Chapter 5/ Journey to Spooky Island

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It was sundown and David asked the campers if anyone wanted to come with him and Gwen for scary stories and s’mores. I think everyone knew that the stories wouldn’t actually be scary, so they all said no and went to their tents except for me, Max, Nikki, Neil, and SK. “Alright, kiddos! Let’s head into the woods and start a fire!” We followed him and he did all the work. I think he said “we” just to include us. Nikki immediately started making s’mores, and David started telling a “scary story.” Well, this is gonna fucking suck. David told some story about a young boy and some creature in his basement. “Desperately, the boy pulled the sheets off the creature to reveal…the dog that had got tangled up in his laundry!” He made a shadow puppet of a dog when he said that last part. “And that’s why you should always properly fold and put away your laundry.” No one said anything and I yawned before putting a marshmallow into my mouth. “Well, it was scary when it happened to me. I was very innocent and impressionable back then.” David said as he crossed his arms. “So, last week?” Gwen asked, making me stifle a laugh. “What’s scary is how much I want to kill myself right now.” “Max, chill. It’s not that horrible. Just really fucking close. You should want to be tortured at the most.” I said, pretty much for no reason at all. “So, nothing scares you two? Not even ghosts?” SK asked, chocolate on his face. “People in sheets got me concerned, but nah. Not even ghosts. Just not a screamer.” Max replied before I could. “Well, there’s space ghosts that- uh oh. Mission Control, I don’t feel so good.” SK said before a squirrel came out of his suit and ran away into the woods. The others, except Max, screamed and jumped a bit. “Wait a minute. How is it that you weren’t even phased by that?!” Both of us shrugged. “I saw Max put the thing inside his suit, so why the hell would I be phased?” David tried to ask if we “thought we were so tough”, but then got creeped out by moaning from the lake. It was those teenagers from the Church Camp doing stuff again. They’re weird. I never really did understand religion. Honestly, that moaning did creep me out a little because of what happened back at Spooky Island, but that was just for a couple of seconds. Then David pointed to a ship asking about the “ghost ship”, but again, it was just some camp doing weird shit. Like usual. A sound came from the bushes and everyone started freaking out, David repeating “please be a puppy”. Then the Quartermaster jumped out and swung his hooked hand around, scaring the shit out of everyone. He asked if there were any dead campers, and when we told him no, he was a little disappointed. “And to make sure, nobody’s trying to do anything stupid like go to Spooky Island?” He looked at me for a second when he said “something stupid” and I just glared at him. Creep. “What? No. Of course not.” David insisted. “Not even on the night of the new moon, where ghosts walk the premises and-“ “No. No one going to Spooky Island, alright? Shut up.” I said, annoyed.  Space Kid groaned and Quartermaster looked at him. “What happened to space case?” “Squirrel-splosion.” Max and I said at the same time. “The revolution has begun…” He said to himself. “Well, best be getting the kid back to the camp for a rabies shot.” David and Gwen picked SK up by his arms. “Not again…” I looked at Max. “What is that, the fifth time? Sixth?” He just shrugged. The Quartermaster kept making warnings about Spooky Island before walking backwards into the woods. “…you think he was hiding something?” Nikki asked the gang. Nope. Nope. I know where this is going. I’m out. I walked away from them before they dragged me along with them.

