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Please read this preface so you know what you're getting into.


Hello there Dimileth readers! Thank you so much for reading Teacups & Teardrops! Here is some information before you read ahead.

As you all may have guessed, this is a Dimileth modern au set in a highschool au. However it's a fictional city and country that it is based in. It is based in the main city called Garreg Mach in the middle of Fodlan. Fodlan is a country that has three states which are Adrestia, Faerghus & Leicester. There are also other countries nearby Fodlan such as Almyra, Brigid etc.

This fanfic is inspired by the Persona series (specifically inspired by P3P and P4 the most) which is a game series I adore to pieces. Though please keep in mind you don't need to play the games to read this fanfic. The only game you should play to read this book is Fire Emblem Three Houses which there will be potential spoilers for all routes in this fanfic so keep that in mind. I've had this book planned since February but haven't started writing until like a month ago. 

Now about the school year and schedule placement. I will not reveal what the year is but all you need to know is that it is past the 2010s. That's all I can say.

As for schedule, there will be a mix of lifestyles. I will not be doing my own country's school system and scheduling because it's the southern hemisphere and holidays happen at different times (for example where I live, I have summer school holidays from early December to late January because it's summer instead of winter where I live during that time and I always have to remind myself during movies/games/animes etc that seasons are not the same as where I am so I don't get confused) and it would confuse everyone (myself included) if I did my own country's way of doing it so instead... the school scheduling will be a bit mixed but it is most like japan's one (just keep in mind that not everything is 100% accurate). This book is inspired heavily by the persona series anyways so it makes sense. If you're not familiar with the japan school scheduling then allow me to explain it (this doesn't apply to all schools btw but it applies to the Officer's Academy school at least):

Japanese schools have three semesters which are separated by vacations.

Summer vacation: 40-odd days from July 20 to August 31
Winter vacation: December 26 to around January 6.
Spring vacation: Sometime from March 25 to around April 5-10.

There is also the subject scheduling which will also be the Japanese one. I will explain that too or specifically about the homeroom schedules but I'm going to explain a bit more on how it works:

Students would usually have the same home room teacher and fellow students during their entire life at a given school. Instead of moving to one classroom to another for a subject, the students would stay in the homeroom classroom they are in now. They don't move to any other classrooms for other subjects. The teachers however, do. Sometimes the homeroom teacher will also be the one to teach certain subjects but it isn't always them who do so. The same students will remain in the homeroom classroom at all times too. Persona did this too in the games and so I'd like to try. (I apologise in advance if this isn't completely accurate)

Yet despite it being the same school system as Japan in those types of ways, this book may not be entirely accurate. For example, there is a cafeteria instead of eating in classrooms. Also only a small amount of high school clubs in the school for this fanfic have an affect on your grade which I'm not sure if that is the case in Japan or anywhere else besides where I live for that matter. Also school days run from Monday-Friday. I apologise if anything I say here is inaccurate, offensive or anything of the sort.

Now with that out of the way, I will tell you that while this book is focusing mainly on Byleth and the blue lion characters, for Part I atleast, other characters will still have their major cameos including Edelgard and Claude. Byleth still has her non beating heart condition. There will also be a couple of head canons (such as Felix being the type of guy who would like fighting games but hate rpgs, characters liking certain animes etc)

Also Byleth has no heartbeat condition which she and her father are aware of but it's kept as a secret. Keep in mind that it is in her medical files which means that some teachers (or people even) may know. Byleth also used to have an imaginary friend named Sothis but she disappeared all of a sudden... Anyways no more about Byleth, let's talk about what this book is mainly about!:

While this is a book about a chess club, this isn't really about chess. It's more about the bonds between the characters, specifically between Byleth and Dimitri. Part I will be more happy (there are some serious moments of course but overall it has more happy times than emotional ones) and Part II will be a bit more serious. I won't spoil yet, I'll allow for you guys to understand when that happens.

This is rated PG13. Themes of depression, potential anxiety, potential ptsd and struggles may be included (especially in Part II and mainly for a certain character's case, I think you can guess who it is). Minor mentions of alcohol in part I (nothing huge though, just comedic stuff about Jeralt and Alois in part I). There is a lack of cursing in this book, the worst swear word you'll find are bastard or crap. There is no smut in this book either. Book will contain ocs but they aren't that relevant to the plot.

Also you'll notice the way the characters text one another is different to how they speak. For example (slight spoilers but I'm not going to give context cause I'm mean) for this book, Annette would text something like:

Annette: SRry Dimitri but u cant change the colour of the tab ;-;

Annette: Nuuuu! Dont tell me i got the wrong numba (゜ロ゜)

or for Sylvain's case, he texts stuff like this:

Sylvain: ...He actually fell 4 that? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Sylvain: LOL xD

^^This is how I imagine some characters would text if they were in a modern au, I hope you don't mind me doing this(:

I apologise if I am inaccurate about schooling or anything of the sort. I'm not a great writer but I feel like I'm improving. Criticism is accepted of course but please try to be polite when you do give it out. If you have any questions then please ask them in the comments.


This cover was edited by a talented user on Wattpad named ImberLapis! Please give her the support she deserves! :D

The talented Artist is  @hiko_gleeman on Twitter <3

I don't own fire emblem or the characters.


Anyways now that I've explained it, I hope you enjoy Teacups & Teardrops!

Teacups & Teardrops / Dimileth Modern Highschool Club AUWhere stories live. Discover now