Chapter 8/ Into Town

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"Today, we're going to do two camps in one!" David had brought us in the middle of the camp in front of the Mess Hall to tell us that. "We're doing Fire Safety Camp and Political History Camp!" "That isn't the dumbest fucking idea I've ever heard." I grumbled. Apparently, it went unheard because he didn't say anything. By about 3 o'clock, everyone was going nuts. They were causing explosions left and right and yelling like idiots. David walked back to the councillor's cabin where Gwen was.

She knew this was a bad idea too, and left the minute David said it. David left the door open, so I listened from the doorway. "What did I say? I said don't do fire safety camp and political history camp in the same day, unless you reeeally want it to turn into riot control camp." David took a few steps forward when Gwen told him to leave, saying that it won't do him any good if he keeps letting Max get to him the way he does. "Take a break. I'll cover underwater basket weaving tomorrow. Take the camp-mobile and get out of dodge for a day. Reset." She tossed him some keys and he looked confused. "What...should I do?" "How the hell should I know? Go into town and do whatever it is you do to blow off steam before you kill someone." "That's...not a bad idea." "Hey, can I come too?" I asked, startling both of them. "Shayla? How long have you been standing there?" David asked, getting a shrug in response. "Why do you want to go?" I shrugged again. "I need to get some stuff." "What kind of stuff?" I shrugged for a third time, but didn't add anything. "...ok. You can come. I'm sure you won't cause any trouble." I just shook my head a little and gave a grunt that said I wouldn't. David left, and I followed. "You're still on fire, b-t-dubs!" Gwen yelled to him. "Thank you." I gave him a water bottle and he smiled a little before using it to put out the fires. There was one on the top of his floof (the top part of his hair) and another on his shoulder. I saw Max run into the Mess Hall but figured they were gonna go on another adventure, so I ignored him. David changed before getting into the car, and I got into the passenger seat. "...thanks again for letting me come David." "No problem Shayla. I know that camp can be...stressful for you." I rolled my eyes. "That's one way to put it." It was silent for a few seconds, then David started playing the audio version of the Farmer's Almanac. And he sounded way too excited about it. It wasn't even from this year! Or one close to it!

After a while, we made it to some weird western looking place and we got out. "Shayla, I want you to stay close, ok? I don't want you to get lost." I gave him thumbs-up up before following him around a corner. There were three places. Atlas Hardware, The Only Bar (that's the actual name), and Muffin Topz. He stopped in front of the last one and smiled at me. "I'll just be a few minutes. You can go into Atlas Hardware if you want, ok? You might find what you want to buy in there." I nodded and he went in. When he opened the door, I heard rock music playing and there was a bouncer. For a split second, I saw a pole dancer, but the door closed before I could get a good look. I kinda just stood there shocked for a few seconds. "...David goes in there?!!" I shook it off and went into the hardware store to find something to buy, but I mostly just wanted to get away from Muffin Topz. The first thing I noticed...was that there was a lot of shit in there. No seriously. At least half the store was nothing but manure. I did find a cool looking pocket knife and some pins for my hair (and other random things). If I don't cut my hair, it gets in my face and I hate that. I bought the items, being called cute by the register lady, and sat outside the place waiting for David. He eventually came out with ropes and an axe and some other stuff. "What's all that for?" "You'll see." Was all he said. It was almost creepy. He put the stuff in the trunk, and that's when I saw familiar black hair. "Max?" I guess David heard me because he went to the window and angrily looked at Max and the others, who I didn't see at first. He made them sit in the back seats and the first thing I noticed was how sickly Nikki looked. She was really pale and it looked like she coughed blood onto an apron that Neil was wearing for some reason.

I noticed that David seemed really mad, so I didn't want to say anything, but when we passed the camp, that's when I spoke up. "Uh, David-" "All I've ever tried to do is help you. I keep trying to tell you about the joys of camping, of being part of a team, of helping your fellow campers, but no. You never try. You just push, and push, and push. I don't know what to say anymore. I've got nothing left. You've left me no choice." He stopped the car, and he was honestly scaring me with how he was talking. He sounded so serious. He took all the stuff from the back, and everyone was worried at first, but I think I was the first person to realize what was happening. "Oh." I got out and walked over to where he was. He had made a little camp out where we has parked. There was even a little mat that said "camp sweet camp" on it in front of the tent. "Your getaway from the camp is to go CAMPING?!" Max yelled angrily. "Yeah, that does seem kinda pointless." I added. "I don't know what to tell you anymore about how cool camping can be. All I can do now is show you."

Normal happy David was back, which was good, and Max just seemed extremely pissed off. David started playing the Farmer's Almanac and we all groaned. "David. Please, for the love of god, turn that off." He did, but seemed sad about it. The rest of the night was kinda fun actually. We made s'mores and just relaxed by the fire. It wasn't as crazy and weird as normal. It was...nice. We ended up sleeping there, and David bought extra sleeping bags just in case, thank god. He brought us back to camp in the morning, and the first thing I did was get my tea. I missed my tea.

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