Chapter 1/ Escape From Camp Campbell

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"Can someone please just get me off this fucking bus?” I complained to myself as I rode to probably the worst camp that could ever possibly exist. There were two other kids on the bus, but I was too far away for them to hear me. I just groaned and looked out the window until the bus stopped. The creepy quartermaster opened the door and said “kids’re here” in his mumbling deep voice that you can’t fucking understand half the time. I stood up and slowly made my way to the door and out of the bus. Luckily, David was already focused on the other two to notice his returning camper. I walked up to my blue-hoodie wearing “friend” and gave a little nod. “Hey, Max.” He looked at me, slightly interested for once. “Oh hey, you’re back. I thought your dad wouldn’t let you come back?” I gave him a bored expression. “You of all people should know that my dad doesn’t give a shit.” He just shrugged and smirked at me. Before I could ask him why I was wrapped in a set of arms that were obviously David’s. “Shayla! You came back to camp! I’m so happy!” I just groaned and rolled my eyes, letting the man do what he was gonna do. “But I thought your dad wouldn’t let you come back after what happened?” I just shrugged. “Guess he forgot and signed me up again.” His smile faded just for a second before brightening up again. “Well, that’s great! Come on, I’m going to show our new campers around the camp, and you can come with us!” I looked at him, then Max, then the other two. The new guy looked like a total nerd. Anyone could tell by how he had his hands up. Also the sweater. The sweater was a dead giveaway. The other girl…she looked insane. She had green hair, and it was in fluffy pigtails? She had very thick hair, and she was wearing overalls. And, based on the scream I heard earlier and the bite marks still on his hand, she bit David. Maybe she wanted to be in crazy camp, hell if I know. I looked back up at David, not having to look up that much because of how tall I was (about to his chest) and shrugged. “Sure. Why the hell not?” “That’s great! But, watch your language next time.” Whatever.

During school and all that shit, I forgot what I hated about camp. David’s positivity. Like, how is he so happy? Is he on drugs? Does he have some disease? Was he bitten by some vampire, but instead of sucking his blood, they made him overly happy? (Where the hell did that come from?) But seriously, I hate it. And I’m pretty sure I had the same look of boredom that Max did while he talked about the flag pole. “Max, Shayla, tell them how much you love it!” Max spoke before I had a chance. “See, that’s the sad thing. He still actually thinks that I love it.” “Well, you clearly haven’t shown it enough, because he keeps asking you about it. Maybe you should just say you hate it to his face.” I said, obviously annoyed while looking/glaring at Max, and after a couple of seconds, he did the same back to me. Max and I don’t really see eye to eye sometimes. “Now now, that’s enough you two. We have to show our new campers on how fun Camp Campbell is!” “Suck a dick, David.” He ignored me, or acted like he did, and smiled at the new campers. “Now, let’s go and meet my co-councillor Gwen, who’s in the middle of a camp activity right now! Oh man, you’re gonna love her!” “No, you’re not,” I mumbled before David opened the door to the mess hall. I was about to walk away when: “Motherfucker!” I walked inside and saw all the campers and Gwen in there. Most of the kids were just doing whatever, but Nurf had put Neil, or as everyone else calls him, Space Kid, onto the ceiling fan with duct tape. “I can take the Gs!” Gwen was yelling at both of them while throwing plastic silverware at SK, trying to get him down. David ran over and turned off the fan, making SK fall. I caught him before he hit the ground, and he smiled at me. “Thanks-whoa!” I dropped him. If anyone asked, I’d say he was too heavy. “What the gosh darn heck happened?” David, just fucking cuss. It’s not that big a deal. “Oh, Space Kid’s just, you know, pushing me to my limits again.” David’s trash tv watching co-councillor said. “But we have new campers to introduce and orientate. And Shayla came back!” Gwen’s eyes widened just a little before she looked at me, her face quickly changing to an annoyed one. “Great.” “Love you too Gwen.” I flipped her off before putting my hands back in my jacket pocket. David didn’t see it, because he was too busy getting the “laserdisc” to show the two new campers the video he shows everyone. He gave the same speech he gives every year about how “the video was made by Cameron Campbell, who was his councillor and isn’t here right now because he’s saving lives.” But as he was saying that, the man himself was coming down from the attic, first in just a pair of boxers (gross), and then in his full clothes. “If only he were here now.” David said before Campbell put his hand on David’s shoulder. “I’m here now.” I could see the joy grow on David’s face and he turned to see Campbell, dropping the disc in the process. “Mr. Campbell?! Wh-What are you doing here sir?!” “Well, I’m certainly not hiding from any authorities if that’s what you’re thinking.” Why is this guy the owner of a goddamn camp again?  He hugged David, saying something about missing an opportunity to introduce the “Campbell Campers to Cameron Campbell’s Camp Campbell”. Also, he called Gwen “Grace” which made me smirk a little. “Hey, brawny guy?” The green-haired chick asked. “This is adventure camp, right?” “Yeah, so far every attempt to answer our questions just raises more questions.” The nerd added. “Hey, good for you. You’re starting to catch on.” Both Max and I said to them at the same time. We both knew there was no point in asking questions. I decided to ignore Campbell after that because everything he says is bullshit anyway. I saw a black car drive up, and saw two men in black step out. Fuck this shit, I’m out. I walked out and went over to Preston to watch him do his thing. He may annoy me to no end, but he actually has talent, and if I’m dying of boredom, I always go to him.

