good choice" he said smiling then kissing me again.
Eventually the girls left and I stayed so Sam could drive me home.
At my apartment building him and I took the elevator up to my floor and made our way to my apartment. I invited him in and we sat down on the couch.
"Wanna stay a little while?" I asked Sam
He smiled and kissed my forehead. He laid down on the arm of the couch and I laid down on top of him and put my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and held me close to him.
We ended up picking out a movie and I made it halfway through the movie before falling asleep with his arms around me.
I woke up a few times during the movie from the noise but fell asleep shortly after the awakening.

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