I walked away and went to the Mess Hall to get more tea. “Quartermaster?! You in here?!” “Not the Quartermaster, but I am in here. And with a rabbit. Ta-da.” Harrison came out from the pantry and took a rabbit out of his hat. “Wow. Good job. Nice trick.” I said, clearly not amused as I slowly clapped my hands. “You’re…not a magic fan, huh?” “No, not really.” “I see…” He looked away for a couple of seconds. “But I’m sure other people do. Don’t feel bad cause one person hates magic.” He smiled and a tiny smile grew on my face. “Go show your magic tricks to someone else. They’ll like it.” He nodded and kinda ran out of the Mess Hall. I sighed before chuckling a little and getting myself a big cup of tea. “I used to like magic. When did that change?” I asked myself as I looked out the window. Since we were away from lights and all, I could see the stars really clearly. “The stars are really pretty.” “I didn’t know you were such a romantic, Shayla!” I jumped and turned around to see Preston. “Preston, what the hell?” I halfway yelled. “I’m doing a late-night performance and I need your help!” I gave him an “are-you-shitting-me” look. “And since when have I ever wanted to be a part of any of your performances?” “Oh, I don’t need an actress, though I think you’d be wonderful at it!” I gave him a look that told him to get to the point. “I need someone to hold up a decoration because I used all the holders already.” I sighed and facepalmed. “Why don’t you just take one of the decorations down and put this one up? Or just, I don’t know, not use that decoration?” “Are you CRAZY WOMAN?! Every part of the set is important!” I put a hand on his shoulder. “Preston. Stop yelling or else you can forget about getting my help.” He calmed down and nodded. “’ I’ll help, alright? Just tell me what to do.” He smiled and pulled me to the stage. On it was all sorts of stars and there was a black sheet thing on the floor of the stage. “What the hell…? Preston, what kind of play are you doing?” “It’s about space! A small alien who is outcast by his family! He wants to be an actor, but his family wants him to a warrior for their army! What do you think?!” I chuckled a little. I could tell there was more meaning to his play than just being creative. “Sounds good, Preston. Just don’t fuck it up.” “I would never! I just hope the audience has enough culture to understand it!” I chuckled a little again and shrugged. “Maybe. So what am I doing?” He pulled me behind the stage and pointed to a ladder. “You have to climb up there and hold up these moons!” He grabbed a couple of small cardboard moons that were attached to each other and gave them to me. “So, I’m holding up moons?” “Yes!” I just stared at him. “You’re lucky these are light. How long is your play?” He sighed. “Sadly, it’s only half an hour or so. I can’t show off my artistic genius!” “Preston. Relax. You know I hate yelling.” He calmed down again and nodded. “Right! Sorry, Shayla.” I just him a small nod to say it was ok, and I set the moons down where he grabbed them before. “When is this play starting?” “In ten minutes.” I facepalmed. “You waited until ten minutes before a performance to find someone to hold a prop? What the hell were you thinking?” I pulled my hand away from my face as he explained that he only had about 45 minutes to set up. “That explains the god awful props.” “Hey!” I laughed a little. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. God, take a fucking joke.” He “oh-ed” and laughed a little too. He then put a pile of black clothes in my arms. “Put this on!” I gave him a confused look, but just nodded and slipped them over my clothes, minus my jacket, which I left across a support beam. “OK! The play starts in three minutes! SHAYLA! GET UP THERE!” “Yell at me again, and you’re dead.” He didn’t say anything else as I climbed up to a little platform where I had to hold the moons up. “God, I’m so bored. I’m starting to think this was a bad idea.” “Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you all for coming…” He kinda faded away after that, mostly because of how boring this was. And, uh…how high up I was. “This is um…really high…” I tried to get over it, but then the world below me started to spin. “I have to get down from here.” I climbed down from the platform and went to the ground, where I practically fell on my face. I could feel the anxiety from before make my body shake, and my heart was pounding. “Why did I agree to that? Why the hell did I agree to that?!” I was kinda hyperventilating, but I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing like I was taught. Once I was mostly calmed down, I leaned against part of the stage and looked up at the sky again. “You’re on the ground now, so quit freaking out, dammit. Stop being so fucking pathetic.” “Shayla?” I heard a voice and looked over to see David. “What do you want David?” I guess I sounded more annoyed than normal because he hesitated before coming over and sitting next to me. “Are you ok?” I glared at him before looking away. “I’m fine. Just leave me the fuck alone.” Then he did something I should have expected but didn’t. He hugged me. “It’s ok to be scared sometimes, Shayla. Everyone’s scared of something, and being up there must have been really scary for you. I remember when you got stuck in that tree in the woods-“ “Stop. Shut up right fucking now.” I put a hand over his mouth. He just nodded and I pulled my hand away. “But I mean it, Shayla. It’s ok. How about we go to the Mess Hall and get you some of that tea you like and some pizza?” I smiled a little and nodded. He smiled too and took me there to do just that. “Do you feel better now?” I nodded. “Thanks, David.” He just smiled as I enjoyed the pizza and my tea.

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