Chapter 4/ Camp Cool Kids

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“I fucking hate this. Why do we have to clean up? And with goddamn toothbrushes!” I was complaining under my breath about how fucked up this camp is. See, David wakes us up and tells us that we’re going to “help out around the camp”, but I didn’t realize that meant scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush that we’re probably going to have to use later. “This is fucking ridiculous. This is the kind of shit Max’s parents left their home country to avoid.” I was kinda in a bad mood from everything that happened yesterday, and I was honestly still cold and tired, making it worse. I decided to stay as far from Quartermaster as I could possibly get. He’s still creepy. And, in case you were wondering, no I did not get my tea.

“Aren’t you all sick of this lowly work?!” I was pulled from my thoughts when Max yelled that, and all the campers looked at him. “It’s time we take control of our lives and fight back! Who’s with me?!” The other campers cheered for him, and I just smiled. Some time away from everyone would be nice.

It wasn’t five minutes before the Quartermaster was tied to a chair. I was sitting outside of the Mess Hall while they were doing that. I didn’t care about the uprising. “I just want my fucking tea! But the Quartermaster still weirds me out.” I shuddered and heard Gwen and David coming. “Once they hear about the ice cream-pizza party, I’m sure they’ll see it was all worth it!” Hold up, pizza?! I may or may not like pizza. A lot. If they ruin our chances of getting pizza, I’m gonna murder everyone here. I decided to go to my tent and nap, but I was pulled by Preston and Harrison to where everyone else was to decided who was gonna “lead the revolt” or something. Also, Max called us “freemen” whatever that means. “Obviously, I will happily take the-“ “I vote Ered!” Nikki yelled, surprising Max. She seemed cool with it, and everyone else agreed. Ered’s in charge? Great. All we’re gonna do is skate and call everything cool. This is what I meant by Ered’s annoying parts. She’s fine, but all she does is call everything cool and act like she’s better than everyone. She wasn’t even working earlier. “Woah woah woah, did you nerds forget who revolutionized this place? I should be in charge, not extreme sports Barbie over here!” Max said as he jumped off the stage thing. Nerris mentioned something about Ered’s charisma modifier, and Nikki freaked out saying she wanted to be cool too. I swear to god, I’m surrounded by idiots.  “No! You’re going to be taken advantage of by the one percent! Rage against the machine! Fight the power! Nine Eleven!” Max started yelling random buzzwords and punching his fists into the air. They kept arguing for a little while, Neil mentioning spreadsheets or something, and in the end, it was Max, Neil, SK, and I as the “Freemen” and everyone else on Camp Cool Kids. “They’re all idiots!” “You haven’t figured that out yet?” I replied, getting a glare from Max. As usual, I just glared right back. “Uh, Max? They’re going to the Mess Hall…where should we go?” Neil asked. He seemed really uncomfortable with this whole thing. I was just bored. “Freemen. We’re going to the woods.” “We’re going to the fucking woods? Of all places?” I was ignored as SK cheered while Max walked away. You’ve gotta be shitting me. We luckily didn’t go too far and sat in the grass in a circle. “Sooo…what exactly are we doing out in the woods?” “Being Freemen.” I just rolled my eyes and stood up before going to a tree and leaning against it. I was about to take a nap, but SK came over and poked my shoulder. “Umm, Shayla?” “What is it, Neil?” I could practically feel his smile when I called him his real name, and a small smile grew on my face. “Max said he wanted you to put this on.” I gave him a confused look and he gave me some black marker. “What the hell is this?” He just shrugged. “Max said he stole it from Gwen.” SK walked away and I just looked at the marker. It didn’t have any writing on it, and it looked used, the thin tip being kinda pushed in. “…wait.” I couldn’t help but laugh when I realized what it was. I looked at Neil and he had put a thick layer of it on his cheeks. I then looked at Max and felt like I was going to die. He had put it all around his eyes and on his upper body like it was war paint. “What’s so funny?” Max asked as he crossed his arms. I tried to talk while laughing, but it just didn’t work. I did eventually calm down so I could talk. “You don’t have a clue about what this shit is, do you?” “Why does that matter? It looks badass.” I tried my hardest not to laugh again, covering my mouth to stop it. “It matters because it’s fucking eyeliner!” I burst into laughter again and fell to my side. He and Neil tried to wipe it off, but it just smeared. “Yeah, no. That shit’s not coming off for at least a few hours. Goddamn idiots.” I said, covering my mouth. I was still giggling a little, making Max mad. I then yawned and stretched a bit. “Are you tired Shayla? I noticed you’ve been kinda sluggish.” Neil suddenly said, catching me by surprise. “Well that’s not any of your damn business, is it?”

Shayla's Camp Camp Adventure{Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now