Chapter 2/Mascot

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I woke up that next morning, and the first thing I noticed was the people talking around my tent. Did I sleep in? The only reason people are around my tent in the morning is because I don't like to be woken up and they're deciding who's gonna come in to wake me. I tend to snap at people when they wake me up. Lots of yelling. It's bad. I put my jacket on and walked out, the others not noticing at all. Idiots. I walked to the Mess Hall, and my tea was sitting on the table I always sit at. I took it and drank a sip of it, sighing at how perfect it was. I don't know how the Quartermaster does it, but I couldn't find better green tea anywhere. I put a couple of bucks on the place where we get our food, and the non-hooked hand of the Quartermaster took it. I kinda pay him for making it. It's not much, but it's probably added up to a lot over the past couple years.

The other campers walked in, and they were surprised to see me. "Shayla! There you are! We were looking for you in your tent, but we couldn't find you! Where the heck have you been?!" David asked as he went over to me. "I've been in here. I need tea in the morning." "Well, come on! I have something to show all you campers!" He left, the others following and I finished my tea before I went anywhere. David took us to Larry the Hamster (XI) and said that he was the camp mascot. Even though we never see him again except for special events. Max cleared his throat and after a bunch of random things leading to it, a giant boulder that said "fuck the police" went flying into Larry, making him go all the way to Spooky Island. "Aw, man. That was supposed to kill you." Max said to David. Damn. I don't really like him either, but fuck. That's a bit much. David didn't really answer, but he got a huge smile after a couple of seconds. "Follow me kiddos!" He went to the pier, and everyone followed. "Okay! Today, we'll be on the hunt for a brand new mascot!" Max argued it, and David actually yelled at him. "Well Max, we were going to make handmade ice cream, but someone killed our mascot and now we need a new one because every GOOD CAMP HAS A MASCOT MAX!!!" He panted for a second before smiling and standing up straight again. "Also, Gwen is feeling...under the weather, and this is one of the few activities I can do without her!"

Space Kid started to eat something and I rolled my eyes. I guess this is a good opportunity to spend some time alone. I just walked off without anyone noticing and just walked. I didn't really care about finding a mascot. I just wanted some alone time.

I found some little meadow with all sorts of animals in it and decided to lay down in the middle of it. At first, the animals stayed away from me, but after a while, a squirrel with a crown sat on my chest. "Hey, there little guy. You the king around here?" He chittered or made whatever sound squirrels make and ran off. Ok. Whatever. I think I ended up falling asleep because I woke up to the Quartermaster killing a bunch of animals, the squirrel king dead, impaled by his hook hand. "What the fuck?" I just walked out of there, honestly kinda scared of the Quartermaster and found the others on the pier, scared of a...platypus? "What the hell is going on?!" A very pissed off Gwen asked as she picked the platypus up by its tail. "We're...finding a mascot?" Gwen just gave David an "are-you-shitting-me" look. "...Why do you always have to make things weird and complicated?" "Well, I mean, I think this is all pretty normal." Just as he said that a bugle was heard and the Quartermaster came with Max, on a throne made of wood and carried by the woodland animals. Gwen looked just done with everything, and I probably had the same look. She walked away, and I did the same, not wanting to deal with the strange shit anymore. I went back to the Mess Hall and made myself another cup of tea. I relaxed pretty much immediately and sat on the floor against the wall. "This is some fucking amazing tea." My relaxation was cut short when I heard the other campers chanting "pussies".

I sighed and set my tea down before going out there to see why everyone was chanting, but everyone was too loud to hear me. I mean, I know I'm quiet, but still. I ended up going to Dolf, because he was the person shouting the least. "Hey, Dolf, why the hell are you guys chanting pussies?" "Oh! Shayla! Ve are shouting zat because ve are now ze Camp Campbell Pussies!" "Stop saying that." "Vhy?" I gave him a bored look. "If you don't know why, I won't bother explaining it." I just walked away and went back to my tent.

A couple of hours later, Ered comes back and the first thing she says is "Pussies for life." I looked at her in annoyance/boredom. "Cuz, stop saying that. It's been hours." "Pussies for life, dude." I just groaned and pulled my hair a little. "Why are you all such idiots?!" I left, trying to find someone that isn't completely insane or totally stupid to be around, just so I can relax.

Hearing everyone around you talk about pussies while having no idea what it means (or knowing what it means) is really annoying.

After having no luck at finding someone not annoying, I went into the Mess Hall to make another cup of tea (I'm kinda addicted to the stuff) and saw a string in the pantry. "That's weird. How long has that been here?" I pulled on it, and the stairs came down. "Huh." I climbed up, thinking that an attic would be the perfect place to relax. Unless Campbell has people kidnapped up here or some shit. It was pretty dark, but there was some light shining from in a corner behind some boxes.

What the fuck? Campbell really does have people kidnapped up here? I walked over and pulled a box, causing the person to scream in surprise. "What the hell?!" He and I both yelled at the same time. I had closed my eyes because he had shined the light at me. "Hey, I know you. You're that girl Max was talking to yesterday." I opened my eyes and saw the nerd looking at me. "What are you doing up here?" I sat on the ground so I wasn't towering over him anymore, but I was still taller than him by about ahead. "I could ask you the same thing nerd." He gave me a kinda angry look. "My name isn't 'nerd'. It's Neil." "Well, I'm not 'that girl'. I'm Shayla. Now, what the hell are you doing in the attic Neil?" He looked away. "Writing in my diary." It was silent for a few seconds. " have a diary?" "And this is why I write in the attic." He was about to get up when I stopped him. "You don't have to get up. You wanna be away from all the idiots here. I completely understand. I'll leave you alone. Oh, and I won't tell anybody." I stood up and walked out of the attic. "Want me to close it?!" I yelled at him. "Yeah!" I closed it and grabbed my tea. "I love this tea. It's the only thing I love about Camp Campbell." I went back to my tent, Ered finally shutting up about pussies, and I laid in my bed, drinking my tea until I fell asleep.

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