He was practising his facial expressions while holding up a skull, probably going over Hamlet in his head. Once he was done, I walked up to the stage. “Hey, Preston.” He looked over and his eyes widened a bit in excitement. “Shayla! The only person with culture in this whole camp! You came back! Thank god!” “Preston. Relax. I’m right here. Don’t fucking yell.” He seemed to relax a bit and he stepped off the stage. “How have you been?” “Meh.” I gave him a bored shrug and pointed to the skull. “You doing Hamlet?” “No, actually! I am currently working on a sequel to Romeo and Juliet! Love Resurrected! What do you think?!” I raised an eyebrow at him. “A sequel? To Romeo and Juliet? I swear to god if Romeo’s a zombie.” “Of course not! He was brought back as a cyborg by Friar Laurence!” He seemed so proud of it, and I’m not a complete monster. “…Sure. It’ll probably look even better than it sounds. But get to work so it’s actually good.” He ran off and I rolled my eyes. “Romeo as a cyborg, give me a fucking break. It’s a tragedy. Let them stay dead.” As I was walking, I just hear “This is bullshit!!” making me look over to see what it was. One look at the “Science Camp” and I knew exactly what was going on. Nerd kid was going nuts because the equipment was so fucking awful. “I don’t know what kind of operation you think you’re running, but I won’t stand for it! I’m a man of science!! You think you can rummage together some outdated equipment and call it a laboratory?!” Campbell did some speech to the campers, saying he will be “blunt and honest”. As soon as he said that, I completely blocked him out. He’s never honest. Next thing I knew, the art camp stuff was run over by that black car and the people inside were shooting at Campbell. He said something into his wrist, which probably had a communication device on it, and a helicopter came with a ladder as it flew away. As I was watching all of this idiocy, a bullet grazed my shoulder. “Fucking hell!” I put my hand on my arm and just went to the office to get some bandages, doing a really horrible fucking job at getting them on. I came back out just in time to see David and Gwen chasing after Max and the other two. I ran up to Max, running backwards. “So what’re we doing now?” He was about to get caught by David when he got hit in the face by one of the buttons he gave to the new guys, making him and Gwen fall. All four of us got onto the bus, and Max stood at the door. “Remember this face David, cause you’ll never see it again!” He got in and together we drove the bus. “Whoo! Freedom!” That is, until we crashed into the black car. Honestly, I’m not sure how we didn’t crush the thing. They called the sheriff just as Gwen and David caught up to us. He made sure all of us were alright and apologized way too many fucking times to the men in black before the sheriff got here. “I’m getting real tired of having to come up here David.” “I know, Sal.” He drove back to the station and Max complained about how closer we were. “How the fuck did you expect to drive a bus? You’re way too fucking short.” “Shut up!” Max got angry at what I said and I just smirked as I ruffled his hair. “Oh, poor thing~ You’re so short~.” I teased, causing him to get even angrier. “Hey, hey kiddos, that’s enough.” David pulled Max and I away from each other, probably because we were this close to murdering each other. “I hope you’ve all learned something today kids.” “No. I hope you learned something, David. Before today, you only had two little bastards to deal with. Now you have four. Come on, guys. I’ll show you to our tent.” Max said before they walked away, and I followed after a couple of seconds, but not before I said something to Gwen and David. “Have fun~” I said in a sing-song voice before going to my tent.

I shared a tent with Ered. Even though she's my cousin and was probably the least annoying person in the whole camp, but even she has her annoying qualities. Unlike most of the tents, this one is a bit bigger, but it was bunk beds. We had talked it over the year before last and she had the top bunk. I didn’t really care much, but I’m also scared of heights, so…yeah. I laid down on my bed, not really caring about what the others were doing. It was close to tents-only time anyway, so it’s no big deal. I kinda just grumbled about how much I hated this place until I fell asleep.

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