Chapter 7/Romeo and Juliet 2: Love Resurrected

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“Shayla! Shayla, listen to this!!” Preston came running over holding rolled-up sheets of paper in his hand. “What the hell do you want Preston? And what’s in your hand?” “That’s what I wanted to tell you! It’s my play! I finished it and it’s going to be performed tonight!!” I gave him “the look” and he immediately shut up. “You finally finished the damn thing?” “Yes! Aren’t you excited?! I KNOW I AM!” I gave him the look again and sighed. “Sure Preston. I’m not excited, but I wanna see if you didn’t make this whole thing shitty.” He faltered for a second before saying anything. “That’s good enough for me!” He ran away and pulled some people to the stage so they could practice, I don’t think they agreed to do this. There’s no way Max would willingly do this shit. 

Without the gang here, along with most of the rest of the camp, it was really boring. I tried to watch them practice, but Preston wouldn’t let me. I went to watch Harrison for a while, but I left in like five minutes. I’m not a magic fan. I tried to entertain myself, but I eventually got so bored out of my fucking mind that I went to David. “Hey, David?” He looked at me and smiled. “Yes, Shayla?” “I’m bored. Do you have anything for me to do? Anything at all?” He thought about it then shook his head. “Not even some shitty cleaning job?” “Nope. I would give you my phone to play with, but I lost it. And watch your language next time.” I just groaned a little before thanking him and going to Gwen. “Hey Gwen, you got anything at all for me to do?” She put a hand on her chin. “Hmm…well, I was about to watch this anime I found. You can come along I guess.” I shrugged and followed her into the councillor’s cabin. Beats dying of boredom. It ended up being a pretty cool show, but it was in Japanese. There were subtitles to make it better, but some things didn’t translate well and it wasn’t very good. After hours of just binge-watching this fucking anime, David came in saying that the play was about to start. Gwen turned it off and looked at me. “We can watch the rest some other time.” I nodded and walked to the stage, sitting in the audience with the rest of the campers that weren’t performing. “Just how badly is this going to fucking suck?” “Well, his last performance was bad too. That alien thing sucked.” Nerris said.

Preston started talking about the play. “It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to tonight’s production, written and directed, of course, by me. It is a classic tale of forbidden love, betrayal, and friendship. So without further ado, I give to you: ‘Romeo and Juliet 2: Love Resurrected’!” He bowed down farther than I thought was possible and backed away from the stage. The curtains opened and a somewhat decent prop was in the background to look like the Church of St. Peter, and there was a coffin behind SK and the platypus. SK had a hat that I’m pretty sure was just a pillow and a fake beard taped onto his helmet, while the platypus had lipstick, a cardboard crown and pearls. I covered my mouth to stop my laugh. It just looked so shitty. But then it only got worse when Max came out wearing a giant white beard and a wizard hat. “I think I’m gonna fucking die!” I whispered to myself as my face turned red from holding in my laughter. “Yo, did someone say black magic?” Holy shit! I’m gonna die of laughter!!   I was shaking and I’m pretty sure that people occasionally looked at me to make sure I wasn’t having a seizure or something.

The first act was really short, and I could tell Preston was unhappy. “That’s the end of Act One. Intermission time. GO GET SOME SNACKS!” I didn’t even know there were snacks, but there was a table in the back with different foods and drinks on them. I was looking for pizza, but they didn’t have any (dammit), so I just got a water bottle and sat back down where I was before. “Hopefully I don’t choke.” The curtains opened again a few minutes later, and Neil was on a wooden bed thing dressed like a cyborg…kinda. And Dolph was dressed like a mad scientist, minus the spiked up hair. This act wasn’t as funny as the last one. Guess they’re better actors than Max and SK. Neil did rip off the duct tape super dramatically, and that was kinda funny. And he was super sweaty, which was kinda funny since cyborgs can’t really sweat. The third act was probably the craziest. It was normal at first, but then instead of Nikki being Juliet, it was some blond chick. “Tabii? With two I’s?” “No yon fool. I am Juliet, your one true love. Doth you not remember? I am no specter. I have been revived!” She sounded the way popular girls do, you know what I mean? Like, she had that sort of tone in her voice. Neil seemed pretty freaked out seeing Tabii there, but she acted like it was normal. She went up to the top of the fake rock to stand next to Neil. “Oh, Robo-Romeo, soon the empire will be upon us, and you will have to fight to save the galaxy. Let us kiss one last time before you possibly die in the battle.” She tried to kiss him, and I don’t know how, but Neil was sweating more than he was before. But just before they actually kissed, some black woman with a weave and a shirt that says “no gag reflex” walked up the stage, “Who the hell is this hoe?” Neil looked at her confused. “Wait, wh-who are you?” “Don’t you ‘who are you’ me David. You call yourself a conquistador? I thought we had meaningful texts. I told you my age, sex, and location!” I could feel Gwen’s excitement, and I was just really fucking confused. Neil tried to explain that he wasn’t David, but the woman and Tabii ended up fighting, Neil fainting in the process. After about a minute, men in black suits came and told everyone to freeze. “We’ve pinpointed some questionable searches in this area. Such searches include: how to blow up a summer camp, super murder plot, and what do boobies look like.” I heard David say “dang it” and they grabbed him by his arms. Max stopped them after a few seconds and explained everything. “Bonquisha (the woman), I’m sorry. You were texting me all along. I took David’s phone just to mess with him. I lead you on.” “Oh nobody plays with Bonquisha like that.” Gwen told her to kick his ass, and I had to stop myself from laughing again. Tabii tried to get an apology, but Max didn’t know who she was either. The men in black let David go because Max apologized and they asked him about Campbell. “Um, I’ve been told to tell you no.” They took that as good enough and left. Tabii then went and pretended to stab her self after giving some small speech. The curtains then closed and Preston stepped in front to talk. His hair was frizzy and I could tell he hated what happened. “Attention fellow campers, I would just like to apologize for the sheer absurdness that you’ve witnessed. Please, be kind as you rate this play, and if you happen to be from Rotten Tomatoes, please rate fresh. Thank you.” A couple of seconds passed, then everyone started booing him and throwing popcorn and tomatoes at him. “I was setting up a trilogy!” They did eventually stop and he ran backstage. I walked back there too, and saw Nikki hanging from the ceiling. “Nikki, what the fuck are you doing up there?” She was still swinging a little as she looked at me. “Oh. Hey Shayla! Yeah, the Flowerscout Girls tied me up here. A little help?” I sighed and cut the rope that was holding her up, but not before I put some sandbags under where she was so she fell on something soft. She’d probably be fine either way because she’s fucking Nikki, but you know. Safety or some shit. I walked away before she could say anything and went to Preston, who was sulking in a dark corner. “Preston, why are you sulking in a dark corner?” “Because my masterpiece was a catastrophe!” I sat down in front of him and chuckled a little. “Yeah, that performance was really shitty.” He didn’t seemed encouraged and was about to leave, but I pushed him down. “Let me finish asshole.” He nodded.

“Yeah, that performance was shitty, but if you did some alterations to the script and you actually got actors who gave a damn about the play, then it probably would’ve been better. It probably wouldn’t get a standing ovation, but you wouldn’t be booed at either.” I pulled some tomato out of his hair. “So keep working on it, make it better, and find some people with culture who’ll do your play justice or some shit.” He nodded and smiled a little. “Thank you, Shayla.” I just shrugged and pulled him up before walking away. I went to lay down and went over everything that happened during the play, letting myself laugh, unlike before. I went to sleep after that and slept somewhat soundly for once.

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