Chapter 10/Mind Freakers

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Today is Harrison’s camp, and I just gotta say…I’m so fucking bored. I hate this. Harrison had Nikki on the stage for an assistant, and he was doing a card trick. “Was…this your card?” He showed her a card and she gasped. “Oh my gosh! How did you know?!” He just smiled. “The answer is simple. It’s magic. Ta-da.” When he said that, he made the card disappear. “Of course! It makes total sense!” Harrison clapped and confetti came out of his gloves and into the air, amazing everyone who was there and they applauded him. “Hey, Space Kid. What’s going on?” I was standing next to SK and saw Max come up with Neil. “Harrison is doing magic.” SK said, clearly amazed. “He’s incredible.” Neil wasn’t as amazed, and it was obvious on his face. “Pssh. Magic? Come on Space Kid. I expected better from you. There’s no such thing as magic.”

It got dead silent when he said that and everyone looked at him. “Don’t you say that Neil.” Nikki warned. “Just because you don’t believe.” They all honestly looked like they wanted to beat him up. “It’s okay Nikki. Neil just doesn’t want his mind freaked by my powers.” Harrison said as he looked at Neil. “Sure Harrison, that’s it. It’s certainly not because I believe in the fundamental laws of everything in existence, which goes against even the slightest chance of magic even being possible.” Neil had his arms crossed, and I could feel the tension between them. This is gonna end badly. “Then how do you explain…this?” He pulled a coin out of Nikki’s ear and she was amazed, saying she had “money ears”. “Slight of hand. The coin is in your sleeve and the movement of your hand covers up the coin coming out.” But Harrison isn’t wearing sleeves. I looked at Harrison’s outfit and saw that he didn’t have sleeves, making what Neil said null and void. “I guess that’s one way to do it, but that certainly doesn’t answer…how these rings link together so effortlessly.” He took out those magic rings that magicians use and linked the rings together, amazing everyone again.

“Trick rings sold specifically for the purpose of that illusion. They’re on Amazon for $12.95. Get wrecked Harrison. Why don’t you do a real magic trick if you’re so good?” At that point, I felt like if this was a tv show, the camera would have zoomed on Harrison’s face for effect. “So? You want a real trick. Okay, then Neil. I’ll perform the greatest trick of all! How about this? Abracadabra!” He held his hands above his head and wiggles his fingers. Nothing happened at first, and Neil started to be sarcastic. “Amazing Harrison.” “Come on Neil, let’s get the fu-“ Max started to walk away, but then stopped and put a hand on his stomach.

“Max? Are you okay?” Max then threw up a bunch of little scarves tied together, a bunny plush, and a bunch of other stuff. “What did you do to me?!!” Max asked when he was finally done and caught his breath. Holy shit. What did he do to him? “Oooh! You just got abraca-owned Max!” Nikki yelled, a bunch of cheering by the others after. “Yes. And it would have been even better if it had happened to Neil like I intended. But you get the idea. Magic.” I looked at Max again, and he still had his hands on his stomach. “I do NOT feel okay!” He didn’t sound okay either. Neil shook his head before talking to Harrison. “Whatever. It wasn’t that cool.” Harrison was suddenly in his face. Seriously, I have no idea how he got there so fast.

“What’s the matter, Neil? Did I freak your mind?” “Please, that was lame. So I don’t know how you did it, big deal. It’s not like I’m gonna lose sleep over it.” After that, David came back and said that it was time to eat, and everyone went to the Mess Hall. Everyone except Max, who was still standing there. “You looked fucked up Max. Kinda like Chuckie did.” I smirked a little but stopped when I saw his face.

He honestly looked scared, and not like when we were in the car with David. He looked traumatized. He really did look like Chuckie. “Fuck man…want to go to my tent? You can be alone there and I’ll make sure Ered doesn’t come in. And maybe I can give you something to settle your stomach. I got a shit ton of medicine when we went out with David.” He kinda nodded, and I led him to my tent, letting him sit on my bed and giving him the medicine like I said I would. “Feel better?” He coughed up a card and shook his head. My eyes widened a bit when I saw it. “I can tell…here. Hold on.” I went under my bed and got the box again, looking through it for something. “Shayla, what the hell are you doing?” His voice was kinda shaky and it caught me off guard. This really fucked him up, didn’t it…? “Looking for something, shut the fuck up.” I eventually found what I was looking for. I really need to organize that box. It was an iPod and a pair of earbuds. “Put these on and close your eyes.” He gave me a weird look but did what I said. I played some music I have on there and he seemed to relax a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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