Chapter 9/ David Gets Hard

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“TGIF kiddos. Boy has it been a week.” David then went over everything we did this week. Pretty much everything sucked this week, to be fucking honest. The theatre/art camp thing wasn’t too bad, I guess. And Sam…Scott? Scotty? I forget his name, but his visual comedy or whatever it’s fucking called was alright. “So Gwen, which camper are we focusing on to wrap up the week?” David asked as Gwen looked at the list. “Oh no.” Oh no? Why the hell did she say oh no? “It’s Nurf!” She pointed at Nurf, and we saw him punching SK into the ground, cracking his helmet. “Breeeech!” Aaaaand now he’s gonna need another one. Neil went up to the councillors and asked what camp Nurf signed up for. “Nurf didn’t sign up for a camp. His parents signed him up. For behavioural correction camp.” Gwen sounded scared, and David did too. “Boot. Camp.” He hugged himself a bit. “Fuck yeah, scare me straight! In all seriousness though, if I don’t see definitive results, I’m contacting my parents. And don’t be a fucki-“ He was interrupted by a long beep like on reality tv shows, and I looked over to see Scott/Sam/Scotty pressing a key on his keyboard. “-Or I’ll tell them you touched me!” Nurf finished his rant as what’s-his-name let go of the key. I looked back at Nurf and realized something. He’s not just some fucking idiot who can’t help himself. He knows what the hell he’s doing. But why? I decided that I would pretend to be someone I’m not (not like it was new to me), and went up to him once everyone was gone. He was using a matchbox to set fire to some grass. I grabbed a water bottle and put out the fire. “What the hell man? This grass can barely grow as it is.” He looked at me, surprisingly not angry. “This is actually a weed. Burning it kills the roots so the grass gets more nutrients.” Oh. “You shouldn’t just assume that I’m making chaos. That’s pretty narrow-minded of you.” I gave him the “are-you-shitting-me” look. “Maybe if you weren’t always causing chaos and bullying people, we wouldn’t assume. Do you know how much fishbowls cost out here? No one makes glass, so they have to ship it. And the pet section is practically non-existent.” “What do fishbowls have to do with anything?” He asked, and I realized I got off-topic. “You’re costing Space Kid- no me, a lot of money because you’re doing something that you’re clearly way too smart to do. You aren’t some brute Nurf, and both of us know it. So why?” He didn’t answer. I guess he didn’t have an answer to give. And I guess I made him upset, because he started stabbing some tree. Whatever. I tried. I walked away, and after a couple of seconds, I heard David crying. I turned around and saw that Nurf had stabbed him. “Seriously?” I just sighed and let them handle it. I’m not dealing with that shit anymore.

I saw Neil and Nikki kicking a ball and walked over to them. “Hey.” I gave a tiny wave as they kicked the ball again. “Hey, Shayla. Want to join our little game? We decided to let Nurf have his own adventure.” Nikki said as she kicked the ball to Neil. “If you make it more amusing. Kicking a ball isn’t exactly fun.” They both stopped. “…yeah.” “Then what should we do?” Neil asked. I smirked a little. “Have a little fun.” They were both confused, and I just chuckled a little. “Follow me.” I walked to the Mess Hall and got some pudding from the pantry. “Shove these in your pockets.” I started shoving them into their hands and they were just more confused as they did so. After we got about 20 of them, I led them to my tent and went in. “This is your tent?” Neil asked. “You have two beds?!” Nikki then asked, in awe. “No. That’s Ered’s. Mine’s down here.” I took a box out from under my bed and pulled out a pack of balloons. “What’re those for?!” Nikki asked as she jumped down from Ered’s bed. “Just a little prank I used to do at home. My dad fucking hated me for doing this. He always made me clean up the shit I messed up.” “What kind of prank is this?” Neil sounded really concerned and I smirked again. “Pudding balloons.” Nikki was really excited when I said that, but Neil just continued to look scared. “What are pudding balloons…?” I just smiled. “Oh, you have no fucking clue what you’re missing.”  I went back to my box and took out something that’s like a small metal cube. I used this cube to open the balloon and I poured the pudding into it. I then blew up the balloon a little and tied it. “Pudding balloon. And now we make 19 more of these little shits.” I put the balloons in the middle of the floor and gave each of them a cube. They had trouble at first, but once they got it, we quickly finished them. “So…what now?” Neil asked, making me smirk again. “We throw them at people.” “You really need to stop smirking. It’s really creepy.” I just chuckled a little and grabbed the grocery bag that the balloons were filled in. “Let’s go into a tree and pudding the shit out of people.” I left the tent, the others following. “Pudding isn’t really a verb Shayla.” “It is now asshole.” Nikki climbed up a tree and pulled Neil up with her since he wasn’t the greatest at climbing. I stayed behind the tree, you know, on the ground. “I get the most because I’m the best at this and I said so.” I gave six to each of them and kept the extra two to myself. “So we just…wait?” “Exactly.” Preston walked kinda close and I chucked one at him. It landed right in his face, making him fall to the ground. I started laughing my ass off as Nikki threw one at Ered. “This is fun!” She said as she threw another at Nerris.

