Chapter 3/ Scouts Dishonor

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I woke up a few hours later with my jacket soaked. “What the fuck?!” I whisper-yelled as I saw the empty cup on the floor. Oh right. I fell asleep with my tea. Guess it spilled on me. I got up and took off my hoodie. “Dammit, I’m all sticky now.” I wiped myself off with the dry parts of my jacket and left, picking up the cup as I did. I put the empty cup in the Mess Hall before going to the lake to wash out my jacket the best I could. As I was, I saw the Quartermaster walk close by and he was talking to himself about going to Spooky Island. He talked about it before, mostly while he was in the kitchen cooking, but apparently, he goes there a lot for some reason. I decided to sneak behind him, leaving my jacket at the bank (Bank? Or do lakes have shores?). He got in a boat, and after a few minutes, I followed him in another one.

I really regretted leaving my jacket back there. During the day, the lake cools people down, but at night, it just makes the cold nights even colder. And wearing a really thin half soaked t-shirt and shorts isn’t exactly good for staying warm. So I was shaking the whole time as I rowed to the island. I did eventually make it and saw a house. “Fucking sweet. Maybe I can warm up in there.” I thought I heard someone talking, but I was too worried about getting inside to care.

I almost screamed when I walked in but realized that it was just a couple of stuffed bears. “Pretty sure that’s illegal.” I found a fireplace and tried to start a fire, but I couldn’t find anything to start one with. “Fucking hell.” “I know where you can get warm.” A higher-pitched voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw a kid about my age with light blond hair and baby blue eyes. “Where the hell is that and who the hell are you?” “Me?-“ No, the flying unicorn behind you. “-I’m Jasper. And it should be warmer in the library.” I shrugged and followed him.

He wasn’t wrong when he said the library was warmer, but not much. It was still pretty cold, but hey, it beat being back out on the lake. “What the hell is this place?” I asked as I looked around. “This is Mr. Campbell’s summer house. He doesn’t really come out anymore, but it’s still being used.” “By who?” He didn’t answer but got this really creeped out look on his face. I ignored it and leaned back against a wall, only to lean more than I planned and fall flat onto my back. “Ugh, what the hell?” I stood up and looked at my surroundings. “Holy. Shit.” I was in a strange lab, and there were all sorts of strange and cruel lab experiments. I saw one that looked like a squid and walked up to the glass. “See? This is the kinda stuff that goes into fast food. And that one experimen-…” I stopped when I heard moaning coming from down a flight of stairs. “I really should get out of here before I’m fucking killed.” But I didn’t and walked down the flight of stairs. At the very bottom, there was a dark room with torture equipment all over. “...Campbell is a fucked up man.” The moaning got louder and I saw a triangle-shaped door. “Should I open the door, or should I just leave it alone before I’m scarred for life?” I thought for a second, then opened the door.




I regret everything. Inside was a bunch of naked old people. Some of them were in costumes. Some were tied up. But all of them…were…yeah. The Quartermaster was standing in the middle, also not wearing any clothes, and pointed at me with his hook hand, but it had a um…a thing on it. Just a thing. “Get outta here!” I immediately ran out of there, slamming all of the doors of the whole house closed and went back to camp as fast as I could. But as I was rowing the boat, I saw someone swimming. As I looked closer, I saw that it was Max. “Max?! What the hell are you doing?!” He didn’t hear me, so I rowed over to where he was and lifted him by his hood onto the boat. He looked like he was about to scream until he saw it was me. “Shayla! Oh, thank fucking god! I thought you were one of those Woodscout assholes.” I gave him a confused look. “Why the hell would I be a Woodscout?” “Because I just escaped from their camp!” “Ok, damn. You don’t have to shout at me. Why the hell were you at their camp?” Max sighed and told me that a former Woodscout was going to help him, Neil and Nikki escape from the camp, but he betrayed them and Max was brought to the Woodscouts. “What happened to the other two?” “I don’t fucking know!” I swear to god, he yells just to piss me off. “Dude, stop yelling or I’ll push you off the boat.” He glared at me, and I did the same back. I could glare all day if he wanted to. But in my glaring, I noticed his black eye. It was dark out so I couldn’t see it before. It wasn’t too bad, just slightly swollen. He would be fine in a couple of hours with an icepack. “Did they hit you?” “Yeah. Some dumbass named Petrol kept hitting me.” He was looking away, and I could tell there was more to this story than what he told me. “Is that all? Your clothes have rips in them. What is that, barbwire?” He seemed kinda surprised when I said that, and I could tell I was right. “So what else did they do?

“And that’s everything?” “Yes! For the last fucking time, that’s it!” “You’re sure?” “Yes!!” I chuckled a little as we made it back to the camp and got out of the boat. “I’ll patch up your tiny wounds, come on.” We went to my tent and I pulled off his hoodie. “I can take off my own clothes!” He said kinda loudly, but I didn’t care. Ered usually falls asleep listening to her music, so she couldn’t hear anything. “Would you shut the fuck up before you wake up the whole camp?” I put some band-aids that I stole from the councillors’ office on all of his wounds. Barbwire cuts like these are really small, but they add up and sting a lot. “Thanks or whatever.” Max said when I was finished. “Aww. Is Max embarrassed that he needed help fixing his boo-boos?” He just glared at me and left, making me laugh. I don’t know what it is, but I love making him angry. It’s hilarious to me. But my thoughts quickly went back to Spooky Island. “Oh yeah, Max! One more thing.” “What do you want now?!” “Don’t go to Spooky Island. It's not worth it. Trust me.” He just grumbled a “whatever” and went back to his tent. I laid down and tried to go to sleep, but all those old people kept flashing in my mind. And, let’s just say I couldn’t sleep that night.

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