After a few minutes, all of the balloons were gone and I walked over to where some balloon pieces were. “Alright, you fucking losers! Now we have to clean up.” Nikki jumped down too, and Neil slowly climbed down. “We have to clean?!” I gave a single nod. “Yep. That’s how it works. You guys don’t have to, I guess, but this is a shit ton of pudding.” I grabbed a towel that I brought from my tent and started cleaning up the random spots of pudding that were around that area of the camp. “That’s so nice of you Shayla!” I looked back and saw Preston behind me. “Eh. Not really.” “But you’re cleaning up after someone else! That’s unfair to you, but you don’t care!” I raised an eyebrow at him. “You have no idea where these came from, do you?” “Someone evil and with ill-intent!” He said dramatically, making me roll my eyes. “I threw these Preston. I threw the one that hit you for fuck’s sake.” He was speechless. “So I’m pretty sure this is fair.” I wiped a bit of pudding out of his hair and smiled a little. “So go away, alright? Take a shower, you smell like pudding.” He walked away and I managed to clean up most of the pudding and balloon pieces. Some were stuck to the grass and refused to get out, but I got the majority of it. I heard Nurf yelling and I jumped a bit. I walked to where I heard the yelling and I saw him walking up to Nerris, who was cowering against a tree and swinging her sword. “Y-Y-You shall not pass!” He was snorting as he laughed, and I heard David tell him to stop. “No! I’m done talking! My emotions can only be expressed through sadistic tendencies!” David was running towards him, with his arms out. “I don’t want to talk! Or shout! Or any of that! I just want to give you a hug! Come here, little guy!” He closed his eyes, and he probably shouldn’t have. Because just as he got close to Nurf, he tripped on a ball and slapped him on accident. Everyone gasped and I had to cover my mouth to stop a laugh from coming out. He dropped his knife and put a hand to his cheek as David slowly got up, and I could tell he was worried. “O-Oh my gosh! Nurf! I’m so sorry! Are you ok?!” He didn’t reply for a second. “Woah. That. Really hurt. Jeez, I can’t believe I’ve been subjecting people to physical violence like this. I feel kinda bad about my behaviour. I think I’m gonna go into my tent and think about what I did today. Sorry, everybody.” He walked away, and everyone just watched. “Huh. I guess you…did it. David…Good. Job.” “But I didn’t-“ He tried to say something to Gwen, but Nurf interrupted him. “Hey, David. Thanks for everything. “No, WAIT! We need to talk about this! This is not okay!” “Nah man, I’m good. I’m gonna tell everyone about how you helped me today. Goodbye friends.” The irony of what happened was killing me. I wanted to laugh so bad. “Well. I guess it turns out at the end of the day, sometimes you just gotta hit kids.” Max said that to David, and I couldn’t help but laugh. I got a bunch of weird looks, even from David, and once I stopped laughing, David asked what I thought was funny. I just shrugged and walked away, leaving them even more confused. “Turns out at the end of the day sometimes you just gotta hit kids.” I repeated, making me giggle. I stopped when I noticed how girly it sounded.

Shayla's Camp Camp Adventure{